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U.S. Envoy to Libya, Killed in Attack

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All because of one idtiot. I think they overreacted big time though.

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We should just pull out everything out of both countries and leave them to their fate.




Another Washington political screwup IMO. When all that crap was going down in Libya and Egypt i told everyone that would listen that the #$^% was going to backfire on us if we didn't stay out of it and minded our own business. The last thing we need now is to get involved in the Syrian situation.


Their problems, their solutions.


BTW- Anyone want to bet that they'll just increase aid to those places?


Hey Dave, can you delete the thread i started? This one came in a few minutes ahead.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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you know prior to 1979 this would have been considered an act of war, unless the nations leader apologized profusely and gave the shooters head to us on a platter. now i'm willing to bet our response is nothing more than "you shouldn't have done that." any Republican prez (or many of us as prez) and 6th Fleet would be getting in range for strikes right now.........

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Over a f*****g youtube video.... there really is no hope for these morons.



Edited by fallenphoenix1986

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How stupid......and all due to one person.We all know how violent the arabs are.Thet don't care who started the damn thing,they just wan't blood.The consequences of this could be easily seen beforehand.This film never should have been released.But as always,there are those who cry about the suppression of artistic expression.It ain't art if it instigates violence.Remember how US servicemen were slaughtered in afghanistan when that so called 'pastor' tried to burn the book?Guess nobody has learnt their lesson. I agree with letting them decide their own fate and to stop putting friendly personnel in danger.Also,the people who made and released this must be tried for their involuntary part in this.

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What really saddens me is we are expected to tolerant of the violent ideology rampant in the Muslim theology and their outright disdain for the Christian theology. The Middle East countries routinely condemn the US, our religions and our people. Yet one single criticism of the Muslim faith or admonishment for their barbaric belief system and the whole Middle Eat goes into an uproar...


It's completely disproportionate and irrational.


But it's we/us who are being intolerant and insensitive?

Edited by Zurawski

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It´s a shame the US no longer have nukes...wait a minute... (?)

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Well this is the so called "arab spring" that pulled away some quite bad (GheddafI) or quite good (Moubarak) men, who at last keeped their coutries in order, and took Islamist to the power ...


Blame on those stupid western presidents (who know mostly who) caused and approved that dead as a freedom wind. [No interest from those philanthrops for Syria, because no OIL ....]


I'm very very sorry.

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This is totally unacceptable. Why don't we have the 6th Fleet heading to Africa? Everything seems to be going pretty badly across North Africa and the Eastern Med.


In response, the only thing the Government is doing is deploying 50 F.A.S.T. Marines to Benghazi. What the hell is 50 Marines (no offense Marines) going to do against 3,000+ Angry Protesters. It seems like we are sending these men in to a bad situation that is only going to get worse.


My thoughts are with the families of the four dead, especially Christopher Stevens' family, as he fought diplomatically for the damn Libyans so they could enjoy freedom from repression. R.I.P. to the two Marines. Semper Fi!

Edited by suhsjake

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any Republican prez (or many of us as prez) and 6th Fleet would be getting in range for strikes right now.........


I can do you one better. The CURRENT president, not a republican, is sending FAST there. So don't give him sh*t for this. There's a difference between 3,000 protestors, and a few tens of killers. No problem for them there. It's not like Prowlers can't jam Libyan radar, and have Harriers support them. We can get as many boots on the ground as we need, 50 is not a bad start. It is using good judgement in a trying time. I was instructed by a FAST Marine and believe me, their training is tip top.

Edited by exhausted

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Lybia is in the same situation as Iraq in 2003: an oversized army has just been battled and scattered, and one has lost track of tons of weapons and ammo. The rate of heavy weapons per inhabitant must be just slightly inferior to the one of the Jap garrison of Iwo Jima! It won't be surprising if this whole country stays for years more dangerous than the Mexican border.


It is not a coincidence if these attacks happen just two months before the American presidential election, i.e. with just enough time for an escalated reaction to take place, and to be severely judged if disproportionate or ill-targeted - or not to take place, and for this lack of reaction to be assessed by the American voters and exploited by the presidential challenger. If the Democrat wins yet by keeping a low profile, he will still be discredited. If the Republican wins through promise of revenge, well then, the big sport will begin...


