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Ok Let's Start A Virtual "NATO"

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Alright guys, to keep this thing manageable, please check the table below for your information.

For simplicity, those that have declared more than one Squadron, consolidate them under one Force Name/Banner.

And please no more than 2 types of aircraft, for current partipants. Newcomers should only declare 1 type of aircraft.


This only applies to aircraft we'll keep track of. For fun and screenshots, you can fly other transport/sar/helo/etc. types and base your stories on them, but we will NOT keep record of them.


I'm yet to fill in the Roles, will check the "Emergy Action Messages" thread for this info, so if you haven't given your Roles, please do via PM or this forum.


Please point out any errors and changes you want ASAP. I got a feeling things might get hot soon! Have fun!


HävLLv 21 (Fighter Squadron 21)






As I'm not a great strategist, I'll leave this up to you. Preferably in a place that's got need for interceptors. :smile:

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No 901 Royal Air Force Expeditionary Air Wing


12 Squadron 14 Tornado GR 4 (Strike, CAS, Sead)

11 & 29 Squadron 16 Typhoons (CAP, Strike, CAS)

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Thanks all, I've included the updates in this page. I have to find a permanent thread/page to keep the most recent ORBAT and MAP, for easy access. :idea:


@JJava, Setup shop at Talil AB, until further notice from SHAPE.


Here's one from me for CrazyHorse's forces.

WIP Terminator based on F-4E_78...skins by Sundowner, avinoics from AUP mod, other ini work by me.

Note, the included Popeye weapons only are set for Turkish aircraft. Should be alright for Op.Darius gameplay.


Temp. external host: http://www.mediafire...0ij0jodfv77fwds



I'm off for tonite..

Edited by PureBlue

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iranian fencer, as promised. please look in the updated userlist, as i've listed the IRIAF deployments of their assets


repainted the other skins as well, removing the Sukhoi OKB tag. This bird works here, and will work just as well in europe.

weapons should be in the pak Dave uploaded; sounds from his as well.


EDIT: change TO this in the data ini, for the engines:




forgot to do that before zipping

Edited by Wrench

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iranian fencer, as promised. please look in the updated userlist, as i've listed the IRIAF deployments of their assets


forgot to do that before zipping


Nicw looking bird there Wrench...

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should have more greenish in it, but I really didn't want to take the time and make a new template to paint it.



anyone given this any thought, even though the GoI has stated they'd rather feed, clothe and make sure the water and electricty works than spend more money on aircraft (expecially old ones)


The Iraqi government is seeking the return of 7-11 MiG-23's sent to Yugoslavia in 1989; they will need to be refurbished if they are returned to service.

The Iraqi government is seeking the return of 8-12 MiG-21's sent to Yugoslavia in 1989; they will need to be refurbished if they are returned to service


be ok GA birds, depending on the Threat environment

Edited by Wrench

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Looks ok to me Kevin....great job.

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Apart from the obvious of creating a mission,is there a way to guarantee I start from a certain AB each time in single missions I choose? thnx in advance.

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Primary Role for VFA-2 is Strike and CAP, as well as Recon. I'm gonna have to wait until the Abraham shows up then I can do SEAD as well.

Edited by EricJ

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HMM-163 (REIN) is not there. Has a complement of 6 Harrier II Plus, can be used for CAS, Strike, and some very limited CAP. Stationed in the Arabian Gulf (hehe this gets the Iranians angry) on board the USS Boxer, Expeditionary Strike Group 3

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best i can do for the IRIAF F-7s ... so much conflicing data; some pics show 3 hardpoints, some text tells of 5 ...since we ain't got the right body for the later models (cranked delta - which iran does not have, or even this one with the slightly different canopy/no rear window), this is an M with normal wings, and 3 hardpoints


you all want it?

Edited by Wrench

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best i can do for the IRIAF F-7s ... so much conflicing data; some pics show 3 hardpoints, some text tells of 5 ...since we ain't got the right body for the later models (cranked delta - which iran does not have, or even this one with the slightly different canopy/no rear window), this is an M with normal wings, and 3 hardpoints


you all want it?

