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No idea what has happened to my aircraft....suddenly only a fraction of my aircraft are showing in SF-2...all the files remain in the correct location and I have not changed anything in the set up. I tried moving the aircraft folder to desktop and back with no difference. There is no order to the aircraft still available...some stock aircraft exist and some are missing..there is no "alpha order " cut off....I am stumped !!! I have nowish to resotre my previous saved version and lose a lot of downloads but fear I may have to 

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Very long shot. It might be worth checking the recycle bin just in case some files were accidentally deleted.

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sometimes the game likes to overwrite the files with the stock ones from time to time. it can be maddening at times.........so any stock aircraft you have made flyable become AI only again. that might be one possibility. all the files will look the same but if you look in the aircrafts ini it might suddenly be missing the line that directs to a cockpit.

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I still show some 2,237 planes & helicopters in my Aircraft folder and all of the folders are complete....is there some limit on how many the system can handle maybe ????

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what planes are not showing up? if they are stock AI p lanes then the ini most likely was over written. they will look complete and everything will be in the files but the plane is no longer player usable because the aircraft ini was redirected to no longer look for a cockpit.other than that I can't think of a reason. sorry.


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Could you be a little more specific as to WHICH aircraft are missing, and missing from WHERE???  Definately need more to work with here...

Missing from the "flyable" dropdown list?? Missing from the Objects/Aircraft folder (which you say is populated by 2000+ folder)

I'll be real money the birds that vanished are the stock AI onlys that got rewritten.  If that's the case, there's several thread in the KB that tell you how to stop it permanently

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Here is what I can see in my "flyable" drop down (and what can be selected in the mission builder)a.thumb.jpg.3442ef099d61a5df8a2f435ff207c00b.jpgb.thumb.jpg.96aab7c09ec29ed2a8c34762e0fdf9b8.jpgc.thumb.jpg.720d2e43940005266578ced8363cc86c.jpgd.thumb.jpg.dc3fec4aa127ebf5df736affea5e00ef.jpge.thumb.jpg.6abf2969778e6c21d7d795e1e58066ec.jpgf.thumb.jpg.7c66dcc6ffada099270e903ddff531d1.jpgg.thumb.jpg.3a7c137918ca0d941183660c380f9cce.jpgh.thumb.jpg.6493e05680e69a7d51cf7cedb07fc8a7.jpgi.thumb.jpg.ae6f479e44d6adb34f0cda99d64ac3e1.jpgj.thumb.jpg.9da0c81d6c23625c17137b463a083e89.jpgk.thumb.jpg.2151154719343113b4729974804004b0.jpgl.thumb.jpg.4bdd4687539f27a29fd463e051d74ccf.jpgm.thumb.jpg.5cf4635f736138f91f278dfd62377819.jpgn.thumb.jpg.a2ce8153af4166cb0be5849c49a3cc14.jpgo.thumb.jpg.a710777ab3385758080e055abaf9973a.jpgp.thumb.jpg.fc58064e733ac478ba1e3ed3af14f13d.jpgq.thumb.jpg.191e521c48911d426e34429ea0b23a68.jpgr.thumb.jpg.705ca582fd0d2382b4126f03481e8990.jpg

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Have you ever used the hack that gives the A-4B pit to all non-flyable AI aircraft enabling them to be flown? Perhaps the game has overwritten this?


Edited by Spinners

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From your example non-flyable can you show a screenshot of the F-15C_AGR.ini file?

Maybe there’s an issue with the reference to the cockpit.ini

(btw that’s an amazing collection. Personally I go down the multiple install route to keep the aircraft selection manageable and not get spoilt for choice, but this is seriously impressive.)

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@crisisloaner None of the above replies applies in this case. I had this issue while working for ODS, and it was never mentioned so far. For some reason, the game stopped reading some of the custom aircraft even if the entire files are there! It was crazy. The only solution was to copy them over from a backup folder I had. I suggest to recreate the mod folder, by simply renaming it and fixing the path in the Options.ini file, as well as renaming the executable that is used accordingly.

28 minutes ago, allenjb42 said:

(btw that’s an amazing collection. Personally I go down the multiple install route to keep the aircraft selection manageable and not get spoilt for choice, but this is seriously impressive.)

It's a real mess IMHO. I have a huge install spanning from 1948 to 2018, I probably gathered all possible aircraft (no fictional ones, but many prototypes are in it). I count slightly more than 1,500 aircraft folders. I did a lot of work to unify many aircraft folders and remove any duplicates (there's no need to feature both stock aircraft and their third-party replacements, as well as there is no need for many different aircraft folders if the only thing that is different in them is the skin).

Edited by Menrva
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@ crisisloaner, well, i see who self nominated for the CA Global A/C Repository :biggrin:

also you have some work to do on reducing duplicates. That stands out to me, C-5 and C-5A (C-5 being a newer version that incorporates physically identical A and B model serials with changes being in skin) and B-52G(89) and (Late). Again, the (89) is the newer improved version with many weapons station and engine edits as well as newer skins over the (Late)

Diagnosis is gonna be damn hard with such a large population, you may want to break it down into some form of installs (by era, region, warfare type, whatever floats your boat) and then see what still gives issues.

its easier for a doc to diagnose "the finger on my right hand hurts" than "it hurts in a dozen different places on my body". at the momemt you seem to be the latter.

but just my suggestion


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the first thing they taught us in automotive diagnostics: 

"Common to one or common to all"

I would also like to look into the main ini of the STOCK non-flyables (ie: the MiGs and Sus, just pick a 21 and/or 23)

I would definately thin that mess out, though

It also shows you're one of the few left here at CA that can access and download "products" from the DAT :biggrin:

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He should make a FTP and let us download everything rofl

Just kidding!

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Looks like stock and third party examples of the same aircraft have been merged. Extract a stock aircraft.ini for one of the above and compare...

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if using Paladrian's MiG pits, they're in spanish (Cabina, avionica, etc) unless they've been renamed, of course.

what I'd do at this point, is rename the /Aircraft folder. Just call it xAircraft. Run the game and let it rebuild a STOCK install. Then start re-adding mods from the archive.

I can't think of anything else, unless there actually IS a limit on the number of aircraft. I'd say only one person can answer that, and he's pretty much blown off to never-never land. But you can try shooting TK and email, although I doubt there'll be an answer

Edited by Wrench
"added email" -- didn't really want to shoot TK

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Going with this idea,thanks Wrench.Gonna take some time to add them all back in though !

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Don't I know it ... having had several HD crashes. F'ing nighmare to rebuild "quite a few" mods folders

good luck, and let us know how it goes!

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Weirdly , I got all the aircraft back using the "Wrench method"....but after two days had the same issue. Tried removing aircraft that were shown in the visible list and replacing with others but to no avail. Back to the Wrench method and adding one plane at a time to see if I can identify the culprit !!!(and yes, I am carrying out some long overdue "weeding" in the process).


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59 minutes ago, crisisloaner said:

Weirdly , I got all the aircraft back using the "Wrench method"....but after two days had the same issue. Tried removing aircraft that were shown in the visible list and replacing with others but to no avail. Back to the Wrench method and adding one plane at a time to see if I can identify the culprit !!!(and yes, I am carrying out some long overdue "weeding" in the process).


You should share that folder so everyone can search for the culprit, rofl

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also had this issue before,,, when using all in one ...for some reason it looks for the aircraft in the wrong folder


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