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Council tells WW2 Re-enactment society.. NO NAZIS

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This is the same Council, who refused to fly an English Flag on St Georges day...yet allowed the Pakistani flag, with great pomp and ceremony, to be flown on Pakistan Day!

Political Correctness is destroying the fabric of society





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Youngsters often learn a lot at things about history from re-enactments like this.


The majority of young people today, don't care one iota about WW2 (or any military conflict)...Many believe that Soldiers are just criminals and puppet's, told what to do..and where to die, by their puppetmasters in Government.. So, it's good that they get any exposure to history

Edited by UK_Widowmaker
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Not a good way to learn about "history" when it comes out of the mouth of a dude dressed like a Nazi.


Not an unreasonable request by the council to leave the SS out of it.

Edited by CrazyhorseB34

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To be fair, the council claimed to be responding to complaints by the citizenry, which is what they're supposed to do...represent the people in their charge. But responding only to those who complain can lead to "rule by the vocal minority". Maybe arranging a vote of some sort to determine what most people's feelings are would have been a better idea. Of course, it's easy to sit back and say that after the fact. In general, though, I kind of have to go along with what I assume is Widowmaker's point: WWII without the Nazis is....well, it wouldn't have been, actually.

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I loathe and despise Nazis. I find them to be the worst of humankind. However, I don't see a problem with portrayals of Nazis in reenactments. Its a good way for kids, and adults, to learn and remember who they were. It might even be worthwhile to mention that during the re-enactment. Hiding the bad parts of history for the sake of a vocal minority increases the risk of it re-occurring. It also increases the risk that the vocal minority will become the new Nazis.

Edited by pcpilot
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They'd already told the Council, that no Nazi Regalia, such as SS badges or Swastika's were to be used.


How can you have a WW2 re-enactment, without Nazis?...real bummer they were there at the time..but they were..and thats History. Bit like doing one on the American Civil War, and not allowing the confederates, because they were pro-slavery...or No Roman's, cos they crucified Jesus.


It was for a charitable cause...people need to lighten up a bit I reckon

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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If its just the uniforms, dress the re~enactors as Council members, and use them as originally planned.



Exactly what is this re~enactment?





vocal minority will become the new Nazis.


Ah .. The Council are re~enactment nazis. lol


For you, no re~enactment





Not a good way to learn about "history" when it comes out of the mouth of a dude dressed like a Nazi.


As long as the Mouth is scripted to be Silenced by the end, and Good scrpited to prevail, it should be okay.

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Best way to learn about history is to go to school. Not listen to some half baked idiot with a weird haircut wearing an SS uniform.


Problem is most "re-enactors" seem to mirror the views of the people or cause they portray. I have for years been involved in authentic Civil War re-enactments. I know it seems pretty silly but consider it my moment of geek. I almost exclusively portray Union Army Infantry in the Western Theater. Guess where my political and ideological leanings are?


I have pretty much taken a hiatus from the hobby because of the fact that most of the guys that portray the other side do nothing but spit hatred and racial garbage since President Obama got elected. I have known some guys for years and thought they where good peeps until they showed their true colors.


Always a few assholes muck it up for others.


SS re-enactors are closet Nazis.

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Where do they draw the line, I wonder. Even Wehrmacht uniforms have swastikas, albeit small ones as part of the eagle badge. Are they banning accurate German Army uniforms? Or because of the prominent SS runes or who they were, just Waffen SS? The latter, I assume.  Granted that the Wehrmacht played no mean part in helping the Nazis bring all the horrors of war (not to mention what came in its Nazi wake) to millions and thereby to Germany 'reaping the whirlwind', their leaders having 'sown the wind'.


Of course the Waffen SS were primarilly (and as re-enacted are) soldiers, albeit they were particularly tough and brutal ones by many accounts. Nevertheless, it seems to me that a re-enactor who chooses to portray publicly, at this sort of event, troops who are so closely and visibly identifiable with a truly hateful regime (when they could instead portray Wehrmacht or Falschirmjaeger units) is just going to have to accept that they are liable to stir up this sort of reaction; and 'muck it up for others' as CrazyHorse said.


