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Hi folks!!! I am trying to create new SAM sites to add a little more danger to strike and SEAD missions. The thing is that I found some annoying tendency of SAMs and RADARS  not to show up. Here's the deal: Once I have the different coordinates for the SAM RADAR, EWR and SAM launchers, I add AAA. If AAA is added, something starts to go wrong. Either one or another RADAR doesn't show up, or the SAM launchers don't. 


Here's another thing. If I create two SAM sites, in different target areas, but close one from the other, one of them will start to bother. Radars or SAMs not showing up.


Is there any guide to create SAM sites? Any Ideas? Thanks!!!


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How are you adding the SAM sites?  Are you using a standard deployment (positioning) scheme, and then adding them as generic radars and SAMs? Or are you calling out a specific SAM type (SA-10, Hawk C, etc)?

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I am adding them generic (SAMRadar, EWR, SAMLauncher).

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Thanks a lot for your Idea ... I also think that SF2 NA need urgently of new US NAVY carriers ... I hope so one day :(

However I have some idea for your SAM project .... Do you think about SA-10 ? or more detailed model of SA-5 or SA-6 ?

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There's been an SA-10 out for ages as well as an SA-5, and the SA-6 is already in-game.

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Air defenses, regardless of if they are SAM, EWR, SAM Radar, AAA units, Gunlaying radars (Firecans, etc) do NOT always spawn on YOUR side during gameplay.


OTH, they will spawn (90% of the time) on the enemy side, that'll you'll be facing.


this is a game engine issue, and has been for the last 7 or 8 years. Nobody knows this better than me, I've been fighting with it since 2008.

There's nothing that can be done about it. So, just populate as normal, and hope the engine wakes up enough to allow them to come out and play.

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Thanks so much for your help. I've been going nuts because of it!

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Two questions:  What patch level are you using, and is your SAM issue only occurring on the side you're flying for, or on the side you're flying against?

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Two questions:  What patch level are you using, and is your SAM issue only occurring on the side you're flying for, or on the side you're flying against?


It happens both on my side and the side I am flying against. With series 1, I happened the same. Any ideas?

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Yes, I think it's the "blue-side SAM bug" rearing its ugly head again.  I'll run a few tests and verify this.

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I hope this bug is corrected in a future patch!

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Count the numbers of SAM and Flak per Targetarea. If you have more then 16 you will face the problem of non existing AD units. If you stay at 16 or less you will see all AD units in game.

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Count the numbers of SAM and Flak per Targetarea. If you have more then 16 you will face the problem of non existing AD units. If you stay at 16 or less you will see all AD units in game.

Thanks, Michael.  I had forgotten about that one.

Edited by Fubar512

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Count the numbers of SAM and Flak per Targetarea. If you have more then 16 you will face the problem of non existing AD units. If you stay at 16 or less you will see all AD units in game.


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Should a Sam launcher be able to rotate?

From the object it looks so but i've never seen it.

The only stare in one direction.

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depends on the launcher


SA-2s don't


SA-3s will (with dual or triple launchers. disremember about the singles)

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In RL the Sa2 launcher also able to turn 360degree before launch. maybe our ground object not.


Sa3 also has a quad launcher version - don't know if we have it for SF yet.

The SA3 truck dual launcher also rotate able - and I'm not talking about the missile carrier/loader truck.

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SA-3 quad launcher (and the other SA3s) goes back to Pasko's SAMs and Vehicle Pak of 2005, with the associated EW and SAM Radars.

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If the SA2 launcher doesn't rotate, (they do not in my install) is it a bug or is the model never made rotateable?

If so did someone fixed it?

Edited by Rends

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I think it is only a _data.ini thingy. Controlled by these bellow and operated/effective by the LookAroundChance= entry



YawLimited=FALSE  <--- if left "false" then the missile launcher should be able to move 360degree otherwise controlled by the min-maxyaw entries if changed to TRUE.
DefaultYawAngle=0    <---- default, placement direction position is controlled by the sam site layout entries in the given terrain's targets.ini
LookAroundChance=0 <--- either remove or change to higher value

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The SA-2 launcher has a fixed yaw axis in-game for a reason.  And that is to prevent an SA-2 site from salvoing all 6 of its missiles at once. 

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The SA-2 launcher has a fixed yaw axis in-game for a reason. And that is to prevent an SA-2 site from salvoing all 6 of its missiles at once.


Now that would be interesting to see,hehe.

Serious,isn't the 30 degrees entry somewhat to limited?

Most time they fire one sam only because the rest face a different direction.

Edited by Rends

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In RL they usually deployed 2 missiles / target (sometimes 3 as the system can direct 3 missiles for the same target). If the yaw limit is set to +/-35 degree than they can have overlap in a small regime, which might simulate the double launch.

Just theory, haven't tested it yet, if the lookaroundchance is set to 10 or bellow that would probably limit the system from salvo all 6 at the same time.

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