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Rebuilding my SF2 install to the way I had it is proving to be a very long but (ultimately, I hope) worthwhile affair. At the moment I'm reinstalling the stock F-14A to my taste, I've been unable to find much, especially lo-viz grey skins. To cut a long story short,; does anyone know where I can find some? 

And YES, I here you screaming at the monitor; I do know of the many skins and mods for TMF Tomcats, but in reinstalling all my mods I'd rather if at all possible to keep the mods folders as small as possible in order to help the game run a little faster.

Cheers in advance!

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go look at eburger's Med Crisis mod. naval based and several differrent skins for the stock Cats.

if you can, check out the ODS mod. yes it costs money (a subscription although i think even 1 month gets it for you) and yes its TMF. but they are some pretty good skins, and decal based marking system (not mine this time) so you can change up to the squadron you want

EDIT: now available for free


 but for completely free option, go with Crisis in the Med or NF5


good to see you back in actively again btw :biggrin:


Edited by daddyairplanes
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Thanks for that daddyairplanes. I'm trying to keep my mod folders as lean as possible so this should be a great help :good:

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i hear you although i will probably fail the space saving race. got a new system last year, so doing a whole new install philosophy.

catch is im going from about 6 fat folders to skinnier, just what i need for that region/era folders. but about 17 of them.........


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1 hour ago, daddyairplanes said:

if you can, check out the ODS mod. yes it costs money (a subscription although i think even 1 month gets it for you)

Sorry Kevin, don't spread wrong news. The ODS 30AE mod is free for everyone since December 24th, it does not require a susbcription anymore.

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2 hours ago, Menrva said:

Sorry Kevin, don't spread wrong news. The ODS 30AE mod is free for everyone since December 24th, it does not require a susbcription anymore.

Thats good, i misunderstood things as to be that a version was free for a month around Christmas.

being a contributor (and not getting it through the public venues), i had not been paying as close of attention as i could have to the cost. comment above has been edited

back at piecemeal; so go and get it dude!

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daddyairplanes, your desktop is beautiful. I'm glad I saw this. I see you make some mods but not for SF cuz its in blender. What are you modify sly old fox? Vanilla il-2? Whats the last official  update? Or its BAT?

Edited by bazillius

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no im a one trick pony modder, SF2 only.

Blender is to try to learn to make some of my own models (at least simpler stuff, dont think i'll have the time for a decade to get as complex as an aircraft)

the others were Christmas presents. i get to them now and again but am barely to the point of takeing off and setting down in one piece :lol:


the entire screen and game collection. beach and forest games are simple shooters in Unreal from a QA class i took years ago. Civilization V is both the game equilvilent of Pringles and the devil. "one more turn" at 6 pm turns into "shit i gotta go to work in 3 hours" at 4am :yikes::haha::lol:


background is artwork from my oldest, a birthday present from a few years back

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4 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:


Oh, my Foxing Gosh........!!!  So intimate picture of you you just sent to me... I love looking at screenshots of other people's desktops so much that I've become addicted to it. This is computer porn for me. I see you're also launching Kerbals into space! So nice picture as a gift. i am impressed. Super! Beautiful art. My desctop and games




Edited by bazillius

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Oh so Sexy :) ! Oh so Sexy :) ! Lets post of Desctop pictures eacho others till admin is not see :biggrin:

Edited by bazillius

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10 hours ago, Piecemeal said:

I've downloaded these already, thinking that the markings would be dark grey/black, as per this photo: 



I think you're better off with a custom-built skin or better off doing your own skins or someone else doing them for you given Swordsman's work

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12 minutes ago, EricJ said:

I think you're better off with a custom-built skin or better off doing your own skins or someone else doing them for you given Swordsman's work

I was coming to the same conclusion. No worries. It's just that I haven't really been too active here recently and I thought I'd ask around.

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Okay. I found some PSDs (no tank but that's easily fixed) so I might do some skins, who knows...?

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Eric, my man, you are a fupping LIFESAVER!! That would be great!! Rebuilding my install  to a leaner version of the way I had it is already taking me ages, and I'm only halfway through the aircraft folder! I've yet to deal with the groundobjects, effects, and (shivers!) the terrains.

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I can't make any promises though, I've started to color them in Lo-Viz so it'll be a bit. Right now it's supporting the mod by Swordsman right  now (I just started last night). I got most of the drop tanks done, so we'll see. :ok:

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you two know we could use some more modders round here. provided their past work shows them to be tolerably qualified :lol:

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Here's the basic coloring as I stuck with Swordsman's decals  because well, I just started it. The droptanks are WIP (need to do riveting) but after looking at the TMF colors I went with that.



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Here's what I created so far, just to satisfy that there is something out there. I would recommend having Swordsman's decals available at the minimum, as this supports that mod. I could look into doing other skins though, but this should get somebody started. ONLY for the TW F-14A. I also don't remember who did the templates (I did the drop tank though, for some reason  the person didn't do that). In the dropdown menu for the skiin it's "USN Lo-Visibility"


Edited by EricJ
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1 hour ago, EricJ said:

Here's what I created so far, just to satisfy that there is something out there. I would recommend having Swordsman's decals available at the minimum, as this supports that mod. I could look into doing other skins though, but this should get somebody started. ONLY for the TW F-14A. I also don't remember who did the templates (I did the drop tank though, for some reason  the person didn't do that). In the dropdown menu for the skiin it's "USN Lo-Visibility"


Eric, my man; that is one fantastic skin! Thanks a million!! :clapping:This is (literally) a game changer!

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No problem man just thought that it would be a start. I don't have that many decals for VF-103 but I have a few for VF-84, so I'll probably look into doing one of the skins, as soon as I figure out the tails and how their mapped and such.

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4 minutes ago, EricJ said:

No problem man just thought that it would be a start. I don't have that many decals for VF-103 but I have a few for VF-84, so I'll probably look into doing one of the skins, as soon as I figure out the tails and how their mapped and such.

The more the merrier, my man. Thanks again :ty:

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didn't I do a template set for the 3W F-14A? I seem to recall going crosseyed with the rivets....

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      F-14 & F-18 AN/ALR-67 RWR Sound Mod by MGGUY (2021/08/21)

      > Info <
       This mod simply adds AN/ALR-67 RWR Sound (Also Known as DCS F-14 & F/A-18C RWR Sound) to Strike Fighters 2. 
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      > How to Install & Remove <
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         e.g ) C:\users\(username)\Saved Games\ThirdWire\(Mod Folder)
      1-2 Remove
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      > Credit <
      Original Sound file edit - MGGUY
      Huge Thanks to Menrva's Custom Aircraft Sounds Info Topic! <3

      > Sources <
      For Historical testament
      For Sound Verification
      For Screenshot Samples
      For Original Sound File
      You can Freely use this Mod File whatever you want! But please mention the original moder if you use it~ :)
      ~Have a Nice Day! ;3~
      Submitter MGGUY Submitted 08/21/2021 Category In Game Sounds  

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