+Dave 2,322 Posted December 6, 2012 http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/05/15706380-syria-loads-chemical-weapons-into-bombs-military-awaits-assads-order?lite&ocid=msnhp&pos=3 He's insane.....he's going to gas his own people........... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted December 6, 2012 (edited) his evil and his little followers in Lebanon should have been removed from the earth long ago.not only has he killed tens of thousand of his own people his support for terrorist has broght death destruction and suffering to both lebanon and israel.Lets hope somone in his inner circle gets paid by some goverment to end this problem. and lets hope radicals don't come to power like in egypt.Also it will be interesting to see how many of his WMDs came from Iraq. Edited December 6, 2012 by whiteknight06604 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MAKO69 186 Posted December 6, 2012 Oh man this ain't good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meathead 1 Posted December 6, 2012 I hope this isn't the type of situation where inaction turns to regret. We turned our backs on Rwanda and hundreds of thousands died. It seems to me the time for playing politics is coming to a close and a military option considered before thousands of innocent people are viciously slaughtered. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,018 Posted December 6, 2012 http://worldnews.nbc...cid=msnhp&pos=3 He's insane.....he's going to gas his own people........... Of course. Some sources claim it. And once ago they claimed, that Saddam had had hundrets of thousands of nukes. Do you trust your own government? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MAKO69 186 Posted December 6, 2012 Of course. Some sources claim it. And once ago they claimed, that Saddam had had hundrets of thousands of nukes. Do you trust your own government? It wasn't nukes the US and UN where looking for, it was chemical weapons several hundred tons is what was reported he/Iraq had, and he did have them, he used them on his own people in 1988. He was able to hide/bury/destroy them before the arrival of inspectors. If you remeber Saddam wouldn't let UN inspectors into the country and when he did they where escourted. Saddam may not have been the brightest bulb, but he knew he had to get rid of them before the inevitable happened. The Iraq nuke program was sqaushed by the Israeli Air Force. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nesher 628 Posted December 6, 2012 it's the UN's fault for not doing anything about this a**hole.. just focusing on Israel and the situation here when he kills hundreds of people a day in Syria the world is standing by and letting it happen till sh*t will hit the fan, hope it won't come to that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MAKO69 186 Posted December 6, 2012 it's the UN's fault for not doing anything about this a**hole.. just focusing on Israel and the situation here when he kills hundreds of people a day in Syria the world is standing by and letting it happen till sh*t will hit the fan, hope it won't come to that Don't blame the UN they castrated themselves years ago. The game of politics/RED TAPE has woven her twisted web on all that is important in this world. People are more apt to look away then help. I believe most of us here would like some type of intervention after all genocide is homocide. What pisses me off is if people realized how much more they are like each other than different on this mud ball, think of what could be accomplished in just the medical field alone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JediMaster 451 Posted December 6, 2012 So, all those bombs are just sitting outside along the planes waiting to be loaded on? Sounds like a prime target to get hit by bombs from a stealthy sort of plane. Just sayin. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hrc 156 Posted December 6, 2012 Syrian gvmnt. is not gonna do it. They know it would be playing right into the hands of Obammer and Rasmusen which are only waiting for something like that. Another thing: it is clear now that arming of fanatics (Al Qaida) in Syria was carefully prepared before the "Arab spring" in Syria even commenced through and by Robert S. Ford (US ambassador in Syria), who's former mentor was none other than notorious John Negroponte (aka John death squad Negroponte), who organized death squads in Honduras, Nicaraqua and other Lat. Amer. countries to kill and spread chaos against socialist goverments in 70's and 80's, he also had his hands in killing of Allende of Chile and immediate installation of Pinochet, and his last asingement was in in Iraq, and coincidentally when he came there the conflict between Shias and Sunnis erupted. All in all, very interesting stuff. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thodouras95 25 Posted December 6, 2012 I can't help but wonder what they are waiting for.I hear everywhere that the only reason they don't go in is Russia and China.But it can't be.Few nations have ethical standards that would prevent them from arming such terrorits, but NONE would ever them.Not like that.It's got to be something more.It's got to be something more that prevents them from attacking another Hitler-like being. