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AI and external ECM/Chaff-flare dispenser

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Ive tested AI ECM. With a July 2012 game install. ECM pods and decoy pods - both do not work.

Ive set up a mission with 3 F-4E_75 in a line in ~55 nm distance. Player aircraft is an F-4E_75 as well. Missions (ECM Test F-4).7z

Desert terrain

v1 Target configs north to south (left to right from cockpit view, looking East) are:

- F-4E_75 without loadout - no ECM

- F-4E_75 with strike loadout - ALQ-119 dual-mode jammer

- F-4J with internal jammer - deceptive mode

I can lock-on both F-4E at max lock range - ALQ-119 makes no difference

F-4J must close the distance to about 30-25 nm until I can lock it - internal ECM does work.


v2 - same as above, with

a 3rd F-4E_75 positioned a short distance in front of the F-4J. Intention was to test if internal ECM prevents

acquiring targets flying nearby the jamming aircraft. No problem to lock the F-4E = Internal ECM is just for self-defense.


Latest game version is July 2013 - mission needs to be run with it ....

Edited by Crusader

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7 hours ago, Crusader said:


v2 - same as above, with

a 3rd F-4E_75 positioned a short distance in front of the F-4J. Intention was to test if internal ECM prevents

acquiring targets flying nearby the jamming aircraft. No problem to lock the F-4E = Internal ECM is just for self-defense.


Latest game version is July 2013 - mission needs to be run with it ....

You can try If interested to add a EF-111 with internal jamming and mission as "ESCORT_JAMMER", they do a difference I think, specially in SAM country.

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Ive run missions with EA-6B doing the ESCORT_JAMMER missiontype .. didnt affect player A2A... dont know vs SAM yet.

IIRC, the SF2NA Soviet aircraft with ESCORT_JAMMER  as primary mission.. the dont have any internal jammers in the data (July 2013)

Equipped a EA-6B with three strength 100 noise jammers - the thing was totally invisible on the F-4E radar :biggrin:

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Is there any relation between escort_jammer mission type and navalmap=true ?

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1 hour ago, yakarov79 said:

Is there any relation between escort_jammer mission type and navalmap=true ?

Not really. They most likely tend to spawn more on Naval terrains, alongside the AWACS aircraft; with no fleets on the terrain, certain mission types are surely avoided by the engine, such as Cruise_Missile (I might be wrong though). Other than that, stock terrains have no limitations on allowed mission types. Mission types can be limited for both Blue and Red side. This allowed some of my custom terrains not to CTD anymore. If a certain mission won't work (due to missing large runways for bombers, etc.) I disable that mission type.

NavalMap=True affects single missions only! You can have a NavalMap=False, yet you can create a working Naval Campaign for it via NavalCampaign=True in the campaign's .ini files. That's great because in campaigns you have to specify the coordinates of fleets on the terrain. So even when a terrain has limited water areas, you can have fully working fleets not sailing over land. Single missions are "broken" when there is not much water space. So I usually set NavalMap=False. Naval maps are meant for huge fights between carrier groups.

Sorry for the little off-topic. Keep us posted with your findings, Crusader!

Edited by Menrva
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