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OK, first of all I have a win7 Pro machine.. Under programs I made a folder named it PTO and copied all files from SF2NA. In that folder made a copy of NA.exe and renamed it to PTO.exe. Ran the game , and it created the PTO folder under saved games. Deleted all modern aircraft and added all WWII era planes. Applied the weapons pack II , all weapons do show up. Added the nations and formation ,sounds,effects..ect under the saved games PTO folder..Added the Okinawa terrain under the terrain folder under saved games..OK here is what I get…Used a Zero to launch from a carrier…Zero fell through the deck and exploded…most carriers are so dark can’t see details…Helicopter show up when using US planes…Tried B-17 from land base..Only 2 B-17s on runway , but best of all, when bring up the message window,game freezes..Anyone have any clue ?

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Wrench will be the WW2 master, but i will ask are the terrians and ships being used Gen 1 or 2? that will hold much of the answer me thinks. i've found that many Gen 1 files will fire up in Gen 2. but like a 70's Vega that starts, it may still have alot of suprises.


as for the helo's..... werent there SH-3s on the USS Nimitz back on 6 Dec 1941? ya know the day Tomcats engaged two Mitsubishi A6M0's off of Hawaii? :biggrin:

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all aircraft classed as bombers cause freezing when radio interface is used, to greater or lesser extent, something like telling their AIs to divide by zero

Edited by macelena

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also make sure that the terrain has a base large enough for some bombers. that will cause the game to freeze too.

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bombers are f***ed up ... in single missions the game ONLY generates 2 or 3 in the flight (having to do with AI issues, methinks -one of the reasons I've always reccomended leaving the heavies as AI only contgrolled). OTH, the same can be said for 'tactical' aircraft as well ... fighter bombers on STRIKE seem to only generat 2 aircraft in game-generated single missions.

Another issue that's cropped up, is the stock Desert terrain -which has NO date limitation- don't allow Bad Guy flying at odd intervals.


so, for 'test terrains', I'd suggest the 2 Range terrains -one allied on axis (available in the 1stGen D/L section -they'll need the SF2 conversion which is easy)


MinBaseSize= has always been an issue for bombers; most should be set to LARGE, which means the terrains MUST have at least 2 Runway 4 (one on each side)


As to creating the WW2 game exes, no folder creation in the /CProgram xxxx...xxx is necessary on the user part ... you copy/paste the game exe of choice (say, SF2NA) back into the C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2, rename to whatever theatre (say, PTO.exe) create a shortcut, and run it.


Then, what I do is start the (new) game BEFORE adding any WW2 goodies. Make sure it works. Make all needed changes to the controls, graphics, etc.

Don't forgot the edit the Options ini, and change the year spread.


Remember .. NOTHING goes into the 'core install' except the exe and maybe a new shortcut icon. EVERYTHING else goes into the SavedGames mods folder.

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You know, with every update we WWII fans are being left further and further behind, I hate to say this but is there a future for WWII stuff in this game? I'm beginning to start having doubts now and Tk and will be no help at all now that he sold out to the man... I seriously thinking of going back to IL2 for WWII fun. Also that bomber number also goes for the modern stuff.

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Little by little, step by step "carefully" I'm building an all new PTO install from SF2NA.


I've begun with the Philippine Terrain with every editings needed I've found in CA. Today I've not specific problem.


To my mind the most important settings are the years for this TO. The years must be coherent.


This is a long way in order to have a good WWII game... but this is very fun!


My install is a mix of mods from CA TMF and A-Team items with lot of adaptations like guns, pilots, effects, engine sounds, cockpits, etc...


I like very much dogfights between more than 12 Oscar, Zero and Hellcat, Corsair fighters in the sky!!!


Carrier operations are the next step for my PTO and I'll give you my opinion about this type of adding.


Best regards,



Edited by Coupi

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bombers are f***ed up ... in single missions the game ONLY generates 2 or 3 in the flight (having to do with AI issues, methinks -one of the reasons I've always reccomended leaving the heavies as AI only contgrolled). OTH, the same can be said for 'tactical' aircraft as well ... fighter bombers on STRIKE seem to only generat 2 aircraft in game-generated single missions.



all bombers or just WW2 era? i flew the the Buff from the Megapack few weeks back and game loaded with 15 others on the mission. (sent em all home as i was loaded with 20 SRAMs but i digress...) NA terrian outta Keflavik, Europe exe and full 5 merged w/ both Exp. packs if that makes any difference to ya...

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the latest Phillipines (and Okinawa) should have some NA upgrades around here someplace... if not, I can upload them


carriers work fine in my PTO install on those terrains (well, excepting IJN on Okinawa ... there shouldn't be any CVs left!! historically. but they DO work if one 'adjusts' their death dates)


Oddly, when I put the 'CVzones' on the PI map, I inadvertenly placed the IJN zone where Ozawa's carriers 'decoy' force was in the real world!


as to there still being a future in SF2 of ww2... i think there is. Of course, we have to see what Exp3 brings -when and IF it finally is released. But I believe the game engine is as a (relatively) stable point, but we do have to 'wait and see'.

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The bomber issue causing CTD when using radio commands is somehow related to formation ini / formation size and section setup related

I was on a track some weeks ago when working on a SF2 conversion of the WoR mod, but havent worked on that for a while now

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whit stock formations it does happen IIRC


WW II future in SF 2 its still possible but the work load on models of all kinds air ground land his off the roof.

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