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You should go ahead and prepare your happy dance for the tool release. Here's an example

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Dude just because your rig costs more than my car does not mean that people should refrain from making comments about game performance which are really scarce to begin with anyway.


Yes we all want TK to get "good grades" and continue working on this game series but that does not mean people don't have a right to a valid opinion.


BTW I get 20-30fps if I max out and 30-50 if I adjust it a bit, not what many people would consider bad but I don't see the justification for such performance drop, that's all, I can't imagine what would happen if that terrain wouldn't essentially be a deserted desert...


Sounds like your frame rates are fine. My point is that people need to think before they complain. Many times the people who complain the most are the ones whose problems are due to their own poor judgement.

Nuff said... moving on now.

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My review at CtrlAltElite have been published:


(It is in Swedish)



Google Translate


Note that their rule is that I do not put the total score. I give the separate scores and the editor calculates this into the total.

Nice one, Jonathan.


BTW, I love reading google translations. Alot of wording comes thru very awkwardly, in a very comical manner. I'm sure its the same for English-Swedish translations. :grin:


Had an epiphany about the high speed roll-rate "bug" that we're seeing on the TW Tomcat. What if it's intentional? What if this is a model of control surface compressability? I know that the hydraulics on jets aided a lot in combating this issue, but I remember at NAS Oceana before the DFCS that you could always pick out the Tomcat guys by their huge biceps. You had to be a real gorilla to fly that jet before the digital flight controls. Then it became an aircraft that you could control at all speeds with your finger tips.


Not sure if it was like this before, but I flew the MiG-23MLD last nite, and noticed it had similar high-speed roll rate to F-14. Is it a swing-wing characteristic?

Edited by arthur666

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Oh crap. SF2: Nabywhookibootoob, or whatever the fark that Avatar planet was called.

Edited by arthur666

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A review from Pfunk is pointless. Any of us could tell you he would hate it from the start.

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Nice one, Jonathan.


Not sure if it was like this before, but I flew the MiG-23MLD last nite, and noticed it had similar high-speed roll rate to F-14. Is it a swing-wing characteristic?


Does the F-14A use only wing spoilers to roll in RL?


Anyone else spotted this: "Hover Islands" :blink:






Havent seen that - do you have the location to give to TK?

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The F-14's elevators convert to tailerons and serve as the primary roll surface with the wings fully swept. I am certain that the FMs now have surface compressability at high speeds.

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Anyway, I was thinking this: the MiG-17 was known to suffer from serious compressability issues at speeds higher than 350 knots because of its cable-and-pully flight controls. The thing that's always bugged me about the TW MiG-17 is that its roll rate remains the same whether its at 200 knots or 400. At 400 knots, the pilot would not be able to roll the jet at all. Later on in the Vietnam War, Phantom pilots would try to bait the MiGs into hgih-speed fights where the Phantom had better maneuvering. Also, the evasion maneuver for the F-4 against the MiG-17 was to use high-speed roll control as a way to walk away from a pursuing Fresco. The F-4 would go into afterburner, roll, pull a few degrees. The pilot would then wait for the Mig to establish it's turn at a slower roll rate and reverse, forcing the MiG to make another delaying roll.


If compressability is now possible in the FM, we could rewrite the MiG-17 FM to relect this change.


The control surfaces used to be limited and had no control over certain airspeeds on the MiG-17s FM - and you can probably still limit it using the same vars - but TK has spiced up the MiG-17s to make them more of a challenge I guess.


As I understand it the evaluated captured MiG-17s had non powered ailerons - but other surfaces were powered. I seem to remember Grr viper pulling info out of manuals that suggested some Soviet MiG-17s actually had powered ailerons as well.

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Going by Google maps it looks about 70-80nm SE of Keflavik, don't know if the map is 1:1 scale though.





