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[Renewed] F-4M Phantom II - Royal Australian Air Force

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The F-4M Phantom II for the Royal Australian Air Force.


There are three versions of the F-4M in this mod.

  • TK's F-4M: This is intended as a strike aircraft (but is capable in all roles). In this scenario, it was operated by 2 Squadron, 12 Squadron, and 460 Squadron. It comes in the SEA colour scheme, a Green/Grey RAF-style scheme, and an overall olive drab (as on the CF-104).
  • TK's F-4M (75): This is an interceptor operated by 3 Squadron, 30 Squadron, and 458 Squadron. It comes in an ADC Grey scheme, a wrap-around SEA scheme, the Euro 1 scheme, and a wrap-around Green/Grey RAF-style scheme.
  • TK's F-4M (80): Again, this is an interceptor operated by 3, 30, and 458 Squadrons. It comes in the grey scheme worn by RAF Phantoms near the end of their service lives, Euro 1, a wrap-around Green/Grey RAF-style scheme, and a wrap-around SEA scheme. Low-visibility national markings are provided for the grey scheme.

I have taken the SF2 Realism Mod SquadronList.ini and added 12, 30, 458, and 460 Squadrons to it, and numbered the decals accordingly.


Back Story


The idea for this aircraft comes from my alternate history site. It was first operated by this alternate Royal Canadian Navy in 1968.


The RAAF's primary strike aircraft for the sixties was the F-105 Thunderchief. During the Vietnam War, the RAAF used its Thunderchiefs to strike targets of strategic importance to the Saigon Fascist regime. However, German air defences in South Vietnam had taken their toll on the Thuds. With the F-111C suffering serious delays, the RAAF took what was available, the F-4 Phantom. This aircraft had just been introduced by the Royal Australian Navy. In Vietnam, the Phantom enjoyed a high level of success, and showed its multi-role capacity.


With the delivery of the F-111s, and their work up to full operational capability, the RAAF needed to find a mission for its Phantoms, or a buyer. The RAAF recommended early replacement of the F-106 Delta Dart. The Government accepted this option, and the F-4M served as Australia's air defender until the early 1990s.


The wikia article for the aircraft itself is found here:

- http://themarshall.w...-4K.2FM_Phantom




  • Copy the contents of the Objects folder into the Objects folder inside your mod folder.
  • Copy the contents of the PilotData folder into the PilotData folder of your mods folder.


  • TK: F-4M from the SF2: Europe.
  • Ravenclaw_007: F-4E templates, F-4B templates, high resolution AIM-7
  • Sundowner: F-4E templates, F-4B templates
  • Spinners: Green/Grey F-4M skins
  • Dave, HomeFries and the SF2 Realism Mod team: SquadronList.ini


Edited by Sheriff001

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I have added the changes from the [Fictional] RAN, RCN, RAAF, RCAF F-4K/M Phantom update pack to this file. These changes include a reconnaissance pod, rail launched Sparrow missiles on the inboard wing pylons, an Auscam skin, and various skin fixes. I've also renewed the SEA skin. I had previously used a stock F-4C or F-4D skin with a Spey nozzle (with which I wasn't totally happy). It now has textures drawn from ravenclaw_007's excellent F-4E template over a modified F-4B template. I think it looks a good deal better (and more importantly, it doesn't look like it has a boom receptacle with paint partially stripped by the fuel!). The Auscam skin is a recolouring of an SEA wraparound skin to standard Australian Army vehicle camouflage colours.

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      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Special thanks to sundowner for the F-4E templates.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
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      McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.3 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
      This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire Phantom F-4E (early - short cannon muzzle fairing)  to create a fictional Phantom FGR.3 in service with the Royal Air Force in the 1969-1972 timeline with markings for No.6 and No.112 squadrons of RAF Middle East Command as they might have appeared during this period when deployed to Dhimar. Both squadrons have an association with the Middle East and Desert areas with No.6 Squadron being 'The Flying Tin Openers' whilst No.112 Squadron were famous for being the RAF's 'sharkmouth' squadron.  

      1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the PhantomFGR3 folder into your Aircraft folder.
      2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the PhantomFGR3 folder into your Decals folder.
      That's it!

      As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim.
      Special thanks to sundowner for the F-4E templates.
      And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community.
      Version 2 - February 29th, 2024.

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