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Yes, a test bed for the Tu-144. Main landing gear is in such a place that does not leave much room for more than the standard 2 pylons. Still it will be cool to have it in SF world.

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after some RL net issues im back sorry for the black out

Raven there his on real ETA on this  and th MiG-21 analog wloud be a great add!

i have come across some 3 views of the analog whit two pilons per wing whit the centerline that make 5 like the second gen Migs

i see PM CadeteBRA for details on P.1154 he has and go from there.


here the list i have so far....


Enterdar6 late<--mostly CAS
Mirage G4 or 8 views i have found are all G8 < strike  and recon
Mirage F2 < Interceptor , air superority  and escort

Siroco M late wip< strike cas recon
F-8FN< Interceptor , air superority  and escort

Mirage 5sh wip< Mutli role but on on Air to Air duty
Enterdar6 early <wip Strike CAS

NF-102 fang< light multi role
Bac Boreas P.45C< strike CAS
Fairey FD 2 or SR 177? <Interceptor , air superority  and escort

fairchild F-15 <Interceptor , air superority  and escort
F-4X < Strike CAS SEAD
A-7D < CAS some Strike

V-507<Interceptor , air superority  and escort
A-6E< Stike
A-7E < CAS


Hawker P-1154 <Interceptor , air superority  and escort
Bac Boreas P45C late wip < Strike recon CAS
TSR 2 Strike

Sora FGA2 wip Strike CAS
Hawker P-1154N<Interceptor , air superority  and escort

Vak-191B mk6< CAS Recon 
F-4F Multi roles mostly air to air


MiG-21Bis < Interceptor , air superority  and escort
Mig-23PD wip < stirke air to air superority
Mig-21MF MUlti role
Yak-36M < CAS
Yak-28-64? if made < recon CAS Strike

MiG-21F Faceplate wip Mult role more no Strike and CAS
Mig-21PFM <Interceptor , air superority  and escort
Mig-23BN < Strike CAS Recon

Mig-17F < CAS strike
MiG-19S Multy role


this his all open to debate just a general idea!




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Just for clarification on the Mirage G front...


There has been 3 prototypes built for 3 programs, however two of these prototypes were used for 2 programs successively :


Mirage III G / Mirage G : Mostly intended as a testbed and proof of concept for the Dassault swing-wing, dual seater, single engine, based on the Mirage F.2 prototype airframe.

Mirage G4 : Intended for small scale production as a strike aircraft, dual seater, two engines, two prototypes were built, unfinished before cancellation, they never flew.

Mirage G8 : Study for an interceptor, single seater, two engines, the two G4 prototypes were finished to G8 standard, the first one still as a dual seater (G8 01), the second as a single seater (G8 02), the final airframe would have been shorter than G8 02.


Most plans you will find are of G8 01, which was previously G4 01 and a dual seater, technically it is a G4.


A G8 trainer would have been markedly different from G8 01 as it would have had a transparent section between both seats, as the Mirage G had, and the seats would have been stepped more to offer a better view from the back seat, giving a more hunchbacked profile.


So, if it's a swing-wing Mirage :


2 seats, 1 engine = Mirage G

2 seats, 2 engines, strike = Mirage G4

1 seat, 2 engines, interceptor = Mirage G8

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Do you have pics of how the Dhimari planes will look like?

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views i have

Mirage f2


Fairchild F-15A


Fairey delta 2


Nf-102 fang F-5´s daddy!


Mirage G


Vought V-507



Sr -177



later i post pics of my early wips in max


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promissed wip shot at this point im mostly make the "bonés" next i will focus on finishing one by one no eta since im mostly alone on this one.

Fairchild F-15A




Mirage G





some net pics of the Fang i realy like it alot





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Thank you :)


Tried to make an SR.177 myself a few years ago but didn't get very far, quite interseted in the rest of those birds as well especially the VG Phantom.



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to SR 177 think we need to at least one more underwing pilon to completment wing tip and fuel tank pilons!

and a gun!

fairey delta worry me about pilot visibility! outher then that i like it hsa much has the SR 177


Vg phantom has some strange apeal i just that i can make it good enough!

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Been a lurker for a while and saw your model progress on the F-4 VG or FV as was, bit of a "What if" Looney myself so would love to see this make it into SF2.You may have this but hope it helps.



http://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/1966/1966%20-%200191.html   Information from the time on the UK proposed version from Mc Donnell Douglas













Edited by imperialwolfx

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right now my dilema whit the Phantom VG his the nose..

make a E type gun nose since im using it as an USAF/TAC aircraft

or make the normal navy no gun nose like the drawings

i realy dont know......

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Do both noses, then you won't have to make one or the other later.

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If you can select only one, go for the E type. After all there's no kill as a gun kill!

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to SR 177 think we need to at least one more underwing pilon to completment wing tip and fuel tank pilons!

and a gun!

fairey delta worry me about pilot visibility! outher then that i like it hsa much has the SR 177

I'd thought about that as well, just might be enough space for something the wing root(s), not really much space to plant a gun on this one though. As for missiles, 2 Firestreaks/Redtops matches the lightning at least, perhaps a tad light but again this jet really wasn't big enough to carry much more unless it went up without external tanks. I also never really understood why the canopy framing on the .177 was so heavy, was planing on replacing it with something more akin to the SR.53's canopy* had I managed to get that far. In the case of the FD2 it was purely a research bird so I guess visability wasnt as important, could always just "what if" something similar to the F-104's canopy?


* SR.53, small mixed powerplant tech demonstrator that served as the forerunner of the SR.177:




Edited by fallenphoenix1986

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both nose sounds better more work but better

has for both Sr 177 or Delta 2 they will be handle last maybe we can find a better option since its for dhimar in western aircraft will do....

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I have a 3d model of the Convair model 44 Tomcat contender if you want to finish it.



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come one of the masters of modeling danm i want it

also saves some work!

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I love those 60's/70's artists impressions.

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This bird would be nice.

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This bird would be nice.

It is in progress... i have to get some other bird out of the way first, then i can finish it.


Edit:attached evidence


Edited by logan4
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if one of our s WIPs thats in the way leave it be and take care of this one please that thing his hot!!!!

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Ok, my apologies for the bad wording, they are not "in the way" but had higher priority from my point of view. :blush:  :cry:  :blackeye: So were sort of "ahead" of that plane. :baby:  :doh:

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ok np since there no real eta on this one hell i got sereval planes make plus making the campaing and ground war etc etc

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