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Lifting paint tins into the house today, and my back gave out with a sharp pain, that put me squarely on the floor!


My Lovely Collie saved the day though...as I was wriggling about in severe discomfort..she came bounding over, licking me all over, and crying (as dogs do)....then she sat down, and let me use her body to lever myself upright...and escorted me into the house!


My little Black and White hero!!

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Yeah. Wicked stuff that Spitfire Ale if you have too many.... Never heard them called paint tins before.


Great idea to have the dog come and fetch you when your tea is ready though. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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My goal in life is to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

What a fine quote - short, and spot on!


Widow, I wish you a good recovery - the back is a sensible field!

Last summer, I had a warped sacroiliac joint. I told the doc, I hadn't even known I had one.

His diagnosis was quick and spot on: you must be sitting too much - you need to do more

sports for your body's sake. So now I force myself to run 4 - 6 km twice every week.

Not my cup of tea at all - if god wanted us to run around, he would have given us four legs -

but it worked. The best remedies are always bitter.

Take care of you, mate,

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Good luck old chap and hope you get well soon... putting your back out is your bodies way of telling you to take a nice lie down with a good drink... :drinks:

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A little more water with it next time :drinks: My sympathies and I wish you a speedy recovery.

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Now you have a good excuse for sitting in your most comfortable chair and flying OFF all day.

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Oh no back pain! Take it easy, get lots of rest, and some alcoholic beverages are the best remedy. Get well soon, give your dog some steak, he deserves it.

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Lifting paint tins into the house today, and my back gave out with a sharp pain, that put me squarely on the floor!


My Lovely Collie saved the day though...as I was wriggling about in severe discomfort..she came bounding over, licking me all over, and crying (as dogs do)....then she sat down, and let me use her body to lever myself upright...and escorted me into the house!


My little Black and White hero!!


I was reading your post about your debacle when I glanced over at your icon and read the phrase "excellent lover with a touch of panache" and mused about changing the "panache" to "bad back"

How insensative of me to muse at someones plight., but I had to share the moment with you. Hope you make a quick recovery! I have suffered same and it is not pleasant!


Best Regards;

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I was reading your post about your debacle when I glanced over at your icon and read the phrase "excellent lover with a touch of panache" and mused about changing the "panache" to "bad back"

How insensative of me to muse at someones plight., but I had to share the moment with you. Hope you make a quick recovery! I have suffered same and it is not pleasant!


Best Regards;



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Thanks Gents :drinks:


I always was hopeless at DIY...I must be the only person ever, to injure myself JUST getting prepared for the DIY! (sigh)

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Back Pain, Back going out is the pits.


I think Olham is right!...too much time sitting in a computer room...with a 'slightly' rotund tum!...need to get out with the dogs even more! :drinks:

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I can SOOOOOO empathize with you on back pain WM. I've suffered from lower back issues on and off for a good number of years myself. Recently though I discovered a very good exercise for strengthening said area. During my regular walks around my field I have taken to carrying 10 lbs in each hand, (an old face brick in each, to be precise). As I walk I will hold them straight out in front of me at arm's length for 30 seconds, then slowly swing them out to my sides and hold them there for another 30 seconds. After this I slowly bring my arms down to my sides and let them rest for 30 seconds. Ten such repetitions during the course of my walk and I can really feel it in my lower back and stomach. Some good long stretching of the core helps a lot as well; toe touches and the like.


To your brave hound saving the day, it reminds me of this:






Dogs really are great. Loved every one I've ever had.



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Guys, I know from my stepfather's suffering, how bad back pain can be.

Good stretching exercises are very helpful, while you are not suffering from a pain attack.

There are good ones to be found in YouTube - this guy seems to have some good short videos on there:



For immediate pain release, this one might be useful:



Not sure, if it will also work for non-Asians... :cool:

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A little more water with it next time My sympathies and I wish you a speedy recovery.

I hope you weren't really expecting sympathy from this lot, were you Simon? (C'mon. 'Fess up. You were, weren't you?)

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Guys, I know from my stepfather's suffering, how bad back pain can be.

Good stretching exercises are very helpful, while you are not suffering from a pain attack.

There are good ones to be found in YouTube - this guy seems to have some good short videos on there:



For immediate pain release, this one might be useful:



Not sure, if it will also work for non-Asians... :cool:


The acupressure points being refered to there are more for pain in the upper part of the body. I don't believe they'll work for lower back pain - the ones I use for that are in the legs and a needle in the back of the hand (painful but it takes your mind off the back pain :grin:).

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Lifting paint tins into the house today, and my back gave out with a sharp pain, that put me squarely on the floor!


My Lovely Collie saved the day though...as I was wriggling about in severe discomfort..she came bounding over, licking me all over, and crying (as dogs do)....then she sat down, and let me use her body to lever myself upright...and escorted me into the house!


My little Black and White hero!!


* sniffles *



Edited by Davy TASB

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WM I know exactly what you mean. I've done it a few times, last time I was picking up a garden hose in my front yard when it happened. It took me 1/2 hour to crawl to the porch. There was no way to releive the pain. I couldn't get comfortable. Finally at 5:00 am the next morning I had SWMBO drive me to the hospital which was agony in itself. The ER Dr was a guy I had played hockey and he gave me a shot, and pretty soon I forgot about my back. It was still pretty tender for a few days though. I know what you are going through and you have my sympathy.



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Well, day 3...and I am at least walking without the aid of a stick!....what a pain in the ass!.... defo going to take preventative measures in future!!


I'm thinking of changing my dogs name to 'Florence' (after Florence Nightingale)....she has never left my side, except to eat, and go for her walks with Mrs WM... I have used my rather tedious hours, doing a bit of training with her... she now get's my stick, and even brought one of my shoes! (a little more training needed there...she hasn't quite got used to the fact I need two!) :lol:

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Yeah, this stuff really gets very old very fast. (the older I get, the older it gets).


The irony of this stuff is that it usually doesn't happen when bending down to lift; it happens after that when the joints try to go back into column and hit a nerve on the way or a disk gets squished even slightly. So a sneeze at the wrong moment really is enough to set it off!


Time and the obvious loving care from your pooch (and perhaps the missus) will set it right, and then, yes, you have to do all those damned exercises to help strengthen the stabilizing muscles.


I'm told that for this purpose, low intensity, many reps (like 60 or so) are the way to go to build endurance.


Take care, sir, and feel better.

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Widow, I just looked through some YouTube vids on Border Collies, and this one really

made me eyes moist - damn, they are great!


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haha..yes, great vid m8. They're top dog in the Intelligence heiracy.... which means they can be a real handful at times! :heat:


This vid sums them up!


Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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