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Lothar of the Hill People

Introducing the Incomparable Campaign Engine for Over Flanders Fields

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The long-awaited unofficial community expansion to OFF is now available at Combat Ace. See the posting for the full list of contributors.


This is a complete package--no other mods or downloads required. It's designed to be easy to use for everyone, with no hassle. But give it plenty of time to install and configure itself on first run as it's 1.7GB of stuff all together.


Notice it's not quite version 1.0. This is a first public beta. With extensive changes to flak, guns, ammo, balloons, etc. it would benefit from testing and feedback from experienced flyers. The incendiary ammo and balloon system still experimental, so consequences for mis-use still are not in place during testing. You're on the honor system for now.


If you go ahead and test how effective it is against airplanes, let us know on the support page, or if you experience bugs or run into other problems. If you don't want be a part of such experiments, wait a little bit for further refinements.


As always, read the fine print (backup your pilot files--they're now easier to restore than ever). And have fun!

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You have done a titanic work, Lothar!

My OFF installation has been compromised, for some time now and needs to be re-installed.

I was waiting for WOFF, but this one may worth the trouble.

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This looks very interesting, but OFFBase still refuses to work for me, so I'll have to pass and wait for WOFF.

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This looks very interesting, but OFFBase still refuses to work for me, so I'll have to pass and wait for WOFF.


Give it a try, Hasse Wind. This version should at least print out where it is looking for the CFS3 ConfigOverrides.xml, so with that extra info perhaps I can get it working for you.

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Same problem - endless loop of trying to configure graphics options.


For some reason, it won't work through OFFBase. But if I play OFF normally, I have no problems whatsoever.

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Long time lurker, first time poster. I downloaded this mod the other and day and just wanted to say you (and the other modders as well now) have done an amazing job. I wanted a program like OFFice since Phase 2 when I learned about the original pilot personality profiles. So far I haven't seen any of the random crashes I had with previous versions of OFFice and the supported mods. I can't wait to get back to flying and roleplaying with my pilots but unfortunately my X52's decided to fail so I'm grounded for 3 days until my new stick arrives. Once again, thanks for all of the work you have done to enhance an already great sim.

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I did it Lothar, I did it!Followed your instructions and all went like a dream.Now I am having the fun of Cork playing around with the mods. Many thanks for your monumental work.

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OFFice 0.9.9 is now available at Combat Ace. You can get the full package or just download the OFFbase update.


Follow a link for the full change-log. You're most likely to notice the historical weather system and new encounters. Or both:




Some old encounters have been expanded with more dynamic text as well, revealing more of the underlying complexity and drama in the encounter system and more detail about the characters involved.




Dogs aren't the only animals that can cause tension in the squadron:



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FAO anyone who gets problems starting this program up because of the VBScript errors.



As I posted a while back I was having problems with this program for some reason and I thought I had fixed it but the problem kept re-occuring. The game worked fine but not OFFICE.

I kept getting the little blue box that was stuck and a Dos box saying I had a VBScript error


I was on the verge of binning OFFICE but seeing as it was not what I really wanted to do because I really appreciate stuff made for the community like this, so I had a final go at solving my problem.


My problems have finally sorted (touch wood) with the attached Virtual Script fix file that I found on the Windows 7 forums (post #4 by Neutron)



Hope this helps anyone who may have a problem starting OFFICE up. :big_boss:


PS/..... This little beauty of a fix has even sorted the problems I was having with recent NVidia PhysX drivers not installing properly.


Edited by Davy TASB

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Thanks, Davy. Is this a common problem? Can you tell me the exact error message you got? Scary such a basic component of Windows could get messed up like this.


Doing a little research it seems the problem is most often caused by 3rd party anti-virus software, particularly McAfee and avast!, often upon uninstalling them. I consider most antivirus software itself no better than a virus, mucking up and slowing down your system and causing unforeseen consequences to application behavior while draining your wallet. I recommend Microsoft Security Essentials, which is free, transparent, easy-to-use, light on your system, and won't cock up Windows.


Avoid 3rd party registry "cleaner" utilities as well; these also often cause more problems than they solve.

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Dont get the error any more :biggrin: .... but it referred to

CScript Error

Cant find script engine "VBScript" for script Y:\Flight\OFF\Office\temp\OFFgetreg.vbs (or something like that) and it appeared in a black dos box.


What you said about Virus killers seems about right.

I had Kaspersky 2012 installed and when the license ended I decided to try Esets Internet security for a 3 month trial version.

It seems that a lot of the script errors are caused by Virus killers that are no longer there even if the registry says the remnants of the program have gone.


There's a whole host of people out there that cant install new Nvidia drivers right now. They will mostly be people who have recently changed their Virus Killers/Internet

Security package I bet, and don't yet know about this fix!

They definitely seem to muck up some peoples PC's when they are uninstalled.


When I was googling for the fix I found it by looking for the Nvidia error code 2738 which also just happens to be a VBScript error and it led me to the link of the website that I posted a couple of posts ago.


Anyway, I've just tried your OFFICE program again and it fires up just fine now so thank you very much for making this.

Rest assured that it is much appreciated.


Cheers bud!.

Edited by Davy TASB

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I can confirm that the fix posted by Davy works for me too.


Lothar, start a FAQ thread for OFFice and one of us mods can sticky it for you.

Edited by Hasse Wind

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Lother and team - excellent work. Currently flying as Jasta 12 and offbase makes it such a diffrent but enjoyable experiance. Thank you for all of your hard work!

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Good to hear a few more reports of people having success with OFFice and OFFbase!


Lothar, start a FAQ thread for OFFice and one of us mods can sticky it for you.


Great, just posted a FAQ thread over in the Knowledge Base section. If someone could pin it at the top, I would appreciate it.

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I've held back on 'Modding OFF' until now...this looks fabulous!...gonna give it a download tomorrow. thanks :)

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Ta very much for the continual updates. :drinks:


*sits back and enjoys the fact the OFFice now fires up without any more problems*

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Hay! New to the OFF community. Actually this is my first post. I played ROF for a good long time but I have always felt something missing. The graphics were nice, the flight physics were great, and the combat felt decent. But THEY FORGOT THE WAR!! I never felt like I was a single pilot involved in a great struggle over the skies of one of history's most destructive conflicts. Then I found OFF and all my dogfighting desires were answered. So thank you Polovski (if your reading this) and thanks for OFFice Lothar. It has made for the most immersive flight sim that I have played scince Falcon 4 (and I consider OFF's campaign just as addicting.)

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Welcome to the forum - you will find a lot of friends with excellent advice and info.

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Welcome AquilusMentis thanks for the comments, glad you like OFF and can see some of what we aimed for. WOFF will take it a large notch up too so we can't wait for people to see it when ready.

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