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something from the east






good flight




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This is what happens when you get bored on a long flight back home...

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It's also a GREAT way to getting all that junk that falls to floor out of the cockpit!! Never know what ya might find (loose change, TV remotes, etc)

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Meanwhile, high above an undisclosed test range......





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gonna be a big bang up in Burma!!

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Falcons over the Owen Stanley's




EVERYBODY knows that the bird is the word!!

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Falcons over the Owen Stanley's




EVERYBODY knows that the bird is the word!!

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B-25G anti shipping near Rabaul ...


Heading out boys ... got a busy day ahead




Japanese destroyers sighted, they're sure kicking up a fuss!!




Got him! Right in the guts! Another one down to Davy Jones' Locker!!







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water, water everywhere...

and not a ship to sink!!


(VMB-413 in the Solomons)

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you all have NO idea how much I hate!!! doing Invasion Stripes...

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WW2 Jet patrol!...an old picture from Germany archives! hi.gif.pagespeed.ce.rwB44a-P_s.gif



Edited by Coupi
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Edited by Coupi

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I have this F4U-1D that only comes in the tri-color scheme. A little irritating because most -1Ds wore all navy blue livery. I've also wanted a Bunker Hill Corsair or Hellcat, but there's no such skin out there.


I just had to make my own...







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must not have looked very hard, the TMF -1D comes in overall blue for VF-84 on BUNKER HILL.

Safe to assume you're not using that one, but "someone elses"?

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Finally got around to do serial numbers for the TW P-51D Mustang WWII skin packs, a full squadron's worth of decals! But that also means bad news! To properly represent each aircraft in a squadron, each will have it's own set of serials and individual aircraft letters, which means more disk space. I will be releasing them as updates with an updated decal.ini.


On other news I did a couple nose art decals: 505th FS' "Tar Heel" and 356th FS' "Short-Fuse Sallee" (-ish).

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must not have looked very hard, the TMF -1D comes in overall blue for VF-84 on BUNKER HILL.

Safe to assume you're not using that one, but "someone elses"?

Zoinks! I do have the TMF-1D. It defaults to VBF-10, so I didn't see VF-84. I really like the TMF Corsair FM, but there's something off about the cowling in the model. Maybe it's too open? I'm not sure precisely why it seems incorrect. Something with the shape. In any event, yes, this model is by "someone else." The model is perfect in every way.

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you know you can move the skin listing around in the main ini, right??? If you have a preference, cut/pate, in this instance the VF84 skin to the Number 001 position, and renumber them all.

Old trick that goes back to 2003 and original release of SFP1.


personally, I don't think there's any thing wrong with the TMF Corsair; it could just be the automatic cowl flaps

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