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4 AMRAAMs per pylon (incorrectly) in loadout screen

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I’m flying an F-16I Sufa mod for Strike Fighters 2 Israel. I’ve modified the loadout ini file in an attempt to change the missile types and positions on the pylons. I’m having a consistent issue with the outer pylons (not the wingtip mounts, but the furthest pylons from the fuselage under the wings). I want these to carry one AMRAAM each, and as far as I can tell I have modified the loadout ini, the related missile object inis, and aircraft ini to be able to accommodate this. However, when I go to a single mission in-game and access the loadout screen, those outer pylons are always empty (no missiles). When I go to add missiles manually to these pylons, all AMRAAM types only are available in “4s” and not “2s.” So in other words it’s trying to mount 2 AMRAAMs on each pylon, which shouldn’t be possible (realistically), as these are set up for single missiles only. The F-16I ini file does have a relatively complex series of pylon rules, but I believe I have it set up to be able to mount AMRAAMs on these pylons, and I can’t find any setting in any file that would allow me to indicate there should only be the option to mount one missile per pylon in the loadout screen in game. I suspect a setting related to this “4 missiles” issue is preventing my loadout ini file from operating correctly and defaulting my vipers to have AMRAAMs on those pylons. 

Any thoughts on a setting I am missing here?

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can you post your loadout ini so we can see whats up there (will answer why it loads nothing intially)? also did you mess with the data ini at all?

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and the data ini, as the attachment weights, locations, and allowability needs to be seen as well

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Here they are. I have made modifications in both of these files. The issues I'm seeing are with the air-to-air configurations, but that's probably because I don't have AMRAAMs on most of the other loadouts (or I don't play the other types of missions much). I forgot to add, my air-to-air loadouts don't load the 370 gallon wing fuel tanks either.



Edit: Nevermind on the fuel tanks...they are working fine. I'm just dumb (which is probably why I'm making a mistake somewhere with the AMRAAMs on the outer pylons). So basically it's just my long range air-to-air loadout that isn't working correctly, as it won't load the AMRAAMs on those outer pylons (and always shows an option of 4 missiles instead of 2 when in the in-game loadout screen).

Edited by JPMoney

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In the AC_data.ini remove the "AHM" entries from stationID 18 and 19, thats what causes 4 amraams to show up.

In the loadout.ini change 

Loadout[18].WeaponType=AIM-120C-5  ----> Loadout[20]
Loadout[18].Quantity=1                              ----> Loadout[20]
Loadout[19].WeaponType=AIM-120C-5  ----> Loadout[21]
Loadout[19].Quantity=1                              ----> Loadout[20]

As those are your  AHM only stations.
Alternatively remove stations 20/21 and have the ahm on station18/19 with the IRM-s

Side note: loadlimit 3500kg is a bit unrealistic for a 500kg type pylon with IRM/AHM loads...

Side note2: stationID8/9 seem to be none existent in yout data.ini, also keep in mind that the stationID-s should be seqential, not 1,28,2,3,5,6,7,10,11,etc


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What i found in the loadout.ini file:

Loadout[10] and Loadout[11] are not made for Air to Air Weapons must be: Loadout[15] and Loadout[16]


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1 hour ago, logan4 said:

stationID-s should be seqential, not 1,28,2,3,5,6,7,10,11,etc

Actually not, not needed, just for info. What is needed is to avoid two sections "SystemType=WEAPON_STATION" with the same "StationID" number. 

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13 hours ago, logan4 said:

In the AC_data.ini remove the "AHM" entries from stationID 18 and 19, thats what causes 4 amraams to show up.

In the loadout.ini change 

Loadout[18].WeaponType=AIM-120C-5  ----> Loadout[20]
Loadout[18].Quantity=1                              ----> Loadout[20]
Loadout[19].WeaponType=AIM-120C-5  ----> Loadout[21]
Loadout[19].Quantity=1                              ----> Loadout[20]

As those are your  AHM only stations.
Alternatively remove stations 20/21 and have the ahm on station18/19 with the IRM-s

Side note: loadlimit 3500kg is a bit unrealistic for a 500kg type pylon with IRM/AHM loads...

Side note2: stationID8/9 seem to be none existent in yout data.ini, also keep in mind that the stationID-s should be seqential, not 1,28,2,3,5,6,7,10,11,etc


That worked @logan4! Removed the AHMs from 18 and 19 and that did the trick. 


Side note: Fixed the loadlimits on those

Side note 2: I had deleted 8 and 9 during some experimentation. Thanks for the reminder, I added them back. And I agree, I'm for orderly/syntax in mods. I didn't create this one, it's just being modified by me. :)


Thanks all for helping me take a look at this. 

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