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Hello All,

This project started in November 2015!  I started to share this project with two other guys Logan4 and Heberth around March of 2016.  And here we are...

First I want to thank the following individuals: Logan4 for the 3ds Max issues and Florian for showing me the slimmer technique.  I want to thank Mue for his valuable tool program for making this project easier.  Of course, thanks to Marcelo for his Su-27 model (I believe it is a 2007 model) so it is a old model but still useful.

I will get to the point...   I wanted to finish this project by 2016.  Will, as you can see, there is still plenty to do before it is consider finish.  The reasons are the same - time, family, work, interest, and anything else you can think of.

The model is old and has issues with its UVMap and so a lot of items need to be modify or change just to make it close to what I wanted.  So, any issues you will eventually see... most likely I already know.  Now due to time and interest, at this point, I just want to finish it. 

There are plenty of issues and errors in this Mod but I am OK with it.  Example: the MAWS on the forward fuselage of the J-11A_Upgrade is in the wrong position and the size could be bigger.  My mistake was making the fake pilot mod before I made the new template and try to fit it in the proper place.  However, using the old template and the size of the aircraft model, the position is pretty close... it is just the way the model was made that made it hard to fit in the right place.  Anothere was the J-11B_AL-31F's top shield for the HUD was deleted, it was meant to be this way.  The initial J-11B was to have a new hud and cockpit with AL-31F engines.  It turns out that the eventual first J-11B was with a Holographic HUD and AL-31F engines.  I just included that model for fun.  Another example:  The right main inner wheel well is not UV unwrap, so you are going to see the lower right wing textures instead, I did try to locate it using the Mue's tool... it is not there.  Another example:  The way the model was UV unwrapped, there are plenty of areas where it will "bleed" into different shapes.   What I meant by that is... if you place a line (as in a panel line or a rivet) you will not see the panel line or the rivet... what you will see is a stretch mark or a blended or distorted line or spots of color.  So things like these is what you are going to see as errors.  Basically - size, shape, position, etc. will be adjusted as needed to make it look ok or fit.  Finishing up the panel lines, making the stencils, markings, and adjusting the aircraft, etc...

Thanks to CombatAce for being here and for its continuing support of the community for FREE!  I thank CA for all the wonderful toys we get to play with!

Hopefully I will finish this thing...













































Edited by ace888
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Would be great to have that one in our Hangars one day!

If your time and RL allows it, please finish it.:clapping:

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On 8/19/2018 at 4:03 AM, ace888 said:

Hello All,

This project started in November 2015!  I started to share this project with two other guys Logan4 and Heberth around March of 2016.  And here we are...

First I want to thank the following individuals: Logan4 for the 3ds Max issues and Florian for showing me the slimmer technique.  I want to thank Mue for his valuable tool program for making this project easier.  Of course, thanks to Marcelo for his Su-27 model (I believe it is a 2007 model) so it is a old model but still useful.

I will get to the point...   I wanted to finish this project by 2016.  Will, as you can see, there is still plenty to do before it is consider finish.  The reasons are the same - time, family, work, interest, and anything else you can think of.

The model is old and has issues with its UVMap and so a lot of items need to be modify or change just to make it close to what I wanted.  So, any issues you will eventually see... most likely I already know.  Now due to time and interest, at this point, I just want to finish it. 

There are plenty of issues and errors in this Mod but I am OK with it.  Example: the MAWS on the forward fuselage of the J-11A_Upgrade is in the wrong position and the size could be bigger.  My mistake was making the fake pilot mod before I made the new template and try to fit it in the proper place.  However, using the old template and the size of the aircraft model, the position is pretty close... it is just the way the model was made that made it hard to fit in the right place.  Anothere was the J-11B_AL-31F's top shield for the HUD was deleted, it was meant to be this way.  The initial J-11B was to have a new hud and cockpit with AL-31F engines.  It turns out that the eventual first J-11B was with a Holographic HUD and AL-31F engines.  I just included that model for fun.  Another example:  The right main inner wheel well is not UV unwrap, so you are going to see the lower right wing textures instead, I did try to locate it using the Mue's tool... it is not there.  Another example:  The way the model was UV unwrapped, there are plenty of areas where it will "bleed" into different shapes.   What I meant by that is... if you place a line (as in a panel line or a rivet) you will not see the panel line or the rivet... what you will see is a stretch mark or a blended or distorted line or spots of color.  So things like these is what you are going to see as errors.  Basically - size, shape, position, etc. will be adjusted as needed to make it look ok or fit.  Finishing up the panel lines, making the stencils, markings, and adjusting the aircraft, etc...

Thanks to CombatAce for being here and for its continuing support of the community for FREE!  I thank CA for all the wonderful toys we get to play with!

Hopefully I will finish this thing...




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Thank you all...

Soulfreak... yes, I already have those, thanks

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Thanks for doing this guys!  Posting a comment for reply notification!

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Happy to know that Russouk is refurbishing the old Su-27.  I hope he will make the J-11A/B/BH to be added to the list.

Nice work Russouk!  You should just redo the entire fighter... Pitot, Ants., blisters, etc.

I have this project for 5 years and I have not work on it for a very long time.

Thank you Russouk...

Edited by ace888
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Not sure about the J11 as ive really got a load of stuff I should have done before this flanker....did it as a break from  the J7`s,but we`ll see.

Will make thread of my Wips

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