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Strike Fighters Android is out on Google Play

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as in title, downloading


apk is 42,37 MB

Edited by Stary

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Guess I'll have to try it out...can't beat the price....



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from Google Play store:


Welcome to Strike Fighters Android!

Strike Fighters is a jet air combat game set in the Cold War. Fly the legendary jet fighters from the golden age of aviation spanning 25 years, including the F-100 Super Sabre, F-8 Crusader, F-104 Starfighter, F-105 Thunderchief, F-4 Phantom II, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, F-16 Fighting Falcon, Hunter, Lightning, Mystere, Super Mystere, Mirage, MiG-17 'Fresco', MiG-19 'Farmer', MiG-21 'Fishbed' and MiG-23 'Flogger'!

Campaign starts out in the year 1954 when the world's first operational supersonic fighter, the F-100A Super Sabre, enters service. Engage in high-speed dogfights with the early guns-only jet fighters, then advance through the years as early rear-aspect only Sidewinder missiles are introduced. The high-flying combat action switches to the 60s missiles-only fighters armed with radar-guided missiles. And finally, scramble in the post-Vietnam super-fighters and engage in blood-draining high-g dogfights using all-aspect missiles!

The campaign advances one year when you accumulate 5 kills flying any aircraft available on/or before that year. Every time you advance a year, you earn 1 unlock key so you can fly the latest aircraft. Additional keys may be earned when you get promoted to a new level, the level promotion based on the total accumulated score.


Later year aircraft can be bought in in-app store and unlocked early and played out of sequence.

The app is free to download and play! It is ad supported, but any single 0.99 in-app purchase will permanently remove the ads.


will psot some screens later

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So this is what Tk's been up to... didn't think he will actually bought the transition... so stary are you gonna do terrains for this too?

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hehehe I'm trying to configure the controls at the moment

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off the description seems much more arcadish than PC version. is free with adds at the moment though........



dang Stary beat me to the post and takes the lead on modding it.......

Edited by daddyairplanes

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hehehe sadly my Xperia Neo V can't take screenshots during the play or I messed up something :dntknw:


First mission, 1954, F-100 against 3 Mig-17, you do have limited ammo (ye olde M39E cannons as debrief stats informed me just now) and limited time to shoot them down


terrain seems to be Isreal

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You will not see a "TSF Android" or "TSF IOS". I promise.

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First initial impressions:


1. This is an arcade game, no doubt. Players start in the air, radar is omni direchtional, no cockpit view (I think), targets have red boxes and lead aim points.


2. Each game session is 3 minutes (so far) and consists of shooting down targets. The targets seem to increase in difficulty with each downing.


3. Played with the F-100 and F-100C so far...obviously FM is simplefied, but definitely a bit sluggish like you would think a Hun is. Throttle position is not persistent but is added in bursts.


More to come..



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It's free?


Here i do not understand the business model?


Very strange ( or is it free only for the moment?)

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sorry for this way of posting screens, in-game it does resemble first Strike Fighters very much





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lots of variants and skins to buy, but I can't say how that would add anything to gameplay

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Downloaded and played the first "mission". Pretty good for a phone game!

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I'd prefer standard controls not accelerometer though

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Well my smartphone is too stupid for this one :(


NOTE: I have Samsung Galaxy 3

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yes there are few to be honest, some with more features, like Air Navy Fighters Air Wing/Air Wing Pro, and F-18 Carrier Landing if you're into jets only, more in WW1/WW2 department

Edited by Stary

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Nothing that covers the era covered by SFA though (Cold War).


Okay, more observations:


Playing with F-8 now.


Plane is a little more responsive.


Terrian and weather are randomized.


Guns are unlimited but are auto reloaded which takes time.


Missiles are limited, no reloads. Also, AIM-9B is rear aspect only, and seeker circle is slow to slew and easy to 'pull' off target, and you have to keep it steady on the target to increase probability of hit.


Gameplay time has increased to 4 minutes.


No one has shot at me yet.


You can crash into terrain.


Min speed just results in a sluggish aircraft.

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This app is probably a 'Freemium' business model...where the basic app is free, but add-ons are either earned through LOTS of gameplay, or can be bought in micro transactions (0.99 USD).



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reminds me of Contract Killer Zombies or Dead Trigger... so no thanks for the option to buy content

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  On 10/9/2012 at 3:51 PM, Brain32 said:

Well my smartphone is too stupid for this one :(


NOTE: I have Samsung Galaxy 3


What? That's Samsung's flagship phone (other than the Note)..it should run SFA just fine I would think. I'm running it on a HP Touchpad with CM9 (ICS) and it's pretty smooth....



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Yeah, I have the original Galaxy S and hope to get a 3 sometime later this year when prices come down somewhat (hopefully!)


Anyway, my mobile phone gaming is pretty much limited to Angry Birds and Tetris, but I hope he makes good money off this.

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thought so Brain...


I'm in 58 with F-8, my missile kill ratio is exactly 50%... does that sound familiar to you? :wink:


And I've been shot at at least since mission 3, twice got hit but nothing happened except from that pop-up red life bar


no A2G :sad: and still not so keen of the controls

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