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Julhelm 266 Posted December 6, 2012 TBH I'd rather Assad prevails. It's an open secret that the "opposition" is none other than Islamists/Al Quaida. You think it's been bad for Israel with dictatorship Syria as a neighbour? You're gonna love an Islamist Syria then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thodouras95 25 Posted December 6, 2012 TBH I'd rather Assad prevails. It's an open secret that the "opposition" is none other than Islamists/Al Quaida. You think it's been bad for Israel with dictatorship Syria as a neighbour? You're gonna love an Islamist Syria then. TBH, I prefer a new regime that is somewhere in between.I don't want a ruthless dictator, but I don't like a new Iran/Pakistan/X theocratic nation either. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Julhelm 266 Posted December 6, 2012 Not going to happen. You get to pick the lesser of two evils. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted December 6, 2012 Syrian gvmnt. is not gonna do it. They know it would be playing right into the hands of Obammer and Rasmusen which are only waiting for something like that. Another thing: it is clear now that arming of fanatics (Al Qaida) in Syria was carefully prepared before the "Arab spring" in Syria even commenced through and by Robert S. Ford (US ambassador in Syria), who's former mentor was none other than notorious John Negroponte (aka John death squad Negroponte), who organized death squads in Honduras, Nicaraqua and other Lat. Amer. countries to kill and spread chaos against socialist goverments in 70's and 80's, he also had his hands in killing of Allende of Chile and immediate installation of Pinochet, and his last asingement was in in Iraq, and coincidentally when he came there the conflict between Shias and Sunnis erupted. All in all, very interesting stuff. one has to wonder where silly information like this comes from. i don't mean this as a personal attack but most of this is conspiracy theory sillyness.Lots of people here believe stuff like this too.many think the 9-11 attacks were staged and the the UN is ready to install a new World order lol.People have been working behind the scenes to keep tabs on and to destabilize Syria for sure but thats what you do to nations that support terror and kill civilians both inside and outside their borders. it's ashame that the syrian people are caught in the middle but this civil war is the best thing that could have happened.keeps them busy for a while.I don't think Assad will use chemical weapons as anything other than a shield and bargening tool but there is always the danger in a panic they could be used. Anyone who knows anything about Iraq knows the war there was not to find WMDs but to search for them. there is a difference. everyone thought they were there(and some were) and they were barred from inspecting. the war was about being allowed to inspect for them,also there were about 20 or so other UN resolutions Saddam was in violation of so the war was hyped about being about WMDs but the reality was it was about law order and stopping a madman who was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and the suffering of millions and his inability to live up to UN resolutions and international law.One thing for sure is that the last thing anyone wants in syria is for the islamists to gain control like they did in Egypt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Brain32 265 Posted December 6, 2012 One thing for sure is that the last thing anyone wants in syria is for the islamists to gain control like they did in Egypt. This may be sure but whoever is on to that is doing unbelievably terrible job at it. Need I remind anyone that Assad and his party pushed for referendum which made it possible to change the constitution of Syria into a democratic system? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian_constitutional_referendum,_2012 Of course our politics quickly called it phony and continued to support radical islamist terrorists against legit Syrian government which only led to further destabilization of the country. I pity the guy that will be sent there as an ambassador from any of our countries, I'll give an American one about two weeks before gang rape(regardless of the sex), disembowelment, decapitation and other medieval "joys" of life...others may last a few days more. Then few days later we will see "the Question" on the news, you know the one that always repeats after such "thoughtful" interventions - "how come they hate us, we helped them?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted December 7, 2012 I don't think there is any legitamate goverment in Syria, on one side you have a murderous thug and on the other a bunch of unknown groups,most of which lean to various degrees towards thugery and religious extreamism. I dout there will be any winning for the people there,the best that we can hope for is that the countries ability to destabilize other nations and export weapons to terror groups is disrupted or stopped. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hrc 156 Posted December 7, 2012 (edited) one has to wonder where silly information like this comes from. i don't mean this as a personal attack but most of this is conspiracy theory sillyness. This silly information are called results of investigations. They were conducted either by independent investigation bodies or by bodies created by the same governments that were targeted, but managed to wrestle out of US grip later on. All investigations show CIA/Negropontes fingerprints all over the place.This stuff is not schoolbook history, but is nevertheless genuine. To get the full picture one only has to remember 5 land invasions by US military, and at least 6 CIA organized military coup d'etats in second half of 20 century alone,against Lat. Amer. countries who posed no threat to US and haven't broke UN charter in any way. What is really silly (and I don't mean this as a personal attack) is thinking that US invaded Iraq not because of the WMD, but to search for them. The real reason for invasion was to get hands on Iraq's oil reserves, because international community was starting to talk about lifting the sanctions against the country 'cause they saw no more reasons for it. And in the same time Iraqs diplomacy was talking to Chinese, Russians, French and others about future oil concessions to these countries, in order to revive Iraq's oil industry ('cause due to more than 20 years of wars and sanctions countries oil ind. was in wreck: no spares for drilling machines, no new technologies etc.) Needless to say, Washington was excluded from future deals. Plus, states with oil deals in Iraq could pay to Baghdad in their own currency, not exclusively in dollars and in return Iraq would buy their much needed industrial products. Now, I know this all may sound like a blasphemy for many, and many think of me as anti-american, but I'm not. I really like US, was there once and would like to go again, but against what I am is the empire. Edited December 7, 2012 by hrc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted December 7, 2012 So we invaded iraq for their oil,that we didn't need and spent billions more during the invasion and the subsequient rebuilding that we would ever get had we taken the oil......makes lots of sence. I'm pretty sure had we wanted their oil we would have just taken it rather than spending billions rebuilding schools,roads and infrastructure and then letting the iraqis have control of their country.One has to put the CIa action into context of the cold war. the CIA didn't destabilise goverments for no reason. Ones has to realise these actions were to counter Soviet moves. hade the region gone Communist there would have been far worse suffering. sometimes a wrong is needed to counter a bigger wrong.it's not fair or right always but thats what was needed at the time. We had to make deals with devils to keep far worse devils out of the picture. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gr.Viper 131 Posted December 7, 2012 With all the media preparation, it doesn't matter, who delivers and sets off the gas in a populated area. The blame is already assigned. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SayethWhaaaa 252 Posted December 7, 2012 ...and lets hope radicals don't come to power like in egypt.Also it will be interesting to see how many of his WMDs came from Iraq. Fat chance of that happening. No one should delude themselves into thinking the Syrians will be grateful to the West for any reason. The Syrian Anti-Assad supporters feel like they've been left to fend for themselves by the West, and to some extent this is true. The West might, I say might have been doing something behind the scenes, but the Syrian people have F-all in the way of direct support from the West, definitely from the region-- arms and humanitarian aid from regional neighbours, definitely, but having a word in the ear of an ambassador or state official to encourage regional neighbours to do something they were going to do anyways, means nothing to the people on the ground. They're trying to survive, and to claim credit for it, is just claiming credit by proxy. You put in the hard yards, you get to take the credit. Libya, case in point. Sometime between the Cold War and now, symbolic support has gone from providing humanitarian support to any thing short of actual support through the medium of 'Sending messages to (insert tyrant's name here'). Bollocks. You want to send a message, send a message! Send aid, visibly organise humanitarian support, take in refugees, that kind of thing. Don't do something that is support in name only with no tangible effect for the people in the war zone something that can be interpreted in 100 different ways. And I don't know it this is an American thing or not, but there's a huge overestimation of support amongst the Lebanese for the Syrians. You forget