+VonS 1,427 Posted September 8, 2020 (edited) Geezer's work was indeed stellar - top-notch stuff. I was particularly hoping to see the MS Type I and the Bleriot completed, but no word from him on the forums since last year I think. Hope he's doing well. I remember that he was interested in switching over to the Unreal engine for static battle displays and things. Maybe he'll catch the FE2 bug again and visit us sometime. No matter what WW1 sim I fly - FE2 is always my go-to sim for quick combat and good single missions with variety. (There is a Breguet XIV that Geezer was also working on - but it's largely in "alpha" or early beta stage, with several things that were never completed on it. The Junkers J.1 on the other hand, as a model, is pretty much complete - as is the FM on it that I did a couple of yrs. ago - but it lacks a skin. I think that Crawford was working on a skin - but we decided that the Junkers is not really a priority aircraft at this point in time for FE2, so I haven't checked into its status. The N28/28a in the consolidated package is pretty much complete - although there are some oddities with the prop. disc. at various speeds - possibly something that needs tweaking with that model further, since we weren't able to do anything in the data ini to fix the oddity.) In terms of my FM update packs, most of the important aircraft have been tweaked - I will however look at the Snipe and Stephen's Halb. CL.II, and ver. 3 of the Sikorsky S-16 in the future, and I think there was a Pomilio also by Stephen that I never looked over, as well as implementation of Crawford's camera tweaks on the Elephants - maybe for a ver. 10.0 of the FM pack. Then I'll individually touch on FMs after that should any new aircraft be released for FE2. Maybe Stephen has some surprises in his FE2 factory. Happy flying all, Von S EDIT: for those following this thread, Geezer's "nearly complete" FE2 aircraft have all been zipped up as a big, consolidated folder (with all latest updates included), and now located towards the bottom of page 25 of this thread - the old links spread across pages 17, 18, 23 of this thread have been deleted since it was a hassle to find everything and keep up to date with the installs. Hopefully the all-in-one package will rekindle interest in FE2. Edited September 8, 2020 by VonS Added important info. 3 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Stephen1918 1,474 Posted September 9, 2020 VonS (and everyone else involved) thank you for pulling all of this together. The amount of work you did, researching and organizing, must have been phenomenal. 4 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+VonS 1,427 Posted January 27, 2021 (edited) Have gone over the general ini and data ini files recently for Geezer's Breguet XIV and Junkers J.1 and I've decided to release those two aircraft for the FE2 community. Our skinners might especially be interested in looking into the Breguet, and in particular the Junkers J.1 since it lacks a complete skin. I'm informally calling this package Geezer's Early Betas since that is roughly the stage of development of the Breguet and Junkers, although the FM is fully finished for both and the AI flies them just fine too. If you decide to fly them yourselves instead of keeping them for the AI only, keep in mind that there may be some visual oddities from/in the cockpits. Pilot seating positions are now correctly placed, etc., although gun muzzle flashes have been commented out on the Breguet since they are incorrectly positioned - tweak muzzle flash locations to taste. Also, do check over the included "Read Me" files for more info. regarding the FMs - the Junkers' engine is slightly over-compressed beyond about 70% throttle (use full throttle above about 1500 m alt.). [EDIT: see post on next page of this thread for relevant info. regarding the Junkers' flight characteristics, as per the latest data ini file.] Also included in the zipped package are improved general ini and data ini files for Geezer's Nieups. 28 and the 28a that are included in the big "consolidated" package near the bottom of page 25 of this thread (prop animations now work correctly on the 28/28a, and lod views are improved at distances too - thank you Crawford for the prop tweak, from a while back - although, there is no static prop available since Geezer never modeled that for the N.28 - which is still an "early beta" model too, I suppose). Thanks once again to all who contributed to the development of these airplanes (Crawford, Jeanba, Coupi, Mike Dora, and of course Geezer with his wonderful 3-d models). The link to download the package is located at the bottom of this post. Von S Animated prop. now works on the N.28/28a, at slow and fast speeds The Junkers J.1 - for those interested in late-war scenarios (requires a skin to be completed by those interested in pursuing such a project) And the Breguet XIV - a nice model, although gun muzzle flashes need re-positioning (pilot cockpit also not fully complete when viewed internally) - also, if you don't like my use of the bomb bays/support areas on the bottom wings as animated wing flaps instead , simply comment out the relevant entries in the data ini (see the relevant "Read Me" file for more info. on where to do that - many batches of the Breguet included flaps roughly in the locations where the