I'm as opposed to 'political correctness' as anyone, but I actually think this decision is no bad thing. It actually shows that WW2, in the UK anyway, has not become simply just another visitor attraction, with the lines between good and evil now blurred by the passage of time. Some people still remember; some people still care. The day when the very public display of overtly Nazi symbols - in any context - does not engender unease or opposition will be a sad one.


I'm not entirely blameless. An airsoft event a few years back was desiged around the battle for Pegasus Bridge in Normandy. I wanted to play for the Paras but ended up being detailed to command the Germans. The only suitable kit I had was a modern German flecktarn smock. As this was unlike Wehrmacht patterns but a good ringer for a Waffen SS pattern, for the sake of greater authenticity I stuck on some SS runes and rank badges to the shirt lapel and SS eagles to the smock, even tho the Waffen SS were not at that battle. But I was conscious that I was doing something questionable and contrary to my own beliefs, which I would not have contemplated at a public event, rather than a private one were my mates got a laugh and knew I'm no wanabe Nazi.

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would those people complain about reenactors wearing japanese uniforms? I doubt it, and yet, the japanese didn't behave better than the nazis in WWII (And we could say almost the same red army and others).

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Actually the Heer did participate in many actions of the Einsatzgruppen in the Soviet Union during WW2.


The SS re-enactors symbolize a twisted political ideology.


There are very very few Japanese Army re-enactors. Wonder why?

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While i support all history remembrance, including reenactments, and i think there is no sense in not having the bad guys, i allways felt every guy i met with nazi stuff quite creepy. I could count them with one hand, but the fact about both reenactments and, for that matter airsoft, is that those events are filled with a lot of wannabes wich wouldn´t walk the walk, so to speak. I´ve never been much in for either airsoft or dressing up in uniform as i didn´t earn it, it felt like a bit of stolen valor to me. And if i earned it, the one i was meant to wear would be enough. 

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Should point out Crazyhorse...they're German Soldier re-enactors...Not SS ;)


I should also point out, that I agree with your opinions on the Nazis wholeheartedly

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Ok then that would clear things up a bit.


If it was just Heer soldiers being portrayed then what is the big deal? Ha!


I went to a huge military collectors show once and the "Waffen SS" re-enactors had a "recruiting" booth set up right near actual American WW2 vets that where telling their story. I asked the weird haircut wearing, SS uniform wearing guys how they could even show their faces dressed like that in the presence of such men. They went on with the same old tired history, blah, blah ,blah argument. I told them they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to get people to join the Fake SS in front of actual American vets.


Some people just do not have the common sense needed to live in this world.


Fuck the Nazis. Real or fake.


Rule of thumb: Re-enactments are cool as long as there are not people alive that can remember the real events.

Edited by CrazyhorseB34
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I did NAZI that coming....... :lol: Bad pun of the day. I agree the hell with the Nazi's. 

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There are very very few Japanese Army re-enactors. Wonder why?

for any battles after 1942 they only get re-enacted once?

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Can't see a problem with re-enactments in general, if people want to keep doing this stuff then it's fine with me. For those re-enactment groups and organisations and private individuals who keep WW2 tanks and aircraft going and other WW2 machines they have my vote. I think I read somewhere on a Website an American guy owns a WW2 Hellcat Tank destroyer and has live ammunition for it and fires it on his own private farmland on a purpose built firing range!!!   


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I must say, when it comes to re-enactments..I prefer Roman - Medieval ones. (far more brutal...and I like Horses) :)

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I'm still trying to reenact an even older battle--T Rex vs triceratops!


All I need is a T Rex, a triceratops, and a suitable arena. Other than that, I'm set!

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C'mon, Triceratops is going to gore the living bowels out of the T-Regina. What is it gonna do, block his horns with his arms?

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It has some pretty big teeth, you know. And those main legs have some muscle behind them!

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But what about the horns? In Madrid, a bullfight just had to be cancelled after all bullfighters were hornscrewed.  If i had horns against a guy with big teeth and strong legs but with weak arms, like, maybe, Matthew McConaughey, we wouldn´t have masterpieces like U-571 anymore. Or maybe have them with Channing Tatum.

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"A piece of rock just six miles wide changed all that, it's happend before, it will happen agin" Charlton Heston.

I'm waiting for the reenactment .

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