Derk 265 Posted April 14, 2012 (edited) But I guess Israel could be an even more perfect democracy .......... (but/ and this is meant as a compliment as for the rest you're very right Nesher...) Edited April 15, 2012 by Derk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+JonathanRL 974 Posted April 14, 2012 In my opinion, the problem is not the activists themselves, but alot of the Media that are extremely biased against Israel. Remember Operation Cast Lead? Swedish Media was not very fond of telling why Israel was attacking, only that they did. People who get fed a lot of news that only comes with a single angle will of course be doubtful when they are presented with the truth. I can´t remember how many times people have called me a liar for saying Gaza launches Rockets at Israel. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nesher 628 Posted April 14, 2012 yes, the media is biased but a lot of people are ignorant about the situation.. insert to the factor that Israel doesn't convey a good publicists.. you get yourself a huge problem Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Brain32 265 Posted April 14, 2012 Isn't this like...politics? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
exhausted 55 Posted April 14, 2012 :rofl: We've done a whole lot of Syria, only China and Russia have blocked military action. We've had Hamas on our list of state-sponsored terrorists for years. Iran was the subject of a US led revolt in 2009 that nearly toppled existing leadership. With that said, it's just sad to watch Israel lick it's own wounds. No one with power has even done anything to Israel, we're just hoping it can fix itself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted April 14, 2012 this letter is only wrong in that it's not strong enough in it's oposition to the activists and their hypocracy. i don't consider this politics as it's just pointing out facts and the sorry excuses who ignore them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JJava 3 Posted April 15, 2012 Because protesting one thing prevents you from protesting others, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted April 15, 2012 I see nothing wrong with protesting ,it's when the facts do not support the protest that I get a laugh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,018 Posted April 15, 2012 A coin has always two sides. A lot of people only can think i black and white schemes. But the world is not only black and white. If Israel is a democracy, than it must understand, that is is compared with other democracies, not with dictatorships or terror organisations. It must be possible to say critical words, and there some Israelis have some mental problems. In their eyes a critical word to Israel is already "Antisemitism". In their eyes all things Israel is doing are correct. All actions are allowed, are good. All critics is bad or stupid. Is this democracy? No. As a friend of Israel i want to say if something is wrong there, whithout become called a "Antisemit". And i also want to say if something is good there. Because the world is not black or white. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derk 265 Posted April 15, 2012 (edited) A coin has always two sides. A lot of people only can think i black and white schemes. But the world is not only black and white. If Israel is a democracy, than it must understand, that is is compared with other democracies, not with dictatorships or terror organisations. It must be possible to say critical words, and there some Israelis have some mental problems. In their eyes a critical word to Israel is already "Antisemitism". In their eyes all things Israel is doing are correct. All actions are allowed, are good. All critics is bad or stupid. Is this democracy? No. As a friend of Israel i want to say if something is wrong there, whithout become called a "Antisemit". And i also want to say if something is good there. Because the world is not black or white. .... yes, and do not define people who are signalling things in a basically positive- and constructive way as activists or professional protesters.......... Having an opinion about Israel does not mean that one immediately is antsemitic, pro Palestine or another brand of fanatic anti Israel activist......../:grin: Edited April 16, 2012 by Derk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted April 15, 2012 Israel like most other demoracys has made mistakes for sure and sor the most part learn and correct those mistakes as they come to light. My issue is that the UN has no buisness condemning the nation hudreds of times and not the multitude of dictatorships that suround it. There is no moral equivilent between a nation/group that kills civilains as a policy and a nation that while defending itself accidently kills civilians that terrorists were using as shields.Isreal goes to such lengths as to put thier own millitary people into greater danger to minimize civilain casulties where their enemies see civilians as legitamat targets.Israel is far from perfect but they are not even on the same plane as groups like Hamas and nations like Syria.Perfect example is the terror flottila, it was a hostile and illegal act designed to use dupes and agitators to provoke a response from Israel. Israel stopped the ships but were attacked while bording one and then were accused of crimes.good thing they had