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MiG-21K soviet carrierborn fighter

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WIP.  Last flighttests. 2 weeks ;-)











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yeah! want one! wouldnt it be better to use the version with the fatback for more fuel?

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The answer is simple. When i have spoken with former MiG-21 pilots some years ago, they told me, that the MiG-21PF was their favorite MiG-21 version. They called it MiG-21Sport or MiG-21GTI, because it was like a sportscar in comparision with the later MiG-21M or MF, which they descriped as agile as a truck.


The fuel problem is relevant, but solved for the K with the refuel probe.


Give me some more days for flighttests. At the moment the AI plane has sometimes problems with landing on carrier.

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Which 3d model is it based on as ive got PF PFM 3d model.

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Its TKs stock 3d model. The canards and refuel probe are from Alejandro and the additionally wing pylon is made by Wrench.

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maybe you can do the GTI and the Truck variant? :-P

but i like it anyway^^ looks like you doing a soviet navy package huh? you already done the mig-17´s^^

so whats next?

Edited by dast24

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For WOE i had already done a MiG-23K some years ago.

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Is there any historical precedent for the canards on the 21 or are they just your idea?

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  On 7/9/2014 at 5:08 PM, JediMaster said:

Is there any historical precedent for the canards on the 21 or are they just your idea?


Yes, there is, although just for test purposes -  Ye-6T and Ye-8. Canards were not controllable, instead these were self-adjusting according to the angle of attack of the aircraft.

A carrier-borne MiG-21 is a bit too much on the what-if side for me due to the high take-off and landing speed, but that is just a personal opinion.

On the other hand there was the Ye-7PD concept with its lift engines, allowing for shorter take-off and landing...



Edited by Svetlin

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I didn't build the pylon; you all know I'm not a 3d guy!! (but thanks!)


it might be Cocas' work

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  On 7/9/2014 at 5:08 PM, JediMaster said:

Is there any historical precedent for the canards on the 21 or are they just your idea?


Its my idea. I think it looks cool. Its the same like the canards on the modernized Mirage III and 5 or the Kfir.




Wrench, thanks for correcting me. I will try to find the developer of the pylons. Could be Spillone.

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The 21 does look good with canards... made this in 1:72 in RL, but no close ups with me from the model itself.



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Really nice Logan, its like a blueprint.... :ok: :ok:

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Thanks, yep it is scaled to 1:72 size, so can be used as such.

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I think Chengdu J-7s could be an inspiration. Larger double delta wings, only foldable, and perhaps the smaller intake, along with a decent gun armament and short range IR missiles, for weight and visibility concerns. And keep the canards like the Ye-6T and Ye-8.


It will look weird, and not be as capable as a Phantom, but you won´t be fighting cruise ASM armed supersonic bombers, either, and can keep it under GCI. Some of those with Aphid missiles can provide a very credible threat to an alpha strike, just like some soviet equivalent of the Crusader.


Having a PF may be pushing it a bit too much, and while the GDR Air Force may have loved the PF, it was considered awful by the Egyptians, and the VPAF had to use them only for hit and run attacks, wich was the same they did with F13s under GCI.

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The weakpoint of the PF was the missing gun. With gun this bird is great. Fast accellerating, agile, good climb rate. The later M had the same engine, but weighted one ton more. Even with R-13 engine, the MiG-21MF or SM was not really agile. Only the MiG-21bis came close to the PF performance.

For the K i used the PF as base, because i focused on agility. The bigger fuel load of the S, SM or SMT (M,MF) and bis is on the K compensated by the air to air refuel capacity.

And by the way, the RP-21 radar was more or less crap, rubbish. Very often the pilots detected a target with their eyes earlier than with the RP-21. So the MiG-21DF was developed an tested in end 60th or early 70ths. DF stands for dalnometer forzash (or was is dalnomer?), what meant MiG-21 with Rangefinder and stronger engine.


I found out who was the creator of the additionally wingpylons. It was Spillone. And the pylons were used on Paulopanz Type77 MiG-21 mod.

Edited by Gepard

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  On 7/6/2014 at 2:57 PM, dast24 said:

yeah! want one! wouldnt it be better to use the version with the fatback for more fuel?


How about this: MiG-21KMT Gorbaty Kit (humpback whale)











New parts made by Spillone.


Its only an idea, so far.



My flighttests are not running well. I have still problems with AI landings on carrier with low fuel status. The planes tend to run over the deck and crash into the sea. Dont know why. With high fuel status no AI landing problems appear.

Edited by Gepard

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Just a guess, if you increase the "BrakingCoefficient=" value to be greater than 0,75 and also add a break to the nose wheel (I know its cheating, but...), would still do the same?




An alternate way could be an invisible airbreak with large drag area that is applied after wheel touch.


Edited by logan4

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Cool! I always liked the Soviet carrier aviation because of its extreme underdog role in a hypothetical WWIII.

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After a long periode of looking for the reason of the FM problems it seems to be, that i was successfull. With a little bit luck i will release following carierborn MiG-21 versions:

MiG-21K  - navalized version of the MiG-21PF with improved engine R-13-300, canards and refuel probe

MiG-21KS - updated version with stronger engine R-13F2-300, RP-22 radar and 4 wingpylons

MiG-21KST - nuclear strike version in shape similar to the MiG-21SMT

MiG-21Kbis -  updated KS with engine R-25-300

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