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now, how the enemy station will work for an enemy withOUT carriers, I don't think we've figured out yet. (in this case, the Iranians only have firgates, destroyers, FABs, etc)


I suppose I am about to find out how it works with two sides WITHOUT Carriers.


Thanks a bunch and sorry for making you search, but I could not find it.




That was easier then expected. Now lets see if what I did actually works :D

EDIT: It triggers naval action; but the Task Forces still teleport to their targets.

Edited by JonathanRL

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it works, the colors, did this myself in test terrain, it's quite simple actually :good:

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I think the "Task Force Teleport" is the same issue that appears in the NA Campaign, only it appears sooner in OIB.

Simply have to wait for the patch; but flying naval search with Catalina and S-29C is not all bad.

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you're gonna make me look for it, aren't you JR??? :lol:


well, I can't find it either! I know pureblue wrote the post!


what you need to do, is have the water bmp, and add in the areas, like below (pureblue did this one for me for the Persian Gulf -- it actually needs another in the Arabian Sea, to the east, and several small 'enemy' surface action group stations in the straits of hormuz, near busher and in the middle near kish island)


anyway, you see the color swatches on the left? the dark green is for friendly, the pukey light green is enemy. Taken from the example seen on the IcelandNA_water.bmp


now, how the enemy station will work for an enemy withOUT carriers, I don't think we've figured out yet. (in this case, the Iranians only have firgates, destroyers, FABs, etc)



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does you make shift maps show up correctly when you press "M"??

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the empty ocean one I posted yesterday shows ok in zoomed in view :dntknw:

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blue like in planningmap with grid

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@ stary... curious about the 1000x 1000 water terrain , just a question about the max file, max is asking for these BMP textures:


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no need for them, materials leftovers from my other tests :no:

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I think I smell an update of the Vietnam and ground war expansion campaigns to include proper carrier groups, escorts, and PIRAZ ships.


I wonder if we can now have squadrons transfer between carriers during a campaign so that over very long campaigns we can simulate air groups changing ships.

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I think I smell an update of the Vietnam and ground war expansion campaigns to include proper carrier groups, escorts, and PIRAZ ships.


I wonder if we can now have squadrons transfer between carriers during a campaign so that over very long campaigns we can simulate air groups changing ships.


Did they actually do that? I know they crossed decked at times if they had battle damage, low fuel or their primary ship wasnt able to accept arrivals at that time.

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researching Phantoms for my project STORM and yes many squadrons changed carriers up throughout the war. The squadron was actually assigned to the carrier air wing (CVW) not the carrier itself. for skinning you could make year specific skins so the proper carrier is modded.

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researching Phantoms for my project STORM and yes many squadrons changed carriers up throughout the war. The squadron was actually assigned to the carrier air wing (CVW) not the carrier itself. for skinning you could make year specific skins so the proper carrier is modded.


DA, I had to go back and re-read his post after reading yours. I got what he is wanting to do now.


Again, without having the campaign ini in front me, couldn't we already do this by adding the MOVEBASECHANCE tag in the squadron line? I know it works for the shore based units.


How many USN squadrons came back for a second go during Rolling Thunder, Lineback I & II, while the ship went home?

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Maybe the easiest way to simulate a CVW is to remove all Navy squadrons from both campaign and campaign Data files except squadrons part of the targeted CVW. Then make specific Campaign DATA for each of them.

Edited by aizen

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Anybody has realized that after merge NA to the rest SF2 a lot of "old" ships (like the cargo ship) cannot be sunk??

Even some ships that are available for download (like the Koni Class FFG) are now invincibles, they cann not be destroyed or sunk.


Is there a way to fix this? :dntknw:

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Anybody has realized that after merge NA to the rest SF2 a lot of "old" ships (like the cargo ship) cannot be sunk??

Even some ships that are available for download (like the Koni Class FFG) are now invincibles, they cann not be destroyed or sunk.


Is there a way to fix this? :dntknw:


It's been noted with the Mar 12 patch.


If you've been here long enough, you'll notice each new patch has a tendency to break as much stuff as it adds.

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yes, so now I understand why after installing this patch tail draggers parked planes are like "sunk" in the ground.

Well, maybe those things will be fixed in some future patch. Thanks for the answer!

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they usually do. takes a while sometimes, esp. depending on how much TK feels like fixin em. eg the white borders on dark thirdparty decals(dissappeared with may11 patch but back with Nov11 or Mar12)

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check the campaign forum. Jonathan or WBS had a thread that contains a suggested fix for the ships..

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I seriously doubt that squadrons or airwings changed ships while deployed. Too many things to move. Now, once the cruise ended, and the next cycle came up, I'm sure that many ships were changed depending on what was available.

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I seriously doubt that squadrons or airwings changed ships while deployed. Too many things to move. Now, once the cruise ended, and the next cycle came up, I'm sure that many ships were changed depending on what was available.


Yes, I didn't mean while deployed. But over very long campaigns like Rolling Thunder, several air wings moved carriers between deployments. CVW-9 went out on the Ranger first and then the Enterprise, for example. I have been hoping that away existed to replicate it.

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Anyone else see something a little odd here:


I've flown 4 nuke sorties against the ruskie fleet (Bucaneer/A-6E), I've increased incrementally from 10kt up to 1MT and the worst I've done to the Kiev is blow 4 Yaks off the deck, Hell one of the nukes was a direct hit and it still only killed the Yaks... and myself... :this:. The only way i've been able to sink her is with massed volleys of Harpoons, generally 5 or 6 getting through the picket screen is enough.


On a related note how the hell do you get multiple flights to actually engage, somethimes the flight leads will launch as instructed however I'm finding myself giving up and going back to the boat with pacifist squadronmates who are carrying apwards of 36 Harpoons between them



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I've flown 4 nuke sorties against the ruskie fleet (Bucaneer/A-6E), I've increased incrementally from 10kt up to 1MT and the worst I've done to the Kiev is blow 4 Yaks off the deck, Hell one of the nukes was a direct hit and it still only killed the Yaks... and myself... this.gif. The only way i've been able to sink her is with massed volleys of Harpoons, generally 5 or 6 getting through the picket screen is enough.


Well that's easy.....use bigger nukes....DUH! :blink::rofl:


On a related note how the hell do you get multiple flights to actually engage, sometimes the flight leads will launch as instructed however I'm finding myself giving up and going back to the boat with pacifist squadron mates who are carrying upwards of 36 Harpoons between them


I'm having the exact same issue trying to get the AI to engage. Hoping for a fix.

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