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76.IAP-Blackbird is joking, take easy guys :grin:

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76.IAP-Blackbird is joking, take easy guys :grin:


... :pilotfly:

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From TK post at Thirdwire:

the game will be out soon enough. If you enjoy SF2 so far, then hopefully you'll enjoy SF2NA too. icon_smile.gif

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He didn't specify soon enough _for what_.

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for us to see what his decisions regarding gameplay were, that would be my thinking

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Przemek i am curious about those corsairs condition good.gif

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Przemek i am curious about those corsairs condition good.gif

ahahaha I had to sqish them into the sig somehow

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God dammit! i want play this thing ASAP before i travel this week :tease:




also, i'm concearned about how much the new sea will cost us $$$

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I guess somewhere between 29$-39$




ok, more like 29-35, 39 wouldn't sound that budget I think.. all comes down to new features, new units etc, of which we don't have full picture yet

Edited by Stary

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Considering how many expectations TK is quick to shoot down, I also would not expect a $40 title. I think he'd not get it out till the end of THIS year!


My guess is $30-35.


In other words, more than any of the previous "rerelease" SF2 titles, but still not as much as a release from ED or 1C.

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He needs to release it soon, our next topic will be about what will be in the image that depicts SF2:NA in his online store, and after that...we will go bananas :rofl:

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we will go bananas :rofl:

Bananas on the cover of SF2NA? Makes perfect sense

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Bananas on the cover of SF2NA? Makes perfect sense

wait, I thought NA is about Tomcat not Buccaneer :yikes:


I expect the price to be higher, given all previous titles were in fact highly relying on re-used content, but as I said 29-35, similarily to JM

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Considering how many expectations TK is quick to shoot down, I also would not expect a $40 title. I think he'd not get it out till the end of THIS year!


My guess is $30-35.


In other words, more than any of the previous "rerelease" SF2 titles, but still not as much as a release from ED or 1C.



Give me high quality and I have no problem paying $40 That whole budget game idea is flawed to begin with, I am in no rush to buy SF2NA if waiting several months means it will be a much better game.

My main install of WOE at the june 2010 patch level is modded to the hilt it looks and runs fantastic with the detail mesh size set to 16 and the horizon distance at 100,000+.

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define "better game"


TK stated on a lot of occasions we'd be dissapointed expecting a lot of new features, listen, I'd gladly pay the man $40-50 if that would give us some greater changes in gameplay (like optional slewable seekers, restricted-to-glass pipers, ground-locking radar etc) but frankly I DO like it how it is now, otherwse I'd be away playing Flammin Cliffs 2, which I don't -prefer A-10C instead -either "lite" Thirdwire or full-realism Hog, FC2.0 is bit to mixed bag of lite and real

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i'd pay anything for major changes and improvements in SF2. Especially in environment. Thats where my own personal interest is. Environment & Graphics. in terms of avionics and systems i trust TK no matter how much realism he adds, when he does it, that the end result is still gaming friendly and not overwhelming realistic. . ( btw Mission recorder / playback please ! :D )


(FC2. I just love it too. its just great beautiful product. Nice mix of lite and fun glimpse of real. The "feel & look" of the red ones ,the least, has a "real" feeling (with all those nice physics they have a good tradition in ED). What frustrates me with ED products is performance complications ALWAYS .... after all those years its over my head anymore, i really cant and dont want to deal with the chaos of tweaks and trials / errors i always end up mess up with regarding FC / FC2/ A-10C to achieve proper framerates and have enough of the offered eyecandy , NO MATTER the capacity of my hardware ..... *sigh*. pure waste of precious time. .Another field i appreciate from SF : install, setup few graphics from game menu, off you go!

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environment will be updated, maybe not as much as some like you and me would like to, but that will give the "environmentals" like me more freedom in creating better looking outside world, oh so I hope anyway.


I'd like to have targetable ASMs and working CIWS systems to match that

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environment will be updated, maybe not as much as some like you and me would like to, but that will give the "environmentals" like me more freedom in creating better looking outside world, oh so I hope anyway.


I'd like to have targetable ASMs and working CIWS systems to match that


i'd expect with the naval focus unavoidably this title's subject implies that decent naval operations elements like that will be implemented, also considering the overall improvements we had a peek at so far and the time spent on working on this title, things like working CIWS at least . just guessing tho



can't wait for the Final Countdown mod :D :P

Edited by squid

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I'd like to have targetable ASMs and working CIWS systems to match that


......and the Tomcat's ability to track 6 and launch against 6. With the above and what I mentioned I think we will have a great start on moving into the future of the series.

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define "better game"



A Fully beta tested product with an improved, believable, sim lite version of naval combat . A working Sim lite version of F-14 avionics. And as far as the environment- Clouds that look like clouds, and updated weather modes that look like the weather you would find in the north Atlantic.... nasty storms and snow.

Edited by Icarus999

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A Fully beta tested product with an improved, believable, sim lite version of naval combat . A working Sim lite version of F-14 avionics. And as far as the environment- Clouds that look like clouds, and updated weather modes that look like the weather you would find in the north Atlantic.... nasty storms and snow.


:good: :good:

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