bomb supports are located, by the way, on this particular model) EDIT: Download package of the Breguet XIV (French/Fiat and USAS/Liberty editions), also the Junkers J.I, is now available below (and contains latest adjustments to the data ini files, as well as to other files, courtesy of Wilches, Silberpfeil, and others). Many thanks to Wilches for originally hosting those packages. Also included in this post is a smaller zip file that includes a "Read Me" for the Fiat-powered Breguet, as well as the two latest data inis for Geezer's N. 28 and 28a, and that feature animated prop. discs. (Note: point the engine sound entries in the Breguet and Junkers data ini files to the sounds you are using, since I have different sounds indicated there and that correspond with the sound ini lists and wav sound files referenced and/or included in my big FM and realism pack for FE2.) *** See my main profile, under the "about me" tab, for relevant download links. Edited January 1 by VonS Edited post. 4 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilches 1,173 Posted January 27, 2021 Mannnnn!!!!! That´s incredible! Thanks soooo much to all envolved!!!! 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heck 496 Posted January 27, 2021 When I tried to fly the Breguet, the aircraft didn't show, only the cockpit. In the data.ini change these lines from this: [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=DH4Fuselage ShowFromCockpit=TRUE to this: [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=Fuselage ShowFromCockpit=TRUE and the aircraft will show normally. Thank you for all your work to bring us these models, Von S. Sometimes, working in Thirdwire sims, as much as I love them, can remind me of the old Bugs Bunny cartoon featuring the Gremlin. 2 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilches 1,173 Posted January 28, 2021 Folks, this is my fully workable version of Br.14 based on VonS work. Next is the Polish version. Tell me your impressions. Thanks VonS and Geezer! https://easyupload.io/372esh password is br14 1 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilches 1,173 Posted January 28, 2021 Before the Pole version I found time to fix the USAS one. https://easyupload.io/hd2j5l Password - br14usas 1 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silberpfeil 371 Posted January 28, 2021 Thank you - both the FAS and USAS versions are looking good so far! Are you also going to piece together the Junkers J.I? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilches 1,173 Posted January 28, 2021 There comes the Poles! https://easyupload.io/zmfo6r password - br14pole 2 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilches 1,173 Posted January 28, 2021 1 hour ago, Silberpfeil said: Thank you - both the FAS and USAS versions are looking good so far! Are you also going to piece together the Junkers J.I? I´ll pass this job. Any takers? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilches 1,173 Posted January 28, 2021 Thanks for the support, mates! Still more to come. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+VonS 1,427 Posted January 29, 2021 (edited) Great additions Wilches, thank you for those. I'm including a slightly modified FM (data ini) below - to reflect more accurately the U.S. Liberty-powered Breguet 14 - about 100 more horses than the Fiat-powered Breguet. Top speed on this one is around 195-6 kph below about 500 feet alt., also a slightly higher ceiling of about 6200 m compared to the 6000 m of the Fiat-powered one (20,400 feet or so compared to about 19,600 feet). Slightly longer reaction time on the rudder and elevator on this one too, since it is somewhat heavier with the bigger engine. Otherwise, nearly identical flying characteristics. For scout pilots who feel that the Breguets are too tough to shoot down - I recommend commenting out the following entries under the [Fuselage] section: HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=ALUMINUM Armor[FRONT].Thickness=2 Armor[BACK].Thickness=2 Armor[ - RIGHT - ].Thickness=2* Armor[ - LEFT - ].Thickness=2* Armor[BOTTOM].Thickness=2 * Added dashes to right/left armor entries, otherwise it formats as right or left in this post. Further, I am using the Hispano 220 sound for the Liberty Breguet and the Fiat sound (1910s/20s Fiat car engine in that sound clip, by the way) for the Fiat Breguet - so tweak those values as per taste in the relevant section of the data ini. Also, double-check service dates towards the top in this latest data ini that I'm including - and again tweak to taste and/or compare with Wilches' numbers in his tweaked data inis - since I usually alter the dates for my installs to stop at Nov. 1918. Happy flying, Von S EDIT: link/package removed - see the relevant post above, near the top of this page. Edited September 13, 2021 by VonS Removed file - see the Breguet and Junkers download package in the relevant post near the top of this page. 3 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilches 1,173 Posted January 29, 2021 On 28/01/2021 at 3:42 PM, Wilches said: I´ll pass this job. Any takers? I couldn't resist, so I'm skinning and fixing the Mobelwagen. In a day or two, depending on my wife's mood! Sometimes I rather been working than retired! 