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Scooters pack - VA-12 skin incomplete?

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Question mark on the title because I am flying a VA-12 Skyhawk at the moment and noticed the Ubangis logo on the fuselage is missing. I just wondered if this is on purpose or for some other reason. Everything else is perfect!


I would have tagged the creator but I can't remember who it was (and couldn't find their name in the readme). EDIT: I see now it's @Nyghtfall


A-4C “Skyhawk“ VA-12 "Flying Ubangis" JP-346

Edited by Mr_Tayto

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41 minutes ago, Nightshade/PR said:

I would suggest reloading the Scooter Decals. It looks fine from my install.



Goddamn! That's perfect. This is what mine looks like below. What have I done wrong? (And how should I fix it?)




Edited by Mr_Tayto

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Usually reinstalling the decal package(s) will fix this one. Somehow, some of them aren't there: it happens with this game sometimes. :smile:

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3 minutes ago, Nightshade/PR said:

Usually reinstalling the decal package(s) will fix this one. Somehow, some of them aren't there: it happens with this game sometimes. :smile:

Thanks, I'll have a look.


Hmmm. Given the sheer size of the mod, I'm wondering if I downloaded and unpacked, but never actually installed it. Looking through the mod folder that was installed already, there's nothing like the number of folders in there as the mod folder. I'll give it a go.

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Having reinstalled and had another go, it's no different. But I did wonder if the fact I'm playing it on Burning Sands (1959) might be the issue. It's entirely possible that the mod only works for actual Vietnam scooters (given that's its name) :dntknw:


Anyway, when I've done this campaign I'll go to Vietnam


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That would be my guess at this point. That specific scheme may not have been used on A-4's at that time. Have you looked at it in another mission from later years to see if it shows up?

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10 minutes ago, Nightshade/PR said:

That would be my guess at this point. That specific scheme may not have been used on A-4's at that time. Have you looked at it in another mission from later years to see if it shows up?

Not yet, will give it ago later when I can play again.

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is the skin "year dated"

meaning, in the texture set ini

StartDefaultDate = ****

also, is the badge a DecalLevel=1 or  =0???

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Nightshade/PR and Wrench might be right as USN jets had varying looks depending on deployment or year. I know more or less looking at Super Hornets of today where the same squadron has different markings, to include insignia, but overall follows a pattern anyway.

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what terrain it is shouldnt matter to the decals showing up

look at the decal ini for the affected skin folder.

- look at entries for Fuselage. should have something like "squadron logo" "ubangi" "unit" or whatever. probably should be entries for both sides

- next look in the decal folder it points to for the decal you need. ie if its "unit123" or "ubangi"

if either of these two are missing, no decal will show.

- next look at the decal size. if its really small (double digit kb sized) then it might have been exported wrong. in GIMP you must make sure the RLE compression box is unchecked. otherwise it wont show in game. not checking it tends to create a tga file that small, most will be 256 kb or bigger

- if all these are good, try changing the decal level to 2 in the ini. yes it makes it a serial but it will show on all of them so long as you dont have another numbered version (do this only if the decal nume doesnt have a number following). it works, i know cause im lazy and leave em all as 2 generall even when its more properly a 0 or 1 :lol:

hopefully this helps

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25 minutes ago, daddyairplanes said:

what terrain it is shouldnt matter to the decals showing up

look at the decal ini for the affected skin folder.

- look at entries for Fuselage. should have something like "squadron logo" "ubangi" "unit" or whatever. probably should be entries for both sides

- next look in the decal folder it points to for the decal you need. ie if its "unit123" or "ubangi"

if either of these two are missing, no decal will show.

- next look at the decal size. if its really small (double digit kb sized) then it might have been exported wrong. in GIMP you must make sure the RLE compression box is unchecked. otherwise it wont show in game. not checking it tends to create a tga file that small, most will be 256 kb or bigger

- if all these are good, try changing the decal level to 2 in the ini. yes it makes it a serial but it will show on all of them so long as you dont have another numbered version (do this only if the decal nume doesnt have a number following). it works, i know cause im lazy and leave em all as 2 generall even when its more properly a 0 or 1 :lol:

hopefully this helps

I can't find any of these files; I'm guessing they're something I need to unpack via that Mues program - honestly I've never worked out how to use it and it terrifies me to try to "pick it up as I go along", in case I break something I can't fix! :rofl:

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um,  try looking here for the skin folder


look for the decal.ini and open it with Notepad or someother simple text editor


as for the decals them selves, look here


all of this is in your saved games ThirdWire folder, no need to unpack anything once the mod is installed or use any viewers.

not to be mean, but this is pretty basic modding stuff

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I know, which is why i'm so confused I can't find it! No decals.ini 


I have done this before ;)



Edited by Mr_Tayto

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unpack the mod in some separate area (not your mod folder), then go hunting in there for what youre missing

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8 minutes ago, daddyairplanes said:

unpack the mod in some separate area (not your mod folder), then go hunting in there for what youre missing

Yeah I have that in a seperate folder from earlier. That's been the issue. I forgot that they sailed with the A-4E in '66 (but weirdly with the A-4C_65 in '70?)


