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IAI MiG-29I "Shunar"

So here we go with the readme:


as usual in your mod folder



During the first Iraq War in 1991, a group of iraqi MiG-29 decided to desert trying to escape the fate their comrades faced against the overwhelming power of the USAF, US Navy and their allies. Their escape ended over the Golan Heights, where they were intercepted by a entire squadron of F-15 Baz and F-16 Netz patrolling. Due to some misunderstanding between the deserters and the defending pilots, two MiG-29 were shot down and the remaining ones got escorted to the Ramat David Airbase.


Israel handed the pilots over to the US for further interrogation and kept the MiGs for studies. The capabilities of the plane convinced the commanders of the IDF. Israel offered Mikoyan Gurevych a offer for the license they could not refuse to accept, since MiG suffered a lot financially after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The MiG-29 was modified by IAI. Two years later, the first MiG-29I Shu'Al did it's maiden flight on the 24th of June 1992.


After only one Year of Service the Major flaws were known to the IDF. So IAI further upgraded the MiG-29I the Updates were so intense that the Shu'Al recieved a new name now it´s called the Shunar(Lynx)


the Mig recieved Following Upgrades:



-new Radar

-implementation of IDF Weapons

-additional mounts for chaff an flare dispensers

-laserpod station

-ability to mount F-16 wingtanks


IDF Command transfered the "Shunar" to the 105th Scorpion Squadron and sended them to Dhimar to Protect the Kingdom and to enforce the nofly zone

under the command of Natasha "Black Widow" Romanov in November the 2nd 1994. several other squadron will replace the aging F-16A with the start of 1995




I´ve to thank:


*ValAstur --> for inspiring me to do a updated Mig-29I

--> Skin and decal work

--> Testing


*Crusader(Viper Team) --> for the avionic and updates

*Mirage Factory --> for Mig-29

*ravenclaw_007 --> for awnsering stupid questions the refuel probe and the Bird-Slicer

*Cocas --> Testing

*strahi --> idea for the additional CM Pods

*lindr2 --> BVP-50-60 CM Dispenser

*SPinner --> KillMarking Info and the what if section :-P

*Combatace Site --> for the Knowledgebase and really nice guys from the community there

*anyone i forgot to mention a big sry, it was not intenional. contact me and you will be added



ValAstur wishes to thank:

Special thanks goes to ~fantasy-coolcat (Deviantart.com) for allowing us to use her Fox-tribal for this release.

Special thanks to tattootabatha.com for the scorpion used in this package.







Known Bugs:

- no loadout.ini entries

- some possible weapon loadouts look weird.( will fix it later )


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This "Natasha" looks very much like Sylvia Kristel, known from the "Emanuelle" series of movies...FYI she died recently.....

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It's Scarlett Johansen

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@EricJ: correct! :-)

but i hope you guys had also liked it without scarlet :-D

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The plane is very good, but on my there is no refuleing probe??

Edited by Stipe

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really? please look if you got the Mig-29I Parts in the pilot folder

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Yes I have them.

Edited by Stipe

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does the other parts work? bird slicer and so on?

@all: anyone else wit a missing refuel probe?

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I've got the refuelling probe, but there's no animation...

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does the other parts work? bird slicer and so on?

@all: anyone else wit a missing refuel probe?


Are the bird slicers those little fins in front of the cockpit. If so, they dont work

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this is what the nose of the plane looks like... the picture dosent want to show up, the point is that the nose looks the same as the original plane.

Edited by Stipe

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maybe something wrong in your file structure, because i tried it with a clean install and it worked.

C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Pilots

this is the path were the stuff has to be there should be a folder:


Fake Pilot





ah and if you have the old shu´al you have to delete her.

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I have all those things and it they still wont show up.

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No he means you put those folders in the C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Pilots folder, then the extra bits will show up. I did the same and it works fine.

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@alex71p: this is normal until release of the new team fulcrum Mig-29´s. there will be no animation because the refuelprobe is done with fake pilot methode

@all: there will be a update this week with loadout.ini new hangascreens and loading screens

Edited by dast24

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When's the update?

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when it arrives

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okay it is been a while, but i had to take a break^^

i will look over the shunar again and i will maybe create a Paran version of it.

next on the list is a Paran Navy Version but i need help with it.

i would love to add  the laserpod that u can see on this pic of the mig-35:


because the lightning pod glued on the mig looks strange.

maybe one of you talented 3d artist can do one for me.

it should be added via fake pilot methode

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