5 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilches 1,173 Posted January 30, 2021 In the oven. Soon! how long should your workout be how to feel stronger emotionally 8 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted January 30, 2021 amazing work, thank you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilches 1,173 Posted January 31, 2021 Thanks to all! The skins are not 100% done in the shots but now is completed. Just waiting on VonS corrections on some small FM flaws present. Reminding that this plane was designed for trench busting and artillery spotting, so no ordnance were ever carried. For the trench strafing task , the initial design included a pair of downward machine guns. The plan was to fly at very low altitude along with the trench strafing everything below. An unique feature by the way! 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kdriver 2 Posted January 31, 2021 Thanks very much everyone for all these wonderful aircraft and skins. I was wondering if any of you talented creators would be interested in having your work converted to Combat Flight Simulator 2. There is quite a bit of interest in WW1 going on there at the moment. Many new aircraft have been released along with new Flanders scenery. There are also new missions in the pipeline. Keep up the good work! Kevin 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilches 1,173 Posted January 31, 2021 32 minutes ago, kdriver said: Thanks very much everyone for all these wonderful aircraft and skins. I was wondering if any of you talented creators would be interested in having your work converted to Combat Flight Simulator 2. There is quite a bit of interest in WW1 going on there at the moment. Many new aircraft have been released along with new Flanders scenery. There are also new missions in the pipeline. Keep up the good work! Kevin Any chance to place a link here? I´m curious... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crawford 570 Posted January 31, 2021 (edited) 1 hour ago, Wilches said: The plan was to fly at very low altitude along with the trench strafing everything below. An unique feature by the way! Yet this 'iron' was not an attack plane. The Tin Donkey was an army co-operation plane, the contact-patrol machine and a low-altitude scout. The main task of the German J-types is to monitor the actions of the enemy and friendly troops on the line of contact. The weapon is for defense only, although the gunner could throw small fragmentation bombs. The CL-types is much better as an attack plane, which has been demonstrated in practice ... Edited January 31, 2021 by Crawford 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kdriver 2 Posted January 31, 2021 17 minutes ago, Wilches said: Any chance to place a link here? I´m curious... Hi Wilches, http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=124 Check out the skins and scenery sections as well. Just for interest, I easily converted Geezer's beautiful Caudron R.11 model to Gmax which is a compatible format for Microsoft flight sims . Kevin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilches 1,173 Posted January 31, 2021 Hey man, this kind of thing is forbidden here without creator's permission, unless you got one for the R.11. Better to delete this quote. Don't get me wrong but it's the rules. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilches 1,173 Posted January 31, 2021 Would be great to add this downward firing guns. Could be as "Gun Pod". Need to create this new MGs 3D. Beyond my acknowledge. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,073 Posted January 31, 2021 4 hours ago, kdriver said: Just for interest, I easily converted Geezer's beautiful Caudron R.11 model to Gmax which is a compatible format for Microsoft flight sims . Yeah, that's kind of uncool, and against the site's anti-piracy policy. Please don't do it again. thank you! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+VonS 1,427 Posted January 31, 2021 6 hours ago, Wilches said: Just waiting on VonS corrections on some small FM flaws present. If you mean those strange wing vibrations that happen occasionally, those were implemented on purpose - since the all-metal wing tips were sometimes known to vibrate. I will however look over the wing alpha/lift nos. either later today or tomorrow - since it is a heavy aircraft (empty weight around 1760 kg) - and I can barely manage to get it to about 2000-2050 meters altitude. Theoretical ceiling on it is apparently 4000 m - I somehow doubt that number - but I will work on the lift values a bit more at any rate - if I can get a practical ceiling out of the Junkers that is a bit closer to 3000 m alt. or so, I will be happy. I will also look over the over-compression on the engine again, overall power output, and the top speed. The top speed of 155 kph typically listed, I am "guesstimating" here - is probably top speed taken at alt. - as I have tried to model in the FM. (I did also try the other variant of having the top speed at SL close to 155 kph - but then the Junkers barely manages to get to 1000 m alt., etc.) I may also try to reduce the stall nos. on it - that may be the simplest solution without too many other alterations since it will be of benefit to other things too, such as the max. practical ceiling. Will post a fresh data ini for it once I'm done with a few experiments. Von S 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites