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There was NOTHING sneaky about this attack.


Edited by Nightshade/PR
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one: how the hell do ya have a Phantom parked on the runway? i mean i see its Uncle Sams favorite ASVAB waivers but still.....

two (yeah, i been sittin on this for a week)

On 3/21/2024 at 10:57 PM, Nightshade/PR said:

There was NOTHING sneaky about this attack.

youre too damn high. :lol:

mandatory screenie:


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Recon run over Sark island.





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8 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:

one: how the hell do ya have a Phantom parked on the runway? i mean i see its Uncle Sams favorite ASVAB waivers but still.....

No idea. One minute I'm rolling down the runway at about 150 knots, considering alternatives for running into trouble along the way, and there's the Phantom on the centerline. At 1st, I thought it was moving; said something ungentlemanly, and pulled the stick back in a hurry.


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On 4.4.2024 at 6:06 PM, daddyairplanes said:

one: how the hell do ya have a Phantom parked on the runway?


A parked plane middle on the runway is a sign, that one of the parking positions in the airfield.ini is wrong. It's the terrainbuilders fault.

Mandatory screenshots: Belgian Thunderstreaks over the English Channel.





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Virginia ANG recce....



aint nothin in this world faster than a scar'd Thud on the deck


i said nothin Mr Flogger



back at home


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Posted (edited)

Survived long enough to get a paintjob...



Edited by Mr_Tayto
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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Gepard said:


why'd you bring me into this? :lol:


Thunder(bolt) in the early evening....



Edited by daddyairplanes
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Thunderchief hauling ass over WTR Terrain Redux 2.0


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Dogpatchers on patrol,


or one weekend a month my ........


the holy brrrrt from heaven


ok time to call it a day


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I fell into a burnin' ring of fire

I went down, down, down

And the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns

The ring of fire, the ring of fire

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got enough dynamite {in them rockets] Butch? :lol:

i see the rockets red glare,  let me wind up the next line


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