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Yak-38 Forger cockpit

This is cockpit for North Atlantic's native Yak-38 Forger carrier-based VTOL fighter.


for SF2:North Atlantic -fully merged installation preferred


Made in and tested with >>MAY 2013<< installation, should work ok with older or newer ones though.


Won't work in Series1.


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Dood, you just can't stop can you? Excellent, as always! :biggrin:

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Super! Many many thanks!!!

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Dood, you just can't stop can you? Excellent, as always! :biggrin:

no, I can't :smile:

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Dood, you just can't stop can you?


He is not supposed to.

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Stary, you´re in my prayer list (a short one by the way). Don´t you dare to quit! Congrats!!!

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I'm looking forward to combining this with Krizis's Yak-38.  Thanks, Stary.

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is he's still in action? I thought we lost Krizis

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Awesome work. 

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Stary, the pit works great with the stock Forger and Gepard's mod. But it freezes game at 100% loading using Snailman's mod. I am trying to trouble shoot the problem but so far I cannot figure it out.

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Flies like you imagine it would, in the SF2 Universe, at least.   Rolls fast and a bit unstable, pitch is noticeably weak.  Lots of thrust helps it accelerate well, like the Harrier.  I did pull the data.ini and increase the lift-jet engines' thrust (someone recommended that long before we got this pit, can't remember who...).  It does not want to get off of the Kiev with full tanks and 4 lil' ol'  R60 missiles.


A real challenge to fly in a late '70s environment with Phantoms and Tomcats clouding the skies.   I think I'll stay within missile range of friendly cruisers.   :good:

Edited by arthur666

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This fixes the issue with Snailman's Forger mod. Replace or cut and paste this data into his version and it will work. There was an issue with the lift engines but I sorted it out by renumbering them. I also added an AIRBRAKE so you can slow this thing down enough to land it. I reckon the airbrake simulates the drag produced by the open lift fan intake. Be advised this data is for his early version not his M.

Ok I guess I can't post the data in this topic. Look for new topic in SF2 mods area.

Edited by CrazyhorseB34
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Much appreciated fix CrazyHorse! :ok:


and sorry to disappoint you, one certain little lady already occupies my Wall Street; thanks for the offer though :smile:

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Check Position= entry in cockpit ini, theres a double entry :


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ahh that old typo, but worried be not, it does no harm

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is he's still in action? I thought we lost Krizis



He sent me his Yak-38 3D model four years ago so I could work on its FM, and I have not heard from him in some time.  I wish he would contact us so we could finish and release it.  If he gave me permission, I could have it uploaded in a matter of days.

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Thanks a lot, Stary!! This is awesome, a very much needed pit. Thank you!

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