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Those arado's look tasty. the E.500 varaint is in Panzer Corps but in a strategy game.

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Holy mother of God, UAV's doing air to air refueling for each other!!! Thats it I'm outta here before Skynet becomes self aware again :grin:

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Regarding the TSR.2 article, anyone who can use England, United Kingdom and Britain within the first 100 words and think that they are the same thing needs a smack around the head with a cricket bat...


English willow of course.

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ok this Yank's gotta know.... i know the difference between England and the UK. whats the difference between Britian and England?

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Britain is the name of the island, isn't it? So England, Wales, and Scotland = Britain. The UK then is Britain + N Ireland.


"Who are the Britons?"

"We all are. All of us who live here."

"And who are you then?"

"I am your king."

"I didn't vote for you."

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That's right JediMaster, although there's not many UK residents would know that any more sadly as it's "cool" to be thick in the UK!

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Britain is the name of the island, isn't it? So England, Wales, and Scotland = Britain. The UK then is Britain + N Ireland.


"Who are the Britons?"

"We all are. All of us who live here."

"And who are you then?"

"I am your king."

"I didn't vote for you."


ah now i understand.


"watery tarts passing out weapons is no basis for a government..."

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"Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'

We are not now that strength which in old days

Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;

One equal temper of heroic hearts,

Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."


From Ulysses by Lord Alfred Tennyson


I'm no limey, but that's some stirring stuff, what!I think these lines were also quoted in Skyfall; though back in the nineties in a place once called Calcutta, there used to be a Physics teacher who'd open his first class with preceding verse from the same poem;


"A bringer of new things; and vile it were

For some three suns to store and hoard myself,

And this gray spirit yearning in desire

To follow knowledge like a sinking star,

Beyond the utmost bound of human thought."

Edited by Stick

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'And gentlemen in England, now abed shall think themslves accursed,

and hold their manhood cheap, whilst any speak,

who fought with us,

upon Saint Crispen's Day. :salute:


Hail, Britannia!

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"We few, we happy few, we band of brothels" Ooops...well, France during the Hundred Years War had to have its interesting tourist locations, i guess :D

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