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I'm fairly new to the SF2 series. I played the heck out of WOV and WOE and loved it, and only recently bought the full merged install of SF2 (except for EXP 2, but I'll be picking that up this coming payday). I know there are excellent ports of the ODS and NATOcampaigns that I'll be picking up when the DL section is online, and am way stoked about that. Also hoping to find an updated version of the WOV expansion mod. 


What other great 3rd party campaigns are there? By any chance are there any in the Balkans?


PS - Sorry if this is elsewhere and I missed it. 



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Anything eburger has had a part in. I can't stress that enough. The follow on legacy support he provides to these campaigns is highly appreciated as well.


I should also mention JonathonRL's Scandinavian Front and Formosa campaigns.


There's more, but with the downloads still down I can't remember them all off the top of my head.

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+1 on Eburgers campaigns. I learned a ton just looking as his Campaigns.

Edited by JonathanRL

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+2 on Eburgers...his work is extremely well done... but also there are others as in JonathanRL's work as well that are also outstanding and very well thought out....

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I've got ODS and would get NF5 once the links are fixed. I'm looking at Tainted Cigar, Op Darius, and the various Sino-Taiwan campaigns too. I'd be happy if there are campaigns covering the Iran-Iraq War, Indo-Pakistan Wars, Falklands, Balkans and Korean War. Are there any for these regions in SF2?

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There's an Iran-Iraq War campaign currently in development. As far as I know it's just waiting on aircraft.


There's a Falklands campaign and a 1966 Indo-Pak campaign. Both are in the downloads section.

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Right. Found the two campaigns. Now, are there any Expensions for the Arab-Israeli Wars in SF2:Israel? I've found an expansion for SF2:Vietnam, the Air-Ground one and I'm looking for a similar addon for SF2:Israel. I'm also searching for a Korean War campaign.

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There's an expansion of the expansion that includes the 1956 Suez Crisis. You need Expansion Pack 1 for it though. There might be more. Dunno. There's a Korean War campaign in the downloads as well.

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unfortunately, NOT for the KAW Korean Terrain (aka: Korea 3). Nobody's made one for that yet

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Well... I made my own KAW compilation with new campaign, built from scratch. But it contains a lot of other modders stuff and I don't have rights to share it.

The only thing I can do is to send my pack to KAW Devs and they will decide how to use it.

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I see. A Korean War campaign's nice to have, hopefully there'll be a complete campaign for the Korean War soon enough. I'll get the Suez Crisis expension, but I'm also looking for expansions for the Six Day, Yom Kippur and First Lebanon Wars. That said, how can I have different folders for each campaign? I've got the 2009 Merged SF2.

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Isn't that what you're looking for?



It's better to create a separate folders for each megamod you have. Just copy exe file (StrikeFighters2 Israel.exe or StrikeFighters2 Vietnam.exe or any other) anywhere yoy want and rename it. Drop renamed exe to your game folder and launch it once. The game will create a folder:

C:\Users\Your_username\Saved Games\ThirdWire\Name_of_your_new_exe

You must copy your mod files there and launch the game with your new .exe. 


You've said you have a Merged 2009 SF2.

Do you have these expansion packs:


https://store.thirdwire.com/project_sf2_exp1.htm ?


If not, than you cannot play KAW mods. There are a lot of stuff that are necessary for Korean War, such as new MiG-15 model, P-51 and Meteor.


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Yup, I've got both ThirdWire expansions and SF2:NA as well save for DLCs. Do I create the mod folders at the savegame folder?

Edited by OrangeFr3ak92

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Yup, I've got both ThirdWire expansions and SF2:NA as well save for DLCs. Do I create the mod folders at the savegame folder?

You don't even need to create any folders by yourself. Game will do it automatically.

For example, I copied StrikeFighters2 Vietnam.exe to other place, renamed it to StrikeFighters2 Korea.exe and moved it back to game folder. Launched this exe once, then exit game.


Now I have a new folder:

...Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Korea

All mod files goes there.


That's all.

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unfortunately, NOT for the KAW Korean Terrain (aka: Korea 3). Nobody's made one for that yet


i did upload one some months ago.


it's not as awesome as luk's mainly without a ground war, but quite functional. the blue side's order of battle was at least well researched.

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If you want real immersion in a campaign, you want to feel like a part of a very large air war, Operation Desert Storm is second to none.   Positively dripping with atmosphere.


If you are into masochism, try Operation Darius.

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I've got them both and managed to create modfolders. I currently have Desert Storm, Tainted Cigar, SF2V Air and Ground Extended and NF5 is being downloaded. Are there any two/three/four seat Skyraiders for SF2?

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