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28/07/1914... Austro-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

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28/07/1914 The Austro-Hungarian Empire declares war on Serbia after the Assaination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on the 12th July 1914. The assassination led directly to the First World War when Austria-Hungary subsequently issued an ultimatum against Serbia, which was partially rejected. Austria-Hungary then declared war.

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....and the reaction of the other European powers was downright STUPID.  One of the most blatant failures of diplomacy ever resulted in MILLIONS of dead...........

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....and the reaction of the other European powers was downright STUPID.  One of the most blatant failures of diplomacy ever resulted in MILLIONS of dead...........

Damn right about that...

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As a hungarian, I can say, Franz Ferdinand deserved that. Miserable hungarian-hater chauvinist, if he could became Kaiser, another liberation war would have broken out. "Ausradiert..."  He said that not Hitler! Hungary should be erased from the map...  Thanks for getting rid of him to whoever ordered his execution.


Anyway, it is utter naivety to think that the outbreak of the Great War could have been avoided if he survives...  The great powers could have found another way to start the war which - I think - almost everyone was eager to fight

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It is always the people at the top - the politicians, the world leaders who call for war and set about whipping their own people into a frenzy and persuade them to attack a neighboring country or region whilst they themselves stay at home safe and sound and millions of us ordinary folk get killed on the battlefield. There is always some stupid, bad ass crazy nutter ready to start the next war!!!! 

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...because they think it will get them more power, more money, or both. Unfortunately, all too often it does, otherwise they'd all have stopped by now.


Just like the old saying "crime doesn't pay" is false...because if it didn't, no one would do it!

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....and the reaction of the other European powers was downright STUPID.  One of the most blatant failures of diplomacy ever resulted in MILLIONS of dead...........


Never truer words spoken. 

Anyway, it is utter naivety to think that the outbreak of the Great War could have been avoided if he survives...  The great powers could have found another way to start the war which - I think - almost everyone was eager to fight


I think you are right Snailman, if it wasn't the assassination, it would of been another reason. 

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In the context of intense nationalist brainwashing since childhood all over Europe, very few people were conscious enough about the absurdity and danger of a mass and deadly European war, after the alliances forged between the main antagonistic powers. The national leaders of the Workers' International Movement were the most active in publishing books, articles and manifestoes, but were not federated enough to concretely plan large multi-national actions against national mobilisations. Even at national levels, the left wings, affected by ultra-patriotic atmospheres, were too divided to represent a serious threat to the militarists; yet in doubt, they were preventively considered as such by the national regimes.


In France, one unifying figure stood out by large: the Socialist deputy Jean Jaurès, a charismatic tribune, scourge of the conservative wing, and long-time organizer of many strikes and political struggles for social rights. By 1913, he had threatened to wage many more actions to prevent the militarists from mobilising, and from happily throwing the country into the European-scale war of mutual aggression they hoped since long, without using all of ressources of diplomacy.


On the evening of 31 July 1914, 100 years ago today, as war got closer than ever, Jaurès was shot dead in a Parisian café by a fanatic nationalist. He was about to release the next day a blazing editorial, that he expected would stand out above the universal background of nationalist prattling, and wake up the minds of the more sensible of his compatriots. This never happened after his murder.


On August 2, France decreed mobilisation in response to Germany's mobilisation and state of war against Russia. The French left wings, stunned, divided, overtaken by events, lacking the figure of a Jaurès as standard, did not react with any kind of vigor. They soon rallied to the ultra-patriotic unison of the Union Sacrée. Jaurès' assassination, as well as the inability of Socialists Karl Liebknecht or Rosa Luxemburg to federate the German left wings against the threat of war, are the symbols of the failure of the Workers' International Movement – which after the War opened the door to the new Soviet-inspired Bolshevik wave.


After his martyrdom made him a legend, Jaurès' name was politically exploited by both the left and right wings as an icon of commitment and peace; and now, you would hardly find a French town over 2,000 souls that has no avenue or main street named after him.

    [-Slartibartfast,even the U.K. Embassy in Vienna happens to stand in local Jauresgasse!-]

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Jaures would have voted the war credits, as every socialist everywhere like the SPD.

Its assassination made him, way after the war, a martyr. But him being alive wouldn't have changed anything. 


I won't comment on the so-called "brainwashing" thingies as these are anachronical analyses and shows a lack of understanding of Victorian societies. 

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Hard to believe it was 100 years ago..


russouk2004, sorry to go slightly off topic, but are you the guy that produced the F-84G Thunderjet mod for SF-1. This is one of my favourite planes and by the way thanks for making the mod. Just a brief question - Is it possible to change the sound of the machine guns as they sound a little bit lightweight to me!!!!


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you can edit the wav,or find a better wav,find wav you prefer and just change name of the gun in the data.ini

me109e gun data.ini

GunTypeName=20MM_MGFF <<<look in sound folder and you will see 20MM MGFF.wav   if you want to use the 20MM MGFF for example...or what gun you prefer sound of...easy..

ty for the good words btw.

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russouk2004, thank you for your reply and once again thanks very much for your superb Thunderjet Mod  :good: :good:


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