Peaceful Egypt and Libya quietly following a democratic process wouldn't suit the local extremists who just need even more chaos to strengthen their power. Having America reacting like the bull before the red cloak, sending dust up and blindly running over anything on his way, that's what the extremists want. Nothing can have these kinds of populations join together around them as inspiring leaders, more than being scolded, threatened or targeted by the evil, arrogant, over-armed, pro-Zionist superpower - especially if led by a notoriously fanatic Christian crusader, as for the last 'Junior' president.


To prevail, always arrange things to place your opponent in a lose/lose situation. Done, checkmate.


I remember having been to the 'Al Saraya' floating restaurant that can be seen behind Ian Lee. At that time, the Cairo natives seemed to me rather quiet passive fellahs (except when driving, of course!), and the events last year at Tahrir Square quite surprised me. I suppose that the touristic flow the country dramatically depends on will critically drop once more, and I suppose that once again, this will serve the interests of those extremists down there who'd like to see the situation worsen. Close the doors, it's hopeless. They have won already...


Tribute to the fallen members of the diplomatic and security services. From the point of view of those extremists cold-bloodedly planning escalation, they have just played their expected role in the plot. But regarding their country, they have done much more than their expected duty. :salute:


Marines, welcome back soon to the shores of Tripoli !

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It is indeed very unfortunate that someone that had nothing to see with the issue had to pay with his life.


However I will try to remind evryone here that


First: Insulting the prophet is the worse blasphemy that ANY muslim cannot tolerate, islamist or non islamist.


Second: supposedly US guards started firing at the crowd, using violence could only make things worse. At least that's what i heard on the news, verification maybe needed.



What really saddens me is we are expected to tolerant of the violent ideology rampant in the Muslim theology and their outright disdain for the Christian theology


This is not true. Simple fact is that Jesus is a Prophet in Islam so it is not only respected, contrary to some other religions, but in addition to that people mocking Jesus will also face muslims anger to some degree.

And I'm pretty sure this will happen. The same kind of retarded person that made the movie about Muhammad will sooner or later make a similar movie about Jesus.

Edited by Nix

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It may be the greatest insult they can recieve, they still need to grow up and develop a thicker skin... killing over something this trivial is insane.



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Two Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers, USS Laboon and USS McFaul, are also enroute to Libya.

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I can do you one better. The CURRENT president, not a republican, is sending FAST there. So don't give him sh*t for this. There's a difference between 3,000 protestors, and a few tens of killers. No problem for them there. It's not like Prowlers can't jam Libyan radar, and have Harriers support them. We can get as many boots on the ground as we need, 50 is not a bad start. It is using good judgement in a trying time. I was instructed by a FAST Marine and believe me, their training is tip top.

had not heard about the FAST deployment when i wrote. however, some years ago American servicemen deaths were tied to a regime in Libya. as i recall 6th Flt took care of naval and SEAD, the Air Force flew the longest sorties ever by fighter aircraft and dropped iron outside the tent of the man responsible. tho not likely the desired effect, he did get quiet for some time afterwards. back to the present its also believed most of the UAV assets are still operating in Libyan airspace


Edited by daddyairplanes

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I saw the trailer for the movie that caused the attack.... It was much like a Mel Brooks movie. It's time for these asshats to learn how to take a joke. I am really getting sick of these extremists

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Everytime when the west drops bomb to bring freedom and democracy into the arb world it end in a disaster.

Everytime if the west supports groups of freedom and democracy the final winners are the terrorists.

It was in Afghanistan were the "so" democratic Mudjahedin became the taliban.

And now it are the "so" democratic arab spring revolutionaries who showed a very ugly face.


Does nobody learns from the mistakes of the past?

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Yes, the President was wrong when he supported a NATO operation to help remove Khaddafi from power, and now he's wrong because he's not doing ENOUGH against a few protesters/terrorists. It's a lose/lose situation, and frankly I'm tired of it. I say let the whole area burn. Pull out all US presence, don't waste money on so-called "aid", and let them sink or swim on their own. Why do we have to help all these countries anyway? Oil?? Don't make me laugh, we don't get any from these places anyway. Instead, every time there's instability it's an excuse to make the oil prices jump so the companies can make more based on a perceived supply problem that doesn't actually exist.


What I like of course is that a few terrorists from one country or another kill US citizens, and we're supposed to believe "Hey, it's not the whole country, it's just a few crazies". But ONE American makes an offensive comment and it's the fault of all 300+ million of us? Really? Way to prove how peaceful and understanding you can be! But that's as it always is...everyone is allowed to insult the US and we're supposed to take the "high ground"...unless it scores political points to blame the administration for NOT acting. Yet the US has to be certain to never EVER offend anyone else, or it deserves whatever it gets?


Screw the world.

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Yes, the President was wrong when he supported a NATO operation to help remove Khaddafi from power, and now he's wrong because he's not doing ENOUGH against a few protesters/terrorists. It's a lose/lose situation, and frankly I'm tired of it. I say let the whole area burn. Pull out all US presence, don't waste money on so-called "aid", and let them sink or swim on their own. Why do we have to help all these countries anyway? Oil?? Don't make me laugh, we don't get any from these places anyway. Instead, every time there's instability it's an excuse to make the oil prices jump so the companies can make more based on a perceived supply problem that doesn't actually exist.


What I like of course is that a few terrorists from one country or another kill US citizens, and we're supposed to believe "Hey, it's not the whole country, it's just a few crazies". But ONE American makes an offensive comment and it's the fault of all 300+ million of us? Really? Way to prove how peaceful and understanding you can be! But that's as it always is...everyone is allowed to insult the US and we're supposed to take the "high ground"...unless it scores political points to blame the administration for NOT acting. Yet the US has to be certain to never EVER offend anyone else, or it deserves whatever it gets?


Screw the world.


What he said.

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What he said.


Yep. If you want to apologize, apologize for the accidental unscheduled sunrise.

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Why do we have to help all these countries anyway? Oil?? Don't make me laugh, we don't get any from these places anyway. Instead, every time there's instability it's an excuse to make the oil prices jump so the companies can make more based on a perceived supply problem that doesn't actually exist.


Seriously did you really think your(or any of ours over here in Europe) government acts in the interest of the people? Do you finance their election with millions or billions of dollars? Me neither.

Sorry to sound like I wear tin foil hat but seriously if life taught me something it's to follow the money when you want to find the truth...


But ONE American makes an offensive comment and it's the fault of all 300+ million of us? Really? Way to prove how peaceful and understanding you can be! But that's as it always is...everyone is allowed to insult the US and we're supposed to take the "high ground"...unless it scores political points to blame the administration for NOT acting. Yet the US has to be certain to never EVER offend anyone else, or it deserves whatever it gets?


Screw the world.

It's not just about one American, it's also one Croatian, one Englishman, German, Dutch, you name it, we are ALL suppose to be like domestic violence victims, just shut up, smile and pretend you like everything you see. I don't expect everyone to see how others are being treated the same cup of BS but they are buddy, oh yes they are...

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The saddest part is their leaders KNOW this is BS. They perceive our "open and free" societies intrinsically weak because our leaders are constantly explaining themselves to us. They exploit that to try and hamper our actions. You think they actually like China or Russia for continually foiling attempts to force them down a particular path? No, they're just playing us against each other for their own benefit: see Pakistan's ISI for a perfect example. When you hear Taliban publicly sympathize with the US over frustrations in dealing with the ISI...


Quite simply, regardless of our military and/or economic power, they do not respect us. Not our leaders, not our cultures, not our people. They are somewhat at a loss to explain why they are behind us, but it does nothing to shake their sense of superiority and their faith that eventually we will collapse under our own inadequacies and they will rise to fill the vacuum.

I can't say I honestly blame them for their lack of respect in our leaders. Our leaders are accorded respect based on their responsibilities, but the people holding those spots usually don't DESERVE it. Sort of like that old film King Ralph, where John Goodman was 57th in line to the throne or something and becomes King when a freak accident wipes out the other 56 members of the royal family. Sure, he got the throne, but did he really earn anyone's respect? Of course, he just fell into it. Most of the politicians sell their souls over and over again to get where they are.


Thanks to the Cold War, the US often behaved shamefully when dealing with other countries because the #1 priority was the Soviet Union, and if we aided one of the world's worst dictators so he wouldn't let the Soviets build a base in his country, or let us spy on them from inside his country, that was fine, right? Worked great in Iran, too! In the US, our 4 year election cycle gives the false sense that "everything changes" every new administration, but the reality that the parties don't want you to see (because then you'd never change who you voted for ) is that very little does change, because as Brain said the money doesn't change. It comes from the same places, it goes to the same places, the country follows the same path. There are irregular blips like the 2003 invasion of Iraq, but that's because it was really personal and not business, and the money there was just from people for whom it was personal.


The rest of the world isn't fooled, though. They see the name on the letterhead changes, but the country's actions don't. So naturally, since we talk about how we're run "by the people", they feel free to blame every single one of us for everything they perceive that the country does wrong. Since we have no innocents, they can freely target us all.

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