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Iceland terrain looked like s**t because first of all he didn't bother texturing it and then he didn't bother placing any props save a couple of houses on it. It would have looked dated even compared to 1997 terrains.

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Well I tried SFA on my Galaxy and I didn't find it interesting at all.

... and not only because I cant paint/repaint nothing [that my favorite game].

it's only another mobile shooter in plane dressing.


I hope for TK that it'll bring him a lot of money.Not mine.


We all wait Exp.3. Not only for Mirage F.1 but for some new soviet AI planes (MiG-25, Su-17).


I fear that it will be never realised.


In fact if mobile games sell will be good Tk will leave PC market for ever, and if will be bad he will have no money for coming back.


In both cases SF-2 will be ended with SF-2NA.


I realy hope I'm mistaking, my friends.


BTW as Tk doesn't say a word only time will tell ....

Edited by paulopanz

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Ahhh, I thought it had been a while since we last had a "What SF2 really needs is..." and "What on earth is TK doing?" thread. :haha:


I know it never starts out that way but we always seem to end up on that road.


Oh well, why break with tradition now? :biggrin:



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Hey,I dont know what the cost to make would be but I think we would all give good money for some avanced russian migs & sukhois.I know I would.

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Is any game company making a Korea Air Combat game in the near future ?


Hope TKs doing it some day .. lite game with nifty airplanes :skull:





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However, the newest update reveals an additional F-16A variant...the F-16A MSIP.


It gives a clue as to what is being worked on for the next PC release.





I don't know if this could have any meaning but in SF-2A there are two new planes potentially suitabe to be part of EXP3: French Mirage IIIE and Italian F-104S.

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I would speculate (not sure enough to bet) all US Starfighters, Canadians and Gs flyable, F-104S as a DLC (Southern front as DLCs, like A-7H)


However, Mirage IIIE is a "must be there"

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I'm hoping we do see an expansion for NA, but 3 was already announced as being the 2nd for Europe...so I guess it was his best selling title pre-NA. Don't know about NA's sales at all, although we do know Exp 2 was a major problem for him with lower than expected sales as well as higher than expected costs.


Anyway, I hope Exp 3 (since it's not coming out in 2012 obviously) is a 1Q 2013 release.

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so, no WIPs, no screens and then kaboom! it's there? Very thirdwirish

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ummm yeah, I have full copyright :smile:

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For what it's worth, flying in A Tomcat Formation and launching 24 AIM-54s in sequence at incoming bombers was worth the $29.99.


I just personally got tired of some things, and I wanted more indepth realism. (Start ups, shut downs, etc etc).

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I'm ok with SF2's realism as it is, finally learned to live with few design decisions, but those floating HUDs man... those visit me in nightmares

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The technical things I was fine with. I would've liked better carrier ops, improved wingman interaction, overall AI improvements, weather advancements...stuff NOT related to the actual planes.

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yeah but then we're easily fall into 100+ positions wishlists

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Startups and other checklist features like that are really novelty features. You do them once just to try and then skip em since you can't be bothered. Personally I'd like much better performance feedback like in teh old RSR campaign.

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How about we make a wish list of stuff that would be easy to code?



-See which wingman is talking

-See a summary after each campaign mission what has happened (planes lost per side, ground/naval war developments)

-Better wingman commands, ability to command every single wingman separately like in Arma 2

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My few "reasonable" wishes are just:


-When I start a campaign (with the lowest possible rank) I will fly as a wingman!


-More realistic physics. Like when I have lost my right landing gear, and I make a soft touch to ground, the plane doesn´t explode.


-And of course few planes and something for extra, but there isnt still very much stuff for 20$ or whatever the Exp3 wil cost.

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How about we make a wish list of stuff that would be easy to code?


Limit AI to positive/negative G values in the data.ini, I'm sick and tired finding gun solution on a Flogger pulling -7G or seeing them evade missiles with *high negative/high positive G maneuvers* that would even kill an adult male Klingon warrior...

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wingmen, be it friendly of enemy that actually DO collide when doing insane turns as a group, now they fly into each other without detection

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As a side note, it would be cool to pay some attention to the RDAF, like an All-green skin for the F-100D and campaign entries, i had none for those or the hunter F.51.

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