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Since I am Camo Deficient, I need a Camo Skin Expert

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Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? 


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they have pills these days to help out with that "specific" deficiency ya know.



(would be nice to see the Snakes in that garb, too!)

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This model already mapped?

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And this sorcery doesn't have a template... I'll see what I can do after downloading it.

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And this sorcery doesn't have a template... I'll see what I can do after downloading it.



Tis an evil place that has no templates and it smell of eels and elderberries. 

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Lol yeah gimme a couple days and I should be able to figure it out, I'm helping somebody online at the moment with some A3 gun work so when I get done with that then I'll probably look at it tomorrow.

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Thanks man! I know a few modders who will appreciate the help with our project. 

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   I did this one for the DAT AH-1W about a year ago.


   If this is the one your want, you're welcomed to it.


   If not, which helo do you want this for?


   USMC AH-1W -1.jpg





Might still have the template I made for it if you want to improve on it.  Just ask and I'll look.




EDIT:   Just re-read the part where you pointed to the yakarov79 AH-1Q.  Sorry, haven't messed with that one yet.  It's nice as it is, but wish he'd fix the shadow lines.   

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He linked it above, if it's the same model then I can pass but if not it'll be a couple days for me to do, or not as long.  I just helped out somebody with A3 so yeah tomorrow I can get cracking on it.

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Ok rivet time. Is this to cover for lack of in house twin engine versions?

And what of sorcery without templates? When the elderberries in question are old (and before we had mue's viewer) you could see sone really funky colors

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Hmm why not ask Yakarov for temps and maybe he is doing the right Cobra version too!?

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Yeah it is for Yakarov's version not the one Soulfreak has. Thank you for the offer Soulfreak!

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Yakarov has a J in the works, but according to his latest thread, his comp crashed. Still he's trying to make it work on an LHA in his laptop, so done hope for a twin engine.

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Anyway, some starting work:



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is this going to be a stand in until the proper version is done or was this single engined version used in this camo too? I'm just curiouse if it's a what if or historical.

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is this going to be a stand in until the proper version is done or was this single engined version used in this camo too? I'm just curiouse if it's a what if or historical.


Seems to be some Js in AMARG with that scheme applied, would definitely look pretty snazzy in SF2.





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Some more work.



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Dunno it's up to Dave as he was requesting it,  If Yak has fixed his issues but overall I'll keep trucking...

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