that the Syrians had their boots on the necks of the Lebanese for a couple of decades, not to mention they way they ransacked the place upon the withdrawal of their occupation forces. There's not a lot of love for Syria, and what there is, is coming from small bastions or rich folk who benefited from the occupation. Two guesses as to how these people are perceived in Lebanon. If you want en eaxample of this, have a look at how some Lebanese have been gouging Syrian refugees who've been coming across the border to avoid the fighting. As for the WMDs... Personally, I've always felt that Syria was a much more credible threat, given accepted awareness of their possession of Chemical weapons compared to Iraq's alleged possession-- that was just a justification to speed up the agenda for taking down Saddam IMHO. Intelligence agencies around the planet agreed on that assessment and when a government has to shop around for officials to go on the record to make the claim about Iraqi WMDs (I'm talking just about the nuclear related ones as such a big deal was made of it), you 're clutching at straws. In the time before Gaddafi's monumental freak out, when he was opening up to the West again, he released all (or so they claimed) of their info on their WMD programs to the French and they were seen as much more credible programs than anything the Iraqi's had. Will Syria use chemical weapons on it's own populace to maintain it's power? There's a consensus in the IR community that Syria understands the gravity of deploying and using chemical weapons, but, Assad's forces have committed a great many unholy acts against their own people already that were unexpected or considered out of character. And since there are reports of chemical weapons being deployed to troops in the field... well, no one breaks out weapons if they don't intend to use them in some kind of scenario. Assad's a difficult character. His back's increasingly against the wall and over the last year, he's been increasingly difficult to predict... And after the Brotherhood's blatant grab for power in Egypt through that colossal dick, Muhammad Morsi, many in the region are very apprehensive about them gaining a foothold in post Assad Syria. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SayethWhaaaa 252 Posted December 7, 2012 TBH I'd rather Assad prevails. It's an open secret that the "opposition" is none other than Islamists/Al Quaida. No, exactly right. It did grow from a large popular uprising, but the bulk of the Anti-Assad authority is ex-military. Yes there are Islamists and it is suspected Al Qaeda in Yemen is operating there (it would be to their disadvantage if they didn't), they're nowhere near being so influential or organised. Remember, Bin Laden was a unifying force for Al Qaeda, they're much more fractured and competitive since his death. The Islamists themselves are also fractured and isolated, more often than not stemming from a grass roots level (small towns, villages, etc) and they're different ideological creeds of Islam and they're small in number. But, it is these groups who're suspected of the bulk the crimes against humanity there in urban areas. This isn't to let the ex-military forces off the hook, it'd be hard keeping the paramilitaries in line. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 12,018 Posted December 7, 2012 Imagine what would happen if the so called Free Syrian Army wins the battle, along with their islamistic, Al-Queda friends and get hands on Assads chem weapons. I think Israel would be "very amused" to see this happen and Europe is not very far away, especially from Libya where a new islamistic way of life is established. The egyptian disaster, instead the hoped freedom and democracy we will see a theocraty and islamistic movements. Ask yourself who has payed the freedomfighters, who supports them and after a while you will find a path of money to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. And now take a look to freedom and democracy in Saudi Arabia. Do you really want an arabic world formed after the rules of stone age islamisms made by the house of Saud? The USA and the western contries supports the Arabellion because the are still dreaming that the arabels are fighting for freedom and democracy. They do not realize that Assad is fighting our war. If he does not stop the islamistic forces in Syria we will have to fight this forces in the streets of our towns in Europe. First in France, then in England and Germany. Do you really want it? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JediMaster 451 Posted December 7, 2012 The fantasy is that any gov'ts over there, whether dictatorships, so-called free elections, or military cartels, will ever be friendly to the West. I don't see why we bother trying. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Julhelm 266 Posted December 7, 2012 Because we get to choose between the lesser of two evils. Nothing good will come from either, but we get to choose the alternative that hurts us the least. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites