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The Good and Bad news....

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Well my lower lymph nodes are 50 percent smaller... YAY! BUT... *sigh* they found a blood clot near my pelvis. They don't know how long it has been there or if the cancer had caused it or not. But my doctor immediately called my mother and told her to go to another center to learn how to give shots in my stomach. This was yesterday, shortly after I vomited and laid down to rest (I vomited right after taking my anti-nausea medicine). May mother told him about that and he told her that he'll ask the center to re-hydrate me and give me some anti-nausea meds thru my port.


My mother had a hell of a time getting my anti-clot meds. She had to go to another city (about 4 miles from the suburb I live in) to get them. I started my anti-clot medicine last night. It wasn't bad. A little sting and it fated within about 3 minutes. I need to take them for 3 months at least. And I need to watch myself of not getting scratched and my mother will tell my aides to be extra careful in transferring me with my ceiling lift.


Well, the blood clot is another chapter of the saga of Erik LOL



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Well the good news is the lymph nodes are smaller.

Sorry about the clotting but take it all in stride.

Thanks for the update.

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keep up the fight, hope the clot will be treated properly!

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One victory, good! 
Keep up the spirit, I am amazed by your will and fighting spirit.

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Keep fighting my friend. 

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After all the crap you took on with this, a clot is nothing. Now you are going over it buddy  :boxing:

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Just one problem after another... but then that's what life seems to be all about.

Just some people seem to get more than their fair share of problems.

Small complication... but progress nonetheless.

I don't envy you having to take all those medicines (or all the problems that require the medicines for that matter).

Sometimes the cure can be as bad or worse than the disease!


Look on the bright side, surely by the time you are over all of this and feeling better, some new flight sim or addon you like will have been released and you can have some fun trying it out.

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Heh, 4 miles is almost how far away my daughters' preschool is! My commute to work is 16 miles each way.

We have closer pharmacies, but we have more than usual seeing as 25% of our population is over 65 (and name me one person over 65 who's not taking SOMETHING regularly).


Just keep calm and let the meds break up the clot, you don't want to make it move before that, it's safer where it is than where it might go!

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