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Intriguing story of the Argentine Navy’s attempt to acquire ex Israeli A-4E Ayit towards the end of the Falklands War

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Intriguing story of the Argentine Navy’s attempt to acquire ex Israeli A-4E Ahit towards the end of the Falklands War.


I will post the link to the full story (via Google translate) but basically after losing three out of four A-4Q Skyhawks during an attack on British Warships in the Falklands war the Argentine Navy tried to clandestinely acquire 14 Israeli A-4E Ahit aircraft. Knowing the US would never give approval for the sale the Argentine Navy secretly negotiated with Israeli officials through an Israeli- Australian businessman. The operation was given the code name ‘Goliath’ and would end up lasting until 1986. To try and get around the issue of US approval a front company in Panama called Sygma Sales International was used to make the purchase. Israeli hesitantly agreed to the sale but made it conditional on US approval but it would be up to Sygma Sales to negotiate it with the US directly but in the mean time a contract was signed and $86 Million USD was paid from Argentina to Israel. Unfortunately for Argentina the US State Department now become aware of the proposed sale and completely vetoed it.


To add insult to injury Israel refused to refund the $86 million claiming that US approval was the responsibility of Sygma Sales and they had competed their end of the deal.


After negotiations in 1983 another contract was signed between Israel and Argentina. This time 12 A-4E Ahit plus spares and some weapons for $53 million USD. However once again it was done without US approval. A further contract including modernisation of the Ahit's was signed between the Argentine Navy and Ebit in 1984 and named, rather ironically, project ‘HOPE’.


Negotiations continued but the US stood firm in its position and ultimately the project was cancelled in 1986 and the Argentinean Navy A-4E ‘Aguila’ forgotten forever.


Negotiation to recover the money took seven years with Argentina ultimately losing $36 million in total.




Fortunately through the magic of SF2 and Nyghtfall's A-4 templates we can see what the A-4E 'Aguila' (Ahit/ Skyhawk) would have looked like in Argentine Naval Aviation Service...










Edited by dtmdragon
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Interesting! Thanks for sharing the news!

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