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So in the Data INI of aircraft theres the AI section as we all know...  However Im having a couple issues with the AI  sections of a couple of aircraft.


The biggest issue is strafing with the F-15E and its variants basically my issue is no matter how I alter the strafing section the jets dont fire a consistent number of bullets and usually too short of the target and sometimes do not even shoot at all I havent been able to figure this out but I will keep playing with it.  Anyone have any ideas?  or suggestions? 

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Have you looked in the AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI? The various entries in it can be placed into an individual aircraft's data file and adjusted to fit your needs. I believe there are a number of different enteries related to AI fire time and cannon burst length.



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Ya Ive looked I just cant figure out which parameter controls burst time 

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This section is for the AI strafing:




SecondPassAlt=1100.0<---- this and uper values afect AI ranges for "roll in" and "pull out" ranges in ground atttack mode i dont know exactly how tehy work so i dont tuch them!

ReleaseInterval=1.0   <----this statment control the AI brust lenght ! and 1.0 is ok for F-15 with lot of ammo... 0.5 make  them fire shorter brust
AimPitchOffset=-0.3 <---- this is the AI aim  offset for guns incrising the number to 1.0 and above makes them shoot higher and decrising the number makes them shoot low. so if they shoot too short of the target you need to increase this number probably to 0.03... The best way i found for adjusting this is to look where the AI shoots in ground attack mode against static targets if the target is at the center of the brust then the "AimPitchOffset" is ok

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Have you looked in the AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI? The various entries in it can be placed into an individual aircraft's data file and adjusted to fit your needs. I believe there are a number of different enteries related to AI fire time and cannon burst length.









Just what I needed!

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so I seem to have made some headway this morning in fixing the Ai's aim for the F-15E Ive been testing on the China Lake range in SWUS map, does anyone know if the relative altitude of the target in relation to sea level effects anything?

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