their own camera men filming otherwise the world would have never known the truth.people can have their own opinions of Israel for sure but to put them in even the same ballpark as the Palestinian terrorists who as a policy kill inocent people intentionaly is not only wrong but unfair and a bit niave.In the grand sceame of things protesting about Israels "wrong doings" and not the multitude of sin their enemies do is like getting mad at a wasp for stinging a water bufalo to defend it's nest but ignoring the 15 poachers who shot the water bufalo for sport and left it's body to rot in the sun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nesher 628 Posted April 15, 2012 Gepard, We as a nation never silenced a voice.. people are allowed to say what ever they want about Israel when it's lies and inflaming and when people try to cause hate against us just because they are blind to the whole story.. it's anti what ever you'd like to call it no Arab in the world we'll get as many rights and less duties as an Israeli-Arab, and their voice is heard for better and for worse (even if it's against Israel) we are more of a democracy in the world than a lot others and no, we are far from perfect! it will take years and centuries for that, but we do our best in times of peace and in times of war.. better than most and whiteknight said it to the point, too many UN condemnations, too many untold stories of putting IDF soldiers at risk in order to save or protect civilians believe me that people here are more fed up with this problem, they want a solution that will keep them and their kids' kids safe lets hope it will come sooner than I think Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Brain32 265 Posted April 15, 2012 OK first, I really don't care what Israel(or any other country for that matter) does within it's own borders On that note I see Syria mentioned quite a lot here. Why is that? Why are we so eager in trying to destroy probably the last normal and secular Arab country in the world just because they are fighting imported terrorists and extremists that want to create another "future bomb" of extremism, huge migrations to Europe, further destabilization and all the other "nice" things. Do we (the West) have some kind of monopoly or copyright to war on terror so anybody else doing it deserves to be stick raped, his wife mass raped and his children slaughtered only to have us going there again to manage the extremists we supported now? Oh did I mention they lobbying for sanctions? My country had a concession on some oil fields in Syria a contract that was bringing us a 10% of our country yearly budget worth of income but we had to give in to the lobbying and sanction Syria loosing that forever, in the same time we have epic gas prices now and huge taxes and the country is in a recession...just to support some terrorists attacking a sovereign country. But hey we have to support "freedom" fighters right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted April 15, 2012 Syria is fighting a war on civilians. Not sure where your getting your info from but the only imported terrorists in syria are made up in a propaganda room.Syria is one of the most evil and vile countries.they suport terrorists in lebanon and elsewhere. they routinly kill their own people and whether they do it for religious reason or just plain old evil simple dosn't matter. Syria is a vile murderous dictatorship,plain and simple. thousands upon thousands over the decades are dead because of their support for terrorists. I am of Lebanese decent and I have had friends who lost people there because of Syrian backed terrorists.Please do some research as what every your reading sounds like State propaganda right from the syrian capitol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted April 15, 2012 Rusia and China are the main reasons that Syria is still killing it's own people. Iran is pumping in arms and Russia and China keep vetoing resolutions because they don't want to lose millions in arms deals. very sad.I'm not sure what types of "censureship" is ein force where you live but here we see cilians being shot in the streets on a dailly basis. people are smuggling out videos and western reporters that are hiding there are sending out the truth about the murders. Israel could care less what is going on in Syria as long as Syria isn't giving rockets and weapons to terrorists.We only mention Syria because we have a regime in a full blown war on it's own people and the world is so worked up about lies about Israel that Syria is getting a pass.thousands dead in the last few months and not much being done thanks to Russia China and an impotent UN. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Brain32 265 Posted April 15, 2012 Syria is fighting a war on civilians. Not sure where your getting your info from but the only imported terrorists in syria are made up in a propaganda room. Propaganda room being the written and published report of Arab league observers which got fired because they didn't report the oh-so-evil Assad killing innocent civilians? Here it is by the way: Please do some research as what every your reading sounds like State propaganda right from the syrian capitol. I read independent reports and also basing this on some friends I have that are from Syria, still don't know what happened to one of them which left home about a year ago but before the sh**storm opened up, I hope he wasn't "freed" as I haven't heard from him since... Oh and I do love the mainstream media...when I need a good laugh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted April 15, 2012 all disagreements aside I hope your friend is ok.I def don't like the look of the link you posed ,looks too much like the drivil Ron Paul talks about. there can be no deniing that Syria is evil and supports terror. they are killing their people in the streets. I'm sure there may be other bad elements that are taking advantage of the chaos to settle scores and take jabs at the goverment. that dosn't mean that cilians are being killed for protesting.Assad is a war criminal and supporter of murderors in Lebanon and elsewhere.there were also a bunch of Arab "observers" who were just members of the goverment and of Allied goverments who were there soley to protect the Assad regime.what is needed is independent observers from non-dictitorial and allied nations. I wouldn't trust much from Arab nations who are friendly with Syria.I wouldn't trust most Arab nations in general since they for the most part are either dominated by fanatical religious groups or dictators. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Brain32 265 Posted April 16, 2012 Well you nailed it with Ron Paul, not the website but me, I really like what that guy is saying pretty much about everything... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted April 16, 2012 See i disagree with his foriegn policy but some of his stuff about the fed and internal stuff is spot on. I guess we will just have to idsagree on somethings. one thing I hope is that no matter WTF is going on that the killing stops soon and that your friend is ok. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JediMaster 451 Posted April 16, 2012 The idea of getting a candidate that's going to be spot-on with domestic AND foreign affairs is just ridiculous nowadays, so you might as well pick one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lexx_Luthor 57 Posted April 17, 2012 Brain:: Oh and I do love the mainstream media...when I need a good laugh Interestingly, the Nightwatch has been offering insights into the western MSM and Syria, for example this poast from February. For the night of 6 February 2012: : Syria: Special comment. Readers are rightly perplexed about conditions in Syria. : : The point is that western media present one side of the struggle -- that of the exiled Sunni politicians and activists with cell phones. Clips from social networking media are heavily one-sided and some are not authentic. : : Good read, but note the comment of an eventual "engame" to the regime. Much more at Nightwatch front page ~> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,018 Posted April 17, 2012 (edited) Syria is the only non religios state in the arab world. True. Its an dictatorship. True. Its an ally of Iran. True. Syrian forces killed their own people. True. But the so called Free Syrian Army did the same. Syria has a majority of sunnite religion, minorities of shiits and alawits. The laters are the rulers of the state. At the beginning of the syrian uprour it was a "cry for freedom". And i all my hopes were with the folks who went to the street to fight for democracy and freedom. But now it is a civil war, a religiuos war between sunit and the shiits and alawits. Sunit states, like Saudi Arabia (a well know centre of democracy and freedom ) supports his religion fellows, while the shiit Iran support the other side. Now it is a war of proxies fight on the back of the sysrian people. Old Napoleon said a unfortunatly true word: "In a revolution are two kinds of people, the one who make the revolution and die and the one who make profit." All western eyes are concentrated on Syria, but what is with the Gulf States. For instance Bahrain. Shiit majority, sunit rulers. The upror of the people was suppressed by Saudi Arabia with more than 70 dead people. No word about it in our press or TV. And to come back to Israel, the starting point of our discussion. Israel has the right to defend.It has the right to protect the israeli people. No question. But the way how Israel do it, makes it difficult for true friends.... Edited April 17, 2012 by Gepard Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
QvixoteRoux 0 Posted April 17, 2012 In my opinion, the problem is not the activists themselves, but alot of the Media that are extremely biased against Israel. Remember Operation Cast Lead? Swedish Media was not very fond of telling why Israel was attacking, only that they did. People who get fed a lot of news that only comes with a single angle will of course be doubtful when they are presented with the truth. I can´t remember how many times people have called me a liar for saying Gaza launches Rockets at Israel. You´re right man, for example, the liberation of Gilad Shalit past year, do you remember any news about that??? What I read in internet was "Israel makes a proposal of liberating more than 1,000 palestines" or "a thousand of palestines finally will come back after Israel had them captive" so fews mentioned about the exchange, and for example, here in Mexico, no one media said anything, but yes, weeks before everyone was talking about some misiles Israel launches into Gaza strip Share this post Link to post Share on other sites