Problem solved. I have the wrong aircraft selected for the squadron and time period, so it seems there's a "standard" early A-4 with the right colours but none of the decals. Sorry for any timed wasted all!



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no worries

nothing like a little detective work to distract from chores im supposed to be doing :lol:

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yup, I was supposed to vaccuum today...

it also appears the Ubangi's head is PAINTED on the skin, hence no decal

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      View File SF2 Vietnam Scooters
      SF Vietnam Scooters - v0.95
      *** SF2, SF2V required. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
      This pack includes 111 Skins for Thirdwires A-4 Skyhawk-models during Vietnam war from 1964 to 1972. It combines the former v0.01 and v0.02 releases into 1 pack.
      The data.inis for the planes itself are changed from the stockfiles (rearranged weaponsstations, added invisible skids for belly-landings, added new droptanks and missilerails, etc.).
      Sometimes a skin is provided for 2 different Skyhawk-models. This is done to represent different changes througout an ongoing deployment:
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      - retrofit of ECM-equipment (Project Shoehorn) (A-4C to A-4C_65, A-4E to A-4E_65, A-4E_65 to A-4E_67)
      - change in Camouflage (VA-155)
      Skins included (Timeframe 1964 to 1972):
      (compl.) means, that skins, for all deployments to Vietnam are finished for a squadron.
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      I hope you can still enjoy this pack. Have fun!
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      !!! IMPORTANT !!!
      !!! I recommend using this pack for a standalone-Vietnam-War MOD-folder, as planes.inis are changed accordingly
      !!! That means, that no exportusers are in userlist.ini
      Backup your A-4B. A-4B_65, A-4C, A-4C_65, A-4E, A-4E_65, A-4E_67 and A-4F planefolders, as .inis will be overwritten
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      2. open "Put_Contents_In_Your_MOD_Folder" from the temporary folder and copy the contents you want to your Vietnam-MOD-folder
      3. if asked to overwrite, say 'yes'
      4. Thats it!
      - Thirdwire and TK the game and models
      - FastCargo for the fakepilot
      - Alejandro for Escapac-Seat
      - OldDiego for pilotmodels
      - ravenclaw_007 for AGM-12C+E Bullpup
      - ???? for Walleye_I model
      - ???? for sounds
      - me - template, skins, decals, ini- and 3D-work of tanks, rails and addons, walleye-repaint
      This MOD or parts of it may not be included in any PAYWARE-packs, PAYWARE-mods or "PAY"-related. It is free!
      If you use the MOD or parts of it, you should give proper credits.
      Submitter Nyghtfall Submitted 10/13/2022 Category A-4  
    • By Nyghtfall
      SF Vietnam Scooters - v0.95
      *** SF2, SF2V required. Tested in full 5-merged installation ***
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      Sometimes a skin is provided for 2 different Skyhawk-models. This is done to represent different changes througout an ongoing deployment:
      - transition from one Skyhawk-variant to another (for example A-4E to A-4F)
      - retrofit of ECM-equipment (Project Shoehorn) (A-4C to A-4C_65, A-4E to A-4E_65, A-4E_65 to A-4E_67)
      - change in Camouflage (VA-155)
      Skins included (Timeframe 1964 to 1972):
      (compl.) means, that skins, for all deployments to Vietnam are finished for a squadron.
      Navy Squadrons:
      VA-12 Flying Ubangis (compl.)
      VA-15 Valions (1 of 2)
      VA-22 Fighting Redcocks (compl.)
      VA-23 Black Knights (compl.)
      VA-34 Blue Blasters (compl.)
      VA-36 Roadrunners (compl.)
      VA-46 Clansmen (compl.)
      VA-55 Warhorses (4 of 7)
      VA-56 Champions (compl.)
      VA-72 Blue Hawks (compl.)
      VA-76 Spirits (1 of 2)
      VA-93 Blue Blazers (1 of 4)
      VA-94 Mighty Shrikes (3 of 6)
      VA-95 Green Lizards (compl.)
      VA-106 Gladiators (compl.)
      VA-112 Broncos (compl.)
      VA-113 Stingers (1 of 3)
      VA-144 Roadrunners (5 of 6)
      VA-146 Blue Diamonds (1 of 3)
      VA-152 Fighting Aces (compl.)
      VA-153 Blue Tail Flies (compl.)
      VA-155 Silver Foxes (compl.)
      VA-163 Saints (compl.)
      VA-164 Ghost Riders (compl.)
      VA-172 Blue Bolts (compl.)
      VA-192 Golden Dragons (compl.)
      VA-195 Dambusters (4 of 5)
      VA-212 Rampant Raiders (compl.)
      VA-216 Black Diamonds (1 of 3)
      Marines Squadrons:
      VMA-121 Green Knights (compl.)
      VMA-211 Wake Island Avengers (1 of 4)
      VMA-214 Black Sheep (compl.)
      VMA-223 Bulldogs (compl.)
      VMA-225 Vagabonds (compl.)
      VMA-311 Tomcats (1 of 6)
      H&MS-15 Angels (compl.)

      Unfortunately I failed at finishing this MOD! For different reasons, I decided to not invest any more time