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NK in state of war with the South?

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"North Korea is planning to launch a missile" said CNN, referring to an unnamed US official. the official said, in the last days they have "captured" North Korean information about Phenyan's plans to lauch a ballistic missile from a mobile site. it is yet unclear whether the high command plans a strike or another test launch - says CNN's news portal


Missile and launch components have been moved to the east coast of North Korea in the "last few days," a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the information told CNN on Thursday."


IF anyone would believe the massively corrupt media whores of CNN...

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The press will be trying to hype this up as much as poss to get people reading their stuff.



BBC have an analysis from a former UK ambassador http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-22024260


It might be different behaviour - but hopefully just down to the way the new glorious leader wants to deal with things.


the North Korians really drew the short straw with this government - but hey they all seem to think hes great. So if they are happy - then this may just be the form of rhetoric that will eminate from NK for the new leaders entire reign.

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Yeah, this Kim something acts strange, like a small fearfull dog who bites everyone.

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USG should reply by broadcasting Team America nonstop into DPRK. We wont but as a "what will you really do?" we should.

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Yeah, this Kim something acts strange, like a small fearfull dog who bites everyone.


Yea, he's a dog... very very good though. BUT. Whose dog? Who let this dog out, and who gives him the bone to bark? That is the question!!!

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Yea, he's a dog... very very good though. BUT. Whose dog? Who let this dog out, and who gives him the bone to bark? That is the question!!!

Illuminati and New World Order?


Not every act is a conspiracy...

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Yeah, i'm glad NK is letting us know ahead of time what they're going to do. It's really nice that they are being so curtious. Do you guys really believe this crap? What's really going on here?

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Kid showing he's got grandpa's balls to the top brass, nothing more. He's young but not so stupid (I hope...) and want's to live on printed dollars a little longer

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North Koreans have had widespread access to satellite TV for the last decade. At this point we should really just offer $10 million or something to whoever caps fatty boy.

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North Koreans have had widespread access to satellite TV for the last decade.

that's novelty

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da da da dada da dada da

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Personally, I'm sick of diplomatic-speak. Just once I'd like to hear some country say "North Korea is a big joke. It's leaders are stupid and impotent and I can't believe anyone is paying attention to their drivel."


Why doesn't anyone insult anyone anymore? All this "we have to take it seriously" crap is really dumb.


Either A) this is all for show, NK has no intention of fighting, and what we say is irrelevant, or B) they're crazy, they're going to attack no matter what, and what we say is irrelevant.

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They just had a nice little earthquake I can see conspiracy servers overloading right now :)))

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Yea, he's a dog... very very good though. BUT. Whose dog? Who let this dog out, and who gives him the bone to bark? That is the question!!!


The Jesuits

And earlier i was speaking of a NK General, not Kin Jong Uno momento



You speaking of HAARP?

Edited by Spectre8750

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When it is about political actions... that time, my politilogy teacher said, there is

1. Interest/Benefit

2. Ability

3. Opportunity

When something happened, look for 1. who benefits from it, 2. who had the ability who could have done that. 3. Who was in a position, who had the opportunity to do it.

As with crimes (.. as they are mostly criminal acts anyway). .. and you will find the culprit.


Let's presume, the leader in this case is sane and not idiot. I'm sure about it. Second, even in the stalinist type of judeo-bolshevist dictatorship, the premiere was not a one-man government. Within the comrades there were cliques, lobbys committed to internal debates, or even fighting (just to mention 1953 or 1956). So we can assume this was not a one man decision, idiotism of a single leader can be rejected.

The degree of internal or foreign influence is questionable of course, but if we look and the above three points we can estimate the outcome and the beneficiaries of such events like a second korean war with or without a single nuclear launch presented as casus belli (good old method).

Personally I am 99.99% sure IF North Korea launches a nuke it is not their own decision and interest but another greater power's indirect way to start a war.


Everyone should see it clear, this world is not about countries and borders, and not about "left" or "right". Not presidents and governments hold the power anymore. As in my country, as in everywhere else in the world, the "political/governmental" layer is just an interface between the Power and the People. They are just employees who get paid to enforce the most tax/profit out of people and prevent their rebellion.

War of the future will be not between countries.

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You speaking of HAARP?

Yeah lol

I've read the news on earthquake on several sites, not one was without HAARP comment :lol:

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Yeah lol

I've read the news on earthquake on several sites, not one was without HAARP comment :lol:


Yea thats laughable... and chemtrail stuff... Even here, after we had a rainfall record of 110 years. Guess what... HAARP, Chemtrail, Global warming and other deveptive myths.

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Found in a german Forum.




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Greatest peace envoy of all time Benny Hill:


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Let's hope this time (if there's a re-start of the war) we learned lessons from Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Seeing the video above reminded me how we got our ass kicked in 'Nam. Just sayin'



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Let's hope this time (if there's a re-start of the war) we learned lessons from Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Seeing the video above reminded me how we got our ass kicked in 'Nam. Just sayin'




I wouldn't worry - I'm sure the clueless YouTube author who did the video isn't the Commanding General...........

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