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Syrian MiG-29 & MiG-23s in action

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I  hate that they scream "Allah Wackbar".. if god was so great and mighty he would smite Assad's forces long ago so STFU :X

they are flying pretty low, one SAM could do the job right!

Edited by Nesher
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It's also irrelevant. They could shout "the sky is blue!" or "air is great to breathe!" or any other meaningless platitude.


Same with the "God willing" inserted into every other sentence as they talk about destruction of their enemies or whatever. If God was willing, you wouldn't have enemies, would you? Instead, you have many and your lives are miserable and often short...so I think believing God is on your side is pretty naive!

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I must admit...the sounds of the 29 and 23 in combat sound awesome...the whine of the 23 is spine tingling...

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I  hate that they scream "Allah Wackbar".. if god was so great and mighty he would smite Assad's forces long ago so STFU :X

they are flying pretty low, one SAM could do the job right!

It's not a problem for me

After all, we often hear in some videos from US, french, english people saying :

"Oh my God"

"Thank's god"

Or similar expressions

And a "litteral" application of those expressions would give the same kind of weirdness as you say here for "Allah Wackbar"

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jeanba, it's because they say it 100 times per minute.. every video no matter what happens

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Don't see many Fulcrums doing A/G work..

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dunno nesher, Israel knows it can live with an alawite.gov, but not jihadist rebels with captured chemicals. What were we...USA...doing trying to destabilize -- using islamists moderate or not -- a .gov with HUGE amounts of chemicals?


Smooth -23 thanks. The -29 is smokey though, one engine more than the other. Now I wish I had sound on my computer just to hear the -23. Love it.



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jeanba, it's because they say it 100 times per minute.. every video no matter what happens

Check how often people are saying "Oh my god !" on youtube

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Ever had to wait on an Arab because they where late for some meeting or something and they show up 30 minutes later and say "inshallah." God's will. I have. Nothing in the world could piss you off more than habitually late Kuwaitis.


It is not the will of god that you are late. It is a sign of poor time management and lack of respect.


Alluah Akbar is a battle cry. A very OVERUSED one at that!


I can understand screaming it as you plunge your bayonet into the chest of the infidel. But they say it while doing everything from KP to taking a dump. Oh btw "Alluah Akbar."


Yes Floggers and Fulcrums do sound pretty mean.

Edited by CrazyhorseB34
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