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New Ghostbusters trailer

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Hated it!

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when it comes to cable 3 months after release...




and maybe not even then!!

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Hmmmm, the makers seem to have strayed too far away from the original with this one, looks like I'll be giving it a miss.!!!

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So basically a reboot/remake of the original with up-to-date effects but inferior acting and inferior humour but an all female cast because hey, it's 20-whatever... Noooo thanks...

Edited by Gunrunner

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but I'll keep my eue on this topic to make fun of grown 40-something male snowflakes bitching about this year not being 1987 and them no longer being kids :biggrin:


as for Ghostbusters? I don't care, honestly the first two movies weren't that good anyway

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So basically a reboot/remake of the original with up-to-date effects but inferior acting and inferior humour but an all female cast because hey, it's 20-whatever... Noooo thanks...


See that's the freaking problem right there with a lot of entertainment. Everything has to push a freaking agenda and I need to stop typing.

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See that's the freaking problem right there with a lot of entertainment. Everything has to push a freaking agenda and I need to stop typing.

Yeah, if they really wanted to be successful with their agenda they would write/create original movies instead rewriting or trying to rehash old classics.


*Insert favorite whoa is me group power has been around for decades, how about create something refreshing, new, and innovative with GOOD story that doesn't depend on CGI to sell it.


I'd gladly pay to see that type of movie, regardless if a man, woman, or mule is the main character.

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So I'm no expert but this movie is probably going to flop. So far 11.2 million views (on Youtube) 119,000 likes .... 220,000 dislikes.


And the comments ....



stunt94u 17 minutes ago
Who im going to call? The original cast to apologize for this garbage



Jason Wilson 2 minutes ago
Definitely rooting for the Ghosts. .. please destroy this picture...



poontang3zizo 5 minutes ago
So if I dislike the trailer I'm immediately a sexist nerd of the old movie who is opposed to change. There's no winning here. Welcome to 2016 people. Remember, we made this f***ery happen.



thelifeboatisfull 13 minutes ago
THIS MOVIE LOOKS AWESOME... ok Sony I did what you asked now where is my check



TheOmnipotentidiot 12 minutes ago (edited)
this is gonna fail,not because its all women,but for the same reason Ghostbusters 2 failed;they'll f***ing pander it to children. No adult humor,just stupid pg-13 crap with overuse of CGI

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Oh Goody, did someone say Ghostbusters ? Prepare your butthurt ointment for this image I created for *chan it's very non-pc but I couldn't resist.









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