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Centurion I remember you told me to give you some pictures of Iranian AH-1J

You should know that most of the AH-1J's are improved and upgraded





And Do you know Iraq used PC-7 in CAS?

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Thank you Morteza, those will come in handy once it is time for the Ah-1, mostly now focused on the Mirage F.1 and map tiles. If anybody has any good loadout refs for the Mirage F.1EQ and/or detailed version info on the different EQ variants, that would be welcome!

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I think Morteza is a good source for this project! If you have more pics about this conflict that are not around the net, just post them. It copmplets the atmosphere for me

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pity there's no freeware Cobra's available...

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In different types are:

32* Mirage F1EQ and Mirage F1EQ-2:Single-seat air defence fighter version

28* Mirage F1EQ-4 :Single-seat multi-role fighter, ground-attack, reconnaissance version

20* Mirage F1EQ-6 : Single-seat anti-shipping version

30* Mirage F1EQ-5 : Single-seat upgraded anti-shipping version(As I know 16 received)

For Air to Air they usually use 2-4* R-550 with 2* R-530F/D with a center fuel tank

For anti-shipping they use 1* AM-39 Exocet(later France upgrade F-1's to carry 2* Exocet but when they carry 2 they became heavier and became a good target to IRIAF F-4E and F-14A and two of them shot down by F-14A)

For ground attack usually to attack to Iranian citizens they use 6-8* Bombs with a fuel tank and some times with 2 R-550

In the end of the war they started to use Fighter to Fighter Refueling with pods and they can improve their fighting range

In the pic of Mirage F-1 it seems that you use a new Mod

If it is so please build BQ model too

I'm here to support you with information

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Thx Morteza! If anyone got any ebooks to share on the F.1, PM me.


Here is something of a blast from the past, way back when I got into SF2 first I did a small mod to redo the menus but ultimately never released any of it since there were a lot of other menu mods coming out at the time, but decided to dust off the files for this mod, since I really cant stand the stock menus on widescreen monitors. Sweetfx makes the pic a bit washed out but anyways..



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Not sure if you guys want to add it, but just started to make a correct P-3F... :cool:


Have to add a few parts and finish the cockpit along with several hundred different serials, then the whole pack can get released!

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Great looking menus Centurion!


And looking forward to a new Orion.

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we DEFINATELY need a new Orion!!

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These 2 are for You in my last Fitter-k pack. :biggrin:


Y.Gordon in his Aerofax book stated:


- They were used by No.5 Sq. (Tikrit - Al Bakr AB) and No. 44 sq. (Habbanya). Not other squadrons excluded.


- SU-20 (35), Su-22M4 & Su-7BMK (50 in service in dec 1986) were mixed in those units. All of these in 1991 were about 119.

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In game pic, still missing serials and some markings...


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Florian that will be a great addition, especially later during the Tanker Wars when there was more naval action. The P-3 was one of those aircraft I never thought I'd get for this mod, this community never stops to impress :drinks:

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Florian that will be a great addition, especially later during the Tanker Wars when there was more naval action. The P-3 was one of those aircraft I never thought I'd get for this mod, this community never stops to impress :drinks:

There are many campaigns and even more what-if scenarios missing the P-3. That was the main reason for me to make a model, that will grant free access and can be included in an downloadable archive. :grin:

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Some data on the VG wings fitters operational history:



The IrAF received the following variants (in chronological order of delivery):

- 18 Su-20 delivered in October 1973 (Lyulka AL-7F engines), all served with No.1 Squadron

- 36 Su-22 delivered in 1976 (Tumansky R-29 engines), of which 18 served with No.44 Squadron and 18 with No.109 Squadron; several of these belonged to the Su-22R sub-variant which could carry the KKR -1 recce pod

- 18 Su-22M delivered in 1978, all served with No.5 Squadron; six of these were upgraded to Su-22M-2K standard in 1981, equipped with Kh-58C / E anti-radar missiles (manufactured under licence in Iraq as "Nissin-28")

- Some 20 Su-22M-2Ks were purchased in 1983 in order to replace losses; they re-equipped the entire No.5 Squadron, releasing remaining Su-22Ms to be transferred to No.44 Squadron.

- 18 Su-22M-2Ks were purchased in 1983-1984 in order to replace remaining Su-22s of No.109 Squadron (only 3 of these survived by the time)

- 18 Su-22M-3Ks were purchased in 1984; they entered service with No.69 Squadron; these were the first Iraqi Su-22 compatible with advanced PGMs and R-60s

- 36 Su-22M-4K were purchased in 1986-1987 and they entered service with No.5 and No.109 Squadrons

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You can only use the current AD Su model fromthe M3 upwards. The earlier are ..... all .... on my to do list. ..... the later ones too

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You can only use the current AD Su model fromthe M3 upwards. The earlier are ..... all .... on my to do list. ..... the later ones too


You better, they need a lot of improvements :)

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Ah, yes, so I've noticed Martin. A classic case of "ignorance is bliss", I never noticed that they were wrong before but now that I know, it bugs the crap out of me :blink:

How close is the Su-20A and Su-22? Cause those are the ones I need for the first release, and yours looked pretty far along?


I just started flying the campaign for Iraq using the campaign customizer, flying the Su-22M (yes, the incorrect one) and it is quite hairy. Luckily it can take a beating and get back to base, but it is not exactly a rocket sled or a dogfighter. Also, me + unguided munitions = a lot of misses. But good fun, the campaign even threw me a CAP mission over Bagdahd. First noticed two RF-4Es low over the desert directly after takeoff, so I get on their sixes and fire both my Atolls and some guns. Two kills, just like that. Well, once over Bagdahd their big brother F-4Es come calling and after somehow gunning down one (man, the NR-30 is not fast enough for a-a gunnery) I dive for the deck and head south, hoping the SAMs will take care of them. After shooting flying telephone poles for a solid five minutes they score their first kill.

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There are "different" Su-22`s cause the one is based on the old 17 model like im preparing now and the others are based on the M3 model. The real difference between my 20B anda A model are listed in the references I have recieved from this great community! I realy have now so much and so good references, that im sure I can release a good version. It will not be a poylgonal overkill, but it will look and work smooth.


In the duscussions with Enoc about the other versions and the further plans for this bird looking very simple. I need first a standart base for the other versions. This base represents the 20 so far. Cause the tail, the front and the rest are designed like the rest of the main parts for the other versions. Antenas are easily added and mapped.


I estimate a complete timeframe of something over 30h of work on the 20 to finish the standart model. After this I will create 2 other lower LOD`s for cutting down the workload in the farther distances.

Then I will finsih up the Rafales for Heberth and Jean. <----!!!! I have promised something :biggrin:

After this the early 17 up to the M2 will be done by time. When those birds are finished i will start work on the M3 + versions.


Sidehin: I have finished the RWR recievers for the F-5, need to map them and will send them to Morteza, I think he will contact you and provide his mod for your campaign.


I hope those are news you like.

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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Well, good things come to those that wait (as always)! It will give me some time to work on the MiG-25 and Mirage F.1. It is too bad, I had hoped for an early public release but oh well.

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