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If you could ask General Chuck Yeager one question what would you ask him?


I'm only asking because General Yeager may have some time to answer your one question. You read that right ... CombatACE News Team has made contact with General Yeager and he's interested in a Q&A with us. I'm sending the general  a short list of ten of your questions.


That is all thank you for your time.


Here's my question:


What is your idea of the perfect aircraft?


That's all I could think of.

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What was the definitive moment in your long and amazing career?

Edited by russouk2004

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During your entire career what is your favorite story to tell about the aircraft you've flown, and why?

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What is your favorite propeller aircraft ?

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Do you still  believe that the Indian Hunter Pilot blasted your Beechcraft on purpose at Islamabad air base during the 1971 Indo-Pak war?

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A man like this and one question my question would be can I ask you a lot more questions? Seriously though I would be more than happy to shake his hand and say thank you.


But if it's a question to ask then it must be...


Why did you want to do what you have done...? (I know it is a short question but a very long answer) but for a short question with a short answer:-


Was the F-20 that good an airplane and why?


Sorry about the 2 questions but for a man like this you can sometimes ask...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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A man like this and one question my question would be can I ask you a lot more questions? Seriously though I would be more than happy to shake his hand and say thank you.


But if it's a question to ask then it must be...


Why did you want to do what you have done...? (I know it is a short question but a very long answer) but for a short question with a short answer:-


Was the F-20 that good an airplane and why?


Sorry about the 2 questions but for a man like this you can sometimes ask...


How about ... What motivated you to do the many things you've accomplished?


and or


What are somethings you believe that make the F-20 a good airplane and why?




Would either these work better for you?




Do you still  believe that the Indian Hunter Pilot blasted your Beechcraft on purpose at Islamabad air base during the 1971 Indo-Pak war?


Good question ...


Would this work?


Do you still believe that the Indian Hunter Pilot during the 1971 Indo-Pak war accurately identified, despite flying low, fast, and avoiding AAA,intentionally engaged and destroyed your Beechcraft along with the UNs plane?



He continues, "The dictator of Pakistan at the time, the one who ordered the crackdown in the East, was a general named Yahya Khan. Way over his head in events he couldn't begin to understand, Yahya took increasingly to brooding and drinking. In December of 1971, with Indian supplied guerrillas applying more pressure on his beleaguered forces, Yahya decided on a last, hopeless gesture of defiance. He ordered what was left of his armed forces to attack India directly from the West. His air force roared across the border on the afternoon of December 3 to bomb Indian air bases, while his army crashed into India's defences on the Western frontier."

"It was the morning after the initial Pakistani strike that Yeager began to take the war with India personally. On the eve of their attack, the Pakistanis had been prudent enough to evacuate their planes from airfields close to the Indian border and move them back into the hinterlands. But no one thought to warn General Yeager. Thus when an Indian fighter pilot swept low over Islamabad airport in India's first retaliatory strike, he could see only two small planes on the ground. Dodging antiaircraft fire, he blasted both to smithereens with 20-millimeter (sic) canon fire. One was Yeager's Beechcraft. The other was a plane used by United Nations forces to supply the patrols that monitored the ceasefire in Kashmir."

"I never found out how the UN reacted to the destruction of its plane, but Yeager's response was anything but dispassionate. He raged to his cowering colleagues at a staff meeting. His voice resounding through the embassy, he proclaimed that the Indian pilot not only knew exactly what he was doing but had been specifically instructed by Indira Gandhi to blast Yeager's plane. In his book he later said that it was the Indian way of giving Uncle Sam "the finger" ".

Ingraham's suggestion that "To an Indian pilot skimming the ground at 500 mph under antiaircraft fire, precise identification of targets on an enemy airfield might take lower priority than simply hitting whatever was there and then getting the hell out"   was met by withering scorn from Yeager.

"Our response to this Indian atrocity, as I recall," adds Ingraham (tongue firmly in cheek), "was a top priority cable to Washington that described the incident as a deliberate affront to the American nation and recommended immediate countermeasures. I don't think we ever got an answer⦣".


Ingraham says that Yeager's movements and activities during the subsequent conflict remained uncertain, but "A Pakistani businessman, son of a general, told me excitedly that Yeager had moved into the big air force base at Peshawar and was personally directing PAF operations against the Indians. Another swore that he had seen Yeager emerge from a just landed jet fighter at the Peshawar base."

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Out of your experience, what does mean air combat from the pilots human, personal point of view?


EDIT: If the former was unappropiate "Would you old guys mind being not so much fucking awesome? We are all feeling like pussies knowing about guys like you, Giora Epstein or Robin Olds"

Edited by macelena

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Out of your experience, what does mean air combat from the pilots human, personal point of view?




Would this work?


Based on your personal experience, what steps do you think should be taken for air combat in the future, should we go with drones or humans?

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"What motivated you to do the many things you've accomplished?"


Sorry, but the answer to this is simple and universal. Anything that any of us has done, great or not-so-great, comes down to being in the right place at the right time and having the mindset of, "If not me, who? And if not now, when?" Either one without the other and you're a spectator to history. Both and you make history.

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Okay we have enough questions to send to General Yeager. Thank you all for taking the time to provide us with a list of some really well thought out questions.


Russouk, Teargashorse, Stratos, Raven, Ghostrider, Slartibartfast, Flightsimtest, Macelena


Could you gentlemen please PM me your real first name ... just your legal first name please to help us keep things professional. Once again please PM me only your first real name. When we edit the Q&A we'll be more than happy to use your screen name if you want us to do so.


Thank you. 

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How do you feel about the current state of the Air Force and it's massive reduction in aircraft?

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Would this work?


Based on your personal experience, what steps do you think should be taken for air combat in the future, should we go with drones or humans?


Would be a good question, but i mean how does a pilot live air combat from a personal point of view, emotionally, what does one feel about flying ain combat. What i´m most interested in, personally, is what is going through the mind of a pilot when engaging the enemy

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How about ... What motivated you to do the many things you've accomplished?


and or


What are somethings you believe that make the F-20 a good airplane and why?




Would either these work better for you?





Good question ...


Would this work?


Do you still believe that the Indian Hunter Pilot during the 1971 Indo-Pak war accurately identified, despite flying low, fast, and avoiding AAA,intentionally engaged and destroyed your Beechcraft along with the UNs plane?


Would work Perfectly.

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Questions sent ....


And now we wait.









I'll be checking my inbox frequently and will let you know the moment General Yeager has answered our questions.


Thank you for your patience.


While we wait



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Oh I needed that laugh thank you.

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Too late for a real submission, but I think the question I'd most want to ask is, "You wanna go have a beer?"

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That's a good question too...I wonder how many free beers he got...

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Boxers or briefs?


Geeze, 'bout peed myself. REALLY??? rofl.gif.pagespeed.ce.ZE_kxArrNL.gif

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Whether boxers or briefs they're made of a special materail that can better hold those brass balls he got.

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