I do just checked some reference files I have okay the Iranians had F-7N's which was a simplified version of the F-7M and had the 5 hardpoints of the F-7M. Iran bought 18 of them... Apologies for the info you need more let me know...


Also found this if it will help...



Edited by Slartibartfast

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HMM-163 (REIN) is not there. Has a complement of 6 Harrier II Plus, can be used for CAS, Strike, and some very limited CAP. Stationed in the Arabian Gulf (hehe this gets the Iranians angry) on board the USS Boxer, Expeditionary Strike Group 3


Ok, which mod you using for Boxer, the Tarawa?


you all want it?


Yes! :good:

Edited by PureBlue

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...and the color is wrong too ... brown should be more 'sand' (light earth?). should also have 'anglish' serial/TAB number codes. if we can live with just the 3 point, I can have it out in a few hours.

after all ... it's just a target!! :minigun:


ha! maybe we'll see one as a DLC!! :lol::rofl:

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Edited by PureBlue

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...and the color is wrong too ... brown should be more 'sand' (light earth?). should also have 'anglish' serial/TAB number codes. if we can live with just the 3 point, I can have it out in a few hours.

after all ... it's just a target!! :minigun:


ha! maybe we'll see one as a DLC!! :lol::rofl:

Good point... Target it is then... :drinks:

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forces need deployment in the north as well, Mosul, Kirkuk...historically iranian attack corridors. If anyone needs to Osprey books for references (i/i war - tomcats and phantoms), I can shoot a link to where to get them.



ok, filed under 'just for s**ts and grins', or really bending to my what if-ishness...


100% refurbished 21MFU (Upgraded); similiar to the IAF Bison; cleared for all Western/NATO weapons (and many Russian); fully upgraded avionics suite, blah blah blah... should the insiginai bee full color, or subdued?


just for fun, mind you! (only 18 aircraft). I may release this in the "What If..Hangar" anyway. Give spinners something to fiddle with!

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updating some of the ground objects, and target areas, with particular (peculiar?) reference to the parked vehicles at the various and sundry army camps...


could you all look thorugh the GO folder, see if I'm missing something (there's an update coming that adds the GAZ and MBZ trucks --all FULLY updated and corrected userlists and such--, Stryker, Humvve, Leo 5


in particular I'm looking for/at AFV, IFVs, tanks that the NAG would have.

Edited by Wrench

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Waiting on permission from Dave and the rest of the group, but I'd like to bring in some 492nd FS F-15Es. Stand by for further words.


Nice list. It helps a lot.



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Soon ready for possible ground operations / invasion. German army Leopard 2A6.




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oh goodie!!! Been using the stock Leo 5 for 'parked' vehicles at the various camps/depots




here's the semi-standin F-7M


unzip, drop over the /Objects folder. All decals are stock; includes one PLAAF silver skin,too. Userlist for other countries, and stuff like that there. Wired for Magics

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Good stuff Wrench :good:

@Florian that's a great addition mate :clapping:


Did you ever figure out why the WaterMap doesn't work? The format looks correct.

I was trying to build a template Mission with a Carrier Strike Group but couldn't place the ships..

And it's too bad, the game won't let us deploy east of the 900km Line..

Edited by PureBlue

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I love what I see here. Just a few comments though:


- Since missions can be edited as text files, would there be a way to create an external program to generate missions similar to Planned Assault and simulate the AI enemy air and ground tactics. For example, Dave has control of the program, and directs the air campaign while friendly AI directs the ground campaign. Once the plan is set, missions are auto generated and sent to the respective players via email system. The player then fills out a Battle Damage Assessment and the program updates the front lines, supply, aircraft/crew losses, etc...


- Secondly, you guys need a sub forum or forum, you are starting to clutter up the place :grin:.


- Thirdly, we need more of these "Virtual Air Forces". It might push TK to actually think about proper MP.

Edited by suhsjake

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