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agreed JM, I think there might be zero shots of the naval ops or terrain before release


BTW Thirdwire facebook page is being updated with screens of previous SF2 titles like crazy

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So, I don't EXPECT it this month, but I wouldn't be shocked to see it.

I'd say it's anything from this weekened to Spring 2012...


Oh wait...darn, I sense a "no s**t Sherlock" poster coming...

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BTW Thirdwire facebook page is being updated with screens of previous SF2 titles like crazy


Man, TK sure could benefit from a new cloud.tga. Those shots all look pretty good, except for the weird cotton balls floating in the sky...

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it would had been somehow ok if they were cotton balls grin.gif rather 2D semi transparent white circle groups cut underneath with a ruler :tongue:

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yeah one of those mysteries of the universe -why he never changed single ugly TGA file since spring of 2006...

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Oh, I know the answer - it would cost too much...:grin:

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yeah one of those mysteries of the universe -why he never changed single ugly TGA file since spring of 2006...


Seriously, if he just used a new cloud.tga and added SOME trees* to the stock Vietnam SEA and a few more trees* to GermanyCE and IsraelME, the stock game would stand on it's own much better.


...not trying to turn this into a wishlist thread... sorry.


* - and some better buildings in the city tiles.

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agreed JM, I think there might be zero shots of the naval ops or terrain before release


BTW Thirdwire facebook page is being updated with screens of previous SF2 titles like crazy


i think the Sf2 planes will get a lil upgrade when merged.

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Seriously, if he just used a new cloud.tga and added SOME trees* to the stock Vietnam SEA and a few more trees* to GermanyCE and IsraelME, the stock game would stand on it's own much better.


...not trying to turn this into a wishlist thread... sorry.


* - and some better buildings in the city tiles.


nah unfortunately, to be honest, to reach a minimum upgrade level it would also need higher resolution and more realistically colored tiles + improved ground texture maps and some mountain work more :P But, i am basically refering to Europe. His work with Israel was improved and made it easier for me at least to get by

Edited by squid

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Hey Stary, you forgot "weapon unlocked" and killstreak bonus level up popups covering 80% of the screen.

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Hey Stary, you forgot "weapon unlocked" and killstreak bonus level up popups covering 80% of the screen.

haven't been to level 4 yet, the 8-engines Boss Tupolev allways gets me :blink:

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nah unfortunately, to be honest, to reach a minimum upgrade level it would also need higher resolution and more realistically colored tiles + improved ground texture maps and some mountain work more :P But, i am basically refering to Europe. His work with Israel was improved and made it easier for me at least to get by


OK. How about this compromise:


A simple new cloud.tga and some combination of modest terrain tile improvements and a modest increase in trees and buildings are the two graphical improvements that TK could do to get the most bang for his buck.



I hearby declare this to be the final say in the matter. Any further discussion regarding people's opinions "the few things TK should focus on improving" is forbidden. Please inform TK that we have reached a decision and he may now commence work on making it happen. :grin:

Edited by malibu43

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Advocate to defendant : " Wonder if we could maybe see SF getting somewhere in the middle between what it is today and this WOP pornography ..... http://worldofplanes...ia/screenshots/ "


Objection, Speculation, your honor!

Edited by JonathanRL

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Order! Order I say!


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your honor, may i present evidence to the bench?




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Objection your honor, for a thread about a new Strike Fighters Game, this so called Evidence is hardly worth presenting! Its not even from the same era!


(( Yes, I watched too much JAG the last weeks :D )

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apologies your honor, your request for pics was not elaborate enough. We would like to plea a compromise with the defendant and at last summarize the trial and go play some simulators

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Twelve angry men say: derail

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Edited by squid

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damn ou Nikos! Just for a second I thought it's released :yikes:

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damn ou Nikos! Just for a second I thought it's released :yikes:

TK's got everyone in a state when you can't fart without someone thinking "It's released!".

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TK's got everyone in a state when you can't fart without someone thinking "It's released!".


:tongue: despite all the marketing criticism lol :tongue:

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