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Some planes for Spanish Civil War can be found there, like I-16, D-510 and others. A good LA-5FN too.

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the S64 Skycrane could be skin modified into a CH-54 Tarhe, and the Caravelle would go nicely into Tan Son Nhut for Vietnam mods

there are several others that would do well to get the aircraft out of Capun or the FB page monopolies and open to all

the big question (esp to the 3d guys) is what would need done to convert into SF2?

@Wrench you may want to look at this for the WW2 stuff, see if they are versions we dont have or are on verboten sites. ie it says TBF Avenger, you could tell better than me (or most of us) if its a specific version

Edited by daddyairplanes
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in max need to convert from AC to 3ds or obj...this is one part then need import rotors then import interior......looks ok....this just airframe

ive not time but im sure someone can adapt them...not hard as the models arent that badly seperated when exported...  not too bad though as they are already mapped....are you sure they are 100% freeware ?


Edited by russouk2004
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Yes, freeware. If you have any doubt, contact the author.:good:

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Most assuredly, boatloads of stuff we need (replacements for)

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10 hours ago, Wilches said:

Yes, freeware. If you have any doubt, contact the author.:good:

It's always the best thing to do when in doubt. I am no 3d modeller, but I came to respect 3d modellers a lot for the effort and time they put into their creations, especially when done from scratch.

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16 hours ago, Wilches said:

Yes, freeware. If you have any doubt, contact the author.:good:

ok thnx m8....np

I might....emphasise the might...be able to devote a few hours to summat....maybe set model up for someone else to finish data.ini etc etc...

Edited by russouk2004
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8 minutes ago, russouk2004 said:

ok thnx m8....np

I might....emphasise the might...be able to devote a few hours to summat....maybe set model up for someone else to finish data.ini etc etc...

when you do, AND if anyone does a conversion in blender, a tutorial record of the steps would be useful. could help get some other cooks into the 3d kitchen

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Converting is quite easy...hard bit is redoing all the meshes ...relinking animating etc..

heres How I convert an imported 3ds or FBX or OBJ which is converted from say the .AC format...into 3ds max

1,I make sure the object is correct scale 1st...usually they are...KA50 was...BUT you need check that when imported the 3d it uses the models scale...

2,then I weld vertices usually using a small scale to make sure that vertices on small meshes arent all mixed up,and are welded correctly..  usually in 3ds or OBJ imoprting leaves modes meshes in areas of seperate meshes even single polygons...Ive had some where every single poly seperated..  PIC1

3, then I seperate the meshes...if importing 3ds I usually edit as poly and remove any extra edges added by the importer.....3ds etc tends to add diagonals to a poly...which on some curved areas causes the mesh to look ragged.   PIC2

4 thats really the hardest part,then its a matter of animating,linking and exporting really


PS I find FBX for max or flight studio \openflight . FLT importer tends to leave meshes as they were originally...





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IMO  the  time and effort to import , convert, fix, adjust pivot points, animate, export ,,,,, you might as well start from scratch

Edited by Veltro2k
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2 hours ago, Veltro2k said:

IMO  the  time and effort to import , convert, fix, adjust pivot points, animate, export ,,,,, you might as well start from scratch

Sounds bad. 

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I could have sworn someone on here is working on one already or am I imagining things ?🤔

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Some years ago was a Su-34 made by Insky or so. But it was baned because it was suspected to be a result of software piracy.

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On 12/9/2019 at 9:43 PM, JosefK said:

Well if I bought this Su-34 model, could someone please make it flyable?


Be nice to have a Su-34 Fullback in SF2...



im sure theres better ones out there available...that one looks poop

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what about the SU team,,,, maybe they should  build one.......

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If you look you can find alsorts...these are personal use (not for gain) freeware birds...took me 5 mins to find...

CgTrader   visit there log in and theres quite a bit for free...

skinned mapped but needs animating and quite some work,but...really nice models..albeit low res textures

I do have another one but I think its iffy...not sure where its from....I think its freeware as I downloaded it...but as I never did any work on it...I think it may be dodgy...any ideas...skin shown...does it resemble Ace Combat skin?.(Bottom image)..might be,if so its probably a ripped 3d model..







Edited by russouk2004

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I might look at the 2nd model as its nice...but if I do it may take months....so maybe someone else can use it..

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1 hour ago, russouk2004 said:

I think its freeware as I downloaded it...but as I never did any work on it...I think it may be dodgy...any ideas...skin shown...does it resemble Ace Combat skin?.(Bottom image)..might be,if so its probably a ripped 3d model..

Nope, it's ripped from Tom Clancy's HAWX, same skin layout of InSky's Su-34. Ace Combat models are much better IMHO. Anyway, it's ripped, so forget about it.

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17 minutes ago, Menrva said:

Nope, it's ripped from Tom Clancy's HAWX, same skin layout of InSky's Su-34. Ace Combat models are much better IMHO. Anyway, it's ripped, so forget about it.

Thought as much   ripped I mean....Ive been looking at the creators of models for AC etc...some have let models be used before...Might see if can track creator of this one...if not no biggy...plenty out there legit to use.

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Adapting these models using Blender is quite doable.

I can upload this if administration doesn't mind, but better, I would like to ask for little help:

- normal map shows in Blender, but is not shown in the game. Have no idea why

- no lods for performance optimization

- no damage textures

- pylons and gunports are terrible (my job). If someone has better French pylons, this would be appreciated

If someone can help with advice, this would be good. Or I could pass the entire package for someone to polish it.

Flight model, weapons, animations - all alright

This Mirage is best used with Mirage F1 cockpit. If the author of F1 cockpit doesn't mind, this Mirage could be uploaded with it







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