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Do pm me.

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You've got the sound pretty good now. But, it sounds like you are reading a script. It doesnt flow naturally or have any voice inflection.




that's the default/TK's sounds w/ Studio Board Filtering. not me.


i went through every wav to pic the wavs that played in the static event of the saved mission (this case the location of home plate), then edited those wavs, I havent touched the other 300 or so, and will start on those tomorrow.


Do pm me.



Edited by SkateZilla

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that's the default/TK's sounds w/ Studio Board Filtering. not me.


i went through every wav to pic the wavs that played in the static event of the saved mission (this case the location of home plate), then edited those wavs, I havent touched the other 300 or so, and will start on those tomorrow.






Yes. I pad typo but yes pm me

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Yes. I pad typo but yes pm me


Im about to hit the sack for the night.

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A little preview of one of the generic skins I'm working on. Did this squadron first because they deserve it above all others.





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Cool job! That on TWs F-14? (I noticed the pitot tube on the radome...)

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Looking good man!

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Has anyone been able to open the canopy of the TK Tomcat ??


The ini points to AnimationID=10 but when I press the corresponding key nothing seems to happen (and yes, I´m not testing this while in flight :grin:)

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The CAT Extractor for SF2NA is ready. Now modders can start to modify and create new things. One cool idea would be to have carrier stations as in the Iceland terrain(to take off from carriers) in another terrains likes Vietnam or Libya. :clapping:

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A little preview of one of the generic skins I'm working on. Did this squadron first because they deserve it above all others.


Nice. Can't wait to download.


BTW, is anyone working on an IRIAF Tomcat skin?

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Nice. Can't wait to download.


BTW, is anyone working on an IRIAF Tomcat skin?


We already have an Iranian F-14.. blink.gif

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Yeah, that's the TW F-14A_77. I'm doing several generic skins that will make use of alternate or lo-vis squadron markings. That was Gull Grey 2, which is defaulted to 1981. This is Gull Grey 1.



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Lovely skins Swordsman! Can't wait to download them!


Planning to do Vf-84 low visibility too?

Edited by Stratos

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We already have an Iranian F-14.. blink.gif


For the TW version I mean. Wait, is there one already?

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yupers ... ever since TMF released their first Kittys -- the IRIAF was included in the pak, and gone through several updates too


the most recent one can be had in the Operation Darius packages (disremember which one excatly, but most likely in the /Aircraft DL)



If ya'll would take a few minutes, and study the latest TW F-14 inis, you find:


not exported

no userlist


and so forth

Edited by Wrench

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Yep, I have TMF pack, but I don't want to go head to head with an Iranian F-14 in my TW version if they're not the same aircraft. TMF Tomcats are very nice, but I want consistency. Maybe I'll dig up the old Photoshop Elements and try my hand at skinning. Could make a clone of the TW F-14 with Iranian skin, different loadouts etc. I assume someone with more talent than me would put one out in the future.

Edited by arthur666

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yes, doing double work ... it's what we live fore

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...the Mirage Factory F-14 and the Thirdwire F-14 are not the same. Different flight model/avionics etc. I'ld like to use the Thirdwire F-14 exclusively. As far as userlist/not exported, that's simple to change. Is there anyone else who would like to see an IRIAF skin for the Thirdwire Tomcat? Does that sound crazy? I'm cool with that.


Am I missing some information here? Are you saying that I can use the Mirage Factory skin on the TW model?

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...the Mirage Factory F-14 and the Thirdwire F-14 are not the same. Different flight model/avionics etc. I'ld like to use the Thirdwire F-14 exclusively. As far as userlist/not exported, that's simple to change. Is there anyone else who would like to see an IRIAF skin for the Thirdwire Tomcat? Does that sound crazy? I'm cool with that.


Am I missing some information here? Are you saying that I can use the Mirage Factory skin on the TW model?


No there isn't just not sure why you are against using the TMF Iranian one. So yes it does sound crazy.

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I got the stock LHA working as a carrier, with the parked aircraft being limited to just AV-8's.


I'll upload tonight after I test a little more, in case anyone wants it.


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Ok. I'm being picky for sure. I understand that. But look at it this way: I like the idea of dogfighting against an identical aircraft, and I have a campaign where this F-14 vs F-14 match-up sometimes occurs. I'ld rather know that the adversary and I are on somewhat equal footing (AI flaws not withstanding). If one version of the plane has a higher roll-rate with wings swept etc, then it will have an advantage to exploit over the other. I certainly do not want to slight the Mirage Factory F-14 set, as it is obviously one of the best user-made aircraft sets out there, and I have enjoyed using it for the past few years. That said, I have committed to the TW version, at least for now, and probably for no better reason than the fact that I just paid $30 for it.


Now, let me be get back to being crazy. If anyone needs further proof of my insanity, I'm in the middle of the 1979 Europe campaign in a MiG-21... Or is that just masochism? :scratch:

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I do.

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