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I bought hat in the ring.


I'm trying to play the game and enjoy it but I keep getting crashes and errors, one after the other. I already installed the game once, now I'm getting this.


"Error copying frontlines or maps to cfs3 map path: C:/OBDsoftware/ww1scenery/period/1918+2/map CFS3path: C/OBDsoftware/cfsww1 over flanders fields/campaignmonth:3 Campaign year:1918 .copying LCF Try reinstalling OFF!"


This is the second time.


Also I get CFS3.exe has enountered an error and needs to close, but I suspect that can be fixed by lower graphics settings, hopefully.

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I think there's something wrong with the installation!.....Sounds very much like missing patches to me!...I know, you've had problems with it in the past mate..but I would get rid of everything..and start from scratch (including CFS3)

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redpiano, do yourself a favour and read "Tips & Hints" here - there will be everything about a clean de-istallation

and proper new install in the correct order of software and patches:



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Reinstalled, error is gone for now.


But now my override settings won't work.


Can't say I've ever heard of Override settings not working. Did you do a complete shut down and restart after you uninstalled and before re-installing OFF? Which Override settings aren't working? All of them or a certain few?



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But now my override settings won't work.


please explain specifically which settings don't work?

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None of them are working. I have the movie intro stuff ticks, disable in cloud effect, disable advisor messages and such. None of them are doing anything at all. Yes I've restarted. I've tried unticking all the options, saving and exiting the game and then re-ticking them and saving but it still doesn't do any good.

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Two things that come to mind:

1. When you have finished selecting the options in the overrides, you need to click "ok" at the bottom of the window then select file->exit to close the configuration menu. This way the changes should stick.

2. In the workshop there is a selection to the left which allows you to disable the intro movie which should be selected.

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Number 2 was the problem lol! Reinstalling everything had me a bit on edge so I overlooked that.


All is well now, thank you.

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Real quick can anyone tell me how to get rid of all the gloomy weather or at least reduce the amount of it? Spring in france is nothing but massive gray clouds according to OFF. The weather thing says to look at the read.me but I couldn't find it.

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The weather was pretty appalling throughout the air war period. If you do not want historically realistic weather (i.e. you want it more like normal and randomised) to have brighter weather go to workshop and change the weather mode to AI weather rather than Historical. (top left ish).

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The weather was pretty appalling throughout the air war period.


god's way of telling them to "pack it in" :grin:

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Good tip, Pol - I had enough "history" weather-wise for a while. Why not have it nicer?


But it's nevertheless great to have the historical weather option. :good:

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Europe experienced some awful weather during the Great War. Many summers were colder and had more rainfall than usual. And yeah, this can be seen when flying OFF careers with historical weather option turned on.

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Indeed, here is a famous photo of Jasta 11 at Rocourt,

taken somewhere between the 20th and the 25th of April 1917.

There is no indication of leaves on the trees whatsoever,

even if it was taken technically in spring...


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elephant, you lucky Greek, the trees in northern Europe won't green before May.

You may see some crocusses in March and April, but not much more.

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I'll try the AI weather thing. I wouldn't mind the gloomy weather it's just it looks the same every single day and there's no getting above it in OFF.

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I did some changes in my enb file so it looks better, I'll just keep using the default.


Another curious thing, I've flown like 15 N11 missions over verdun and I haven't seen a single enemy aircraft, I have the activity setting set to medium. But even when I get a scramble mission, there's not a single enemy aircraft in the air anywhere. I've attacked airfields, airfield defense, offensive patrols, defensive patrols, balloon busting and scramble, never seen a single enemy airplane in the air. What's more is that it says the battle for Verdun is raging on, yet there's zero air activity in the area? This is in 1916btw

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Hopefully you had made sure installed all BH&H patches before installing HITR - and now check you have vo1.47 HITR patch applied.




Choose another squadron in a different location and see. Very very early on you may have random amounts of nearby enemy aircraft so check by chooing other locations and dates and see if that is fine.


If you have mods remove and see.

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If you have mods remove and see.


I've installed 90% of the mods (DM, FM+Weight, Arc, Weather, News, ActiveSector/QuiteSector Missions, etc...) and am enjoying the game.


Does this imply that I will enjoy the game more if I remove the mods? :blink:

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No. Standard practice in any game or sim, if you have issues remove mods first and see if it helps.

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Abbay, this was an advice for redpiano - because he needs to find, where his problems lie.

For you, if it works, then leave the mods on, no problem.

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