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Don, you compare payware to payware, not throw in freeware


Fair point, but I think that a reviewer's main goal should be to give the reader the information necessary to determine if a product is worth the money. In this case I think that comparing TKs model to ours was a good way for PFunk to convey to the reader his opinion of the ThirdWire model, because many of his readers will have had first hand experience with the TMF version.

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On a Tornado (same control config as F-14) the spoilers stay in when the wings are swept full back as they have a minimal effect in that position. In that way the F-14 model is spot on but the tornados tailerons are given greater authority in roll to compensate to keep the roll-rate the same which is what the F-14 model isn't doing.

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The control surfaces used to be limited and had no control over certain airspeeds on the MiG-17s FM - and you can probably still limit it using the same vars - but TK has spiced up the MiG-17s to make them more of a challenge I guess.


As I understand it the evaluated captured MiG-17s had non powered ailerons - but other surfaces were powered. I seem to remember Grr viper pulling info out of manuals that suggested some Soviet MiG-17s actually had powered ailerons as well.


the Tomcat in NA doesnt roll worth dirt above mach .94

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The review was harsh but it was truthful. Sad thing is that it could have been avoided, the last thing TK needs right now is bad press... this game needs to sell a lot of copies to make the development worth the cost.

From what I've seen it looks like he is beginning to change some stubborn old ideas...maybe he will bring the beta team back.



teh beta team comprised of half of his audience in Gen1 titles, lol, j/k

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Does the F-14A use only wing spoilers to roll in RL?


Actually, if I remember, the F-14 uses spoilers and differential stabilizers to roll...but the spoilers are deactivated when the wing sweep exceeds 57 degrees...



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Dude just because your rig costs more than my car does not mean that people should refrain from making comments about game performance which are really scarce to begin with anyway.


Yes we all want TK to get "good grades" and continue working on this game series but that does not mean people don't have a right to a valid opinion.


BTW I get 20-30fps if I max out and 30-50 if I adjust it a bit, not what many people would consider bad but I don't see the justification for such performance drop, that's all, I can't imagine what would happen if that terrain wouldn't essentially be a deserted desert...


mine costs more.

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mine costs more.


Mine is cheap but effective:


AMDx2 @3GHz


ATI 4850(512DDR3)

Key to my good fps numbers - 17" Samsung Monitor :rofl:

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The First thing i do once the Extractor is done, is extract the AWAC voice files, and record over them.

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a good way for PFunk to convey to the reader his opinion of the ThirdWire model



Surely only a valid comparison can be made by a select few naval aviators... or Tom Cruise.


And don't call me Shirley.

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Val Kilmer.


I dont like you because your dangerous...........

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Guys, come on, really? Break out your rulers somewhere else...this thread is not the place to be comparing virtual penises.


Now, discussions on how SF2:NA runs on a particular rig configuration are legitimate in that folks do need comparisons. Obviously, there are going to be variances depending on specific optimizations...but those need to be noted.


Also, it should be obvious that if your rig is right at or below minimum specs, SF2:NA will not run without a lot of adjustments.


In addition, I think a comparison between available freeware and payware is legitimate. People do need to have an idea on what the payware will get you in comparison to what is already available.


I thought PFunk's review was fairly accurate. I think the tone of the review was harsher than it needed to be, but I think it summed up the good and bad pretty well. I might have gone into some detail of what exactly about the freeware F-14 is more compelling than the payware F-14...that seemed a bit glossed over to me.



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Surely only a valid comparison can be made by a select few naval aviators... or Tom Cruise.


If we go down that route then only a handful of people on this forum should be making mods at all...


And of course there is the risk of drawing a non-sequitur conclusion--just because someone is a pilot does not guarantee that a statement they make about aviation is correct.



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Actually, if I remember, the F-14 uses spoilers and differential stabilizers to roll...but the spoilers are deactivated when the wing sweep exceeds 57 degrees...





Looks like the wing spoilers are deactivated when you hit ~M1 - thats whats causing the lack of roll - although not sure whether there is a final wing move past 57 degrees when M1 is hit - doesn't look like it


So probably controlled by the var in the data.ini

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