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FIGHTERS (the vote will be open between 13 to 27 of February 12 PM CET)  

74 members have voted

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  1. 1. Community Most Wanted - Fighters

    • MIG-19 Farmer-C
    • Lockheed F-94 Starfire
    • Convair F2Y Sea Dart
    • SNCASE Baroudeur
    • KAI KF-21 Boramae
    • Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II
    • Dassault Mirage G8
    • Mirage 2000D
    • Grumman F9F Panther
    • Chengdu J-20
    • Su-75 Checkmate
  2. 2. Community Most Wanted - Traning/Prototypes/Experimental aircraft

    • SU-15
    • Hawker Hunter T7/T8
    • Eurofighter Typhoon
    • SEPECAT Jaguar
    • CASA C-101 Aviojet
    • KAI T-50 Golden Eagle
    • Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet-E
    • Helwan HA-300
    • North American X-15
    • Northrop YF-17
    • F-16 XL
  3. 3. Community Most Wanted - Bomber, RECON, Multirole, Ground attack

    • Mirage 2000N
    • AMX A-1M
    • Lockheed U-2S
    • Grumman S-2 Tracker
    • Grumman E-1 Tracker
    • Canadair CL-215
    • Textron AirLand Scorpion
    • North American AJ Savage
    • AIDC F-CK-1 Ching -Kuo

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  • Poll closed on 02/27/2023 at 10:00 AM

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Bump maps work. Juuuust a little longer....:)







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One detail to think about is to add a proper pilot, with proper helmet, flight suit. If possible of course, it usually cost little time to search, but the most complete the mod the better.


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That is your greatest concern about this project bro ? A "proper" ...pilot model and ..his helmet ? Really ?:D

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11 minutes ago, UllyB said:

That is your greatest concern about this project bro ? A "proper" ...pilot model and ..his helmet ? Really ?:D

It was just a comment, but anyway, everyone can choose his own pilot and add it in no time.

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Courtesy to GKABS I present you a pilot model. Do you like it ?





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We started new skins corrections to match the bumps. What remained are the pylons to be worked on.







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matching fuel tanks color...for every skin version


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Skin No 5...





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We are one missile away of releasing the FCK-1, sort of speak.LOL Even if there is in town a version of it, we would like to give it a personal touch of our own to this missile 3D model (Wan Chien). Long story short, in max a week we will release the Most Wanted. Stay tuned.

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I think we're ready. Here's the latest, our big guns are here, just chek them out. We also changed the HUD tint, to match the real ones and we will have one more skin for our aircraft. Stay tuned, we will launch the plane soon.








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Well, after 8 months of fire, despair and hope, the Most Wanted has arrived to you friends. I hope you will enjoy it as much as we liked to build it for YOU all.

Our journey is not ending here with this plane though. Now after we finished it and delivered it, we can let you know a little about our near future roadmap. First surprise, if you remember my promise earlier this year in this thread, is that we are already working to a new plane, which will be soon ready. It's the AIDC T-5 Brave Eagle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIDC_T-5_Brave_Eagle). Furthermore, we started to work for a dedicated FCK-1 cockpit which will be next after the AT-5 !  This was the second surprise I promised you long ago. Then we will start working for the resurrected SU-34 and after that we have two more planes we will build, but these, for now will remain a surprise. Stay tuned for the Most Wanted - Chapter II. Thank you for your patience.

Special thanks to GKABS and his team who lent a helping hand when was most needed.

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I ask for any  moderator available to  approve the upload.Thank you.

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4 hours ago, UllyB said:

the Most Wanted has arrived to you friends

bout damn time :lol:

congrats on the release of your project :drinks:

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To celebrate our launch of the FCK-1 , we uploaded, for you all, a new skin. You can find the skin here , as soon, as it will be approved by a CombatAce moderator:




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Very complicated shape to make, thanks a lot once again.🥇🏆👏

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A little UPDATE.


I included a pilot seat MK-10 courtesy to AleDucat and corrected some entries (added missing copilot lines for B and D versions), in data.ini file, for each version for the new modified pilot. I already uploaded it and it will be available for download shortly.







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If a moderator is present, please, approve, the update for the FCK-1. Thank you!

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I have a problem with the HUD. It seems to be that some of the symbols are missing.


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You may need to use that trick in the Knowledge Base about the HudMaterial and stuff, the article about converting cockpits from SF1 to SF2. Possible fix maybe.

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4 hours ago, Gepard said:

I have a problem with the HUD. It seems to be that some of the symbols are missing.


Michael, if you remember, when we did that public test with our "B" version and you discovered that graphic glitch, you also asked me, in a post, where is the F-18 cockpit (the cockpit.ini file had an entry for a F-18 cockpit LOD). I am telling you now, the same I was telling you then: the F-18 cockpit is/was just for TEST bro ! We used it because we didn't have a dedicated one build (yet), that's the only reason. So, please, just download and use whatever cockpit suits you the best. When we will release a dedicated one (we stated that we will have one in the near future, in our road map, if you saw the post) I promise you that I will let you know personally when it will be ready. :)


PS - If you really want that bad that F-18 cockpit, I used one from SF1 series, I think it is still in the download section, just look it up. Apart from that I can't help you with the mattered you flagged (HUD material and stuff). As Eric implied you have to do some digging on your own to bring it up to SF2 standards.

Edited by UllyB

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