Wrench 10,014 Posted October 6, 2012 View File SF2 Korea Terrain (V3) Korea Terrain (V3) for SF2 == For SF2, Full 5 Merged, @ July 2012 Patch Level, -ONLY- == * Note: while this terrain references the GermanyCE.cat for terrain objects, it =MUST= be used in the SF2NA (or Full-5 Merged) environment. Use in any other type of install is at the End Users risk, as carrier operations have some 'oddities withou the necessary SF2NA coding. No support is/will be available for those End Users withOUT SF2NA. It it also supremly reccomended (read: required!) that you have SF2I's Expansion Pak 1, as several of the aircraft (soon to be) supplied WILL be needed for historik 1950s usage. SF2V is also required for it's Skyraider. If you do NOT meet these requirements, you download this at your own risk. It is also probable, that without heavy editing, this terrain MAY NOT WORK in 1stGen SF/Wo* game installs. * This is a higly detailed terrain, with many new custom tiles and TODs. Due to the large number of terrain and ground objects used, you may experience exceptionaly long loading times. It has been fully tested in a Full-5 merged SF2 install, at the July, 2012 patch level (meaning: both a stand-alone KAW-centric game install, and with the terrain in SF2NA). This is the terrain you've all been waiting for -- This is the KAW "Korea" terrain. It replaces any and ALL other versions of this part of the world you may have; this is likely the most accurate terrain EVER released for the Third Wire series. While designed with the Korean War in particular mind, like all my other terrain mods, it has a full 100 Year Operations Span , allowing for use well into Modern Times. This is a Full 4-Season terrain, with all the various tiles and terrain objects requred. However, it IS HIGHLY suggested you create a seperate KAW mods folder built from the SF2NA exe, as this terrain makes use of NA specific coding for carrier operations via the water bmp. There are 2 "CV Zones" on the map, in their semi-historic locations; Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan. This terrain also makes use of the LimitedNations=TRUE statement, locking in regional participants. And yes, as expected, there ARE Easter Eggs. When building you KAW Mods Folder, you are advised to leave all the stock items intact, due to the Year Spread, and when the other 1950s KAW Parts are released, simply add them. It is vitally important to use ONLY the era-specific ground objects I'll be supplying!! Of course, adding SAMs the NK's have and their associated radars, and HAWK units is also important! So, feel free to add those AD or Ground units that fit this particular region. GroundObjects included in this pak are very limited; in fact, some you may have already. The full KAW GO, Weapons, Pilots and other items will be released as soon as possible. With the exception of some aircraft; they'll be along as soon as they're done. In the meantime, there ARE plenty era-specific aircraft downloads at CA to keep you happy for a short while Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life courses, be placed in their Real Life locations, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features, including target areas, will also fall into that classification. Some target areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, with no strategic or tactical values. Just someplace to fly over. Also, the targeting in Japan is exceptionally minimal -- this was done purposfully to reduce the chance of Enemy Aircraft showing up far beyond their operational ranges over the Home Islands. If necessary for 'later year' useage, this can be expanded as needed (what with all those superdetailed F-104J and F-4EJs available, to say nothing of JASDF Sabres in the download section). As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the document through after unzipping, but BEFORE installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. It's also VERY IMPORTANT to read the Legal Statement at the bottom, as it reflects changes in policy to ALL my terrain works. Happy Landings, and Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein -for the KAW Team Submitter Wrench Submitted 10/07/2012 Category Full Terrains Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mdatelmi 124 Posted October 6, 2012 Just downloaded! Many thanks at all KAW Team! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
topcat II 6 Posted October 7, 2012 Have mine Thank You Kevin and the whole KAW Team!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+JonathanRL 974 Posted October 7, 2012 All hail glorious comrade Leader Wrench! He created Korea on a simple, Korean Computer for the benefit of the people and Woe of the Capitalist Imperialists! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+snapper 21 827 Posted October 7, 2012 Thanks to everyone on the KAW team, the terrain and the new planes are brilliant. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arthur666 65 Posted October 7, 2012 KAW is gonna be the best thing to happen to SF series. I'm so looking forward to those campaigns. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,014 Posted October 7, 2012 there are NO campaigns as of yet ... but you can fly single missions all over the place!! (watch on Armed Recce, the trucks follow the roads -more or less!!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+PureBlue 71 Posted October 8, 2012 Loving the new Korea.. Thank you to the whole team! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,014 Posted October 9, 2012 guys, don't forget to look for the (always expected) Easter Eggs!!! hint: fly from Pyongyang Main, and look along the flightline edge, near the hangars and such Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EMCON360 215 Posted October 10, 2012 looks like i need more drive space,thanks wrench and everyone at ca.the forgotten war is one of my favorite theatres! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Stary 2,429 Posted October 14, 2012 Kevin what's wrong with these fields to forests with road transition tiles? Or only I am having those wrong? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,014 Posted October 14, 2012 nothing that I'm aware of...IS there something wrong?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Stary 2,429 Posted October 14, 2012 using my tileset released today produces this: sorry I fubared one tile in final package Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,014 Posted October 14, 2012 looks like the GJ-RoadS tile Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Stary 2,429 Posted October 14, 2012 yes my bad, fixed tile uploaded, pending approval Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+sophocles 1,345 Posted October 14, 2012 Sorry for the stupid question fellas, but what do I do with the files placed in the various season folder? Do I select, say, summer and place these filesin the KAW terrains folder? Regards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,014 Posted October 14, 2012 leave them there ... those are you seasons. the Engine will autmatically select them on the proper date Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+sophocles 1,345 Posted October 15, 2012 leave them there ... those are you seasons. the Engine ™ will autmatically select them on the proper date Got it! Its now up and running! Wrench, Stary, I am in awe of you guys!! the game just got 250% better Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LightningIII 0 Posted January 13, 2016 I'm not sure if this is a result of the terrain or Stary's update, but I've had repeted CTD when I change the range of groundmap radars when flying just north of the DMZ. Any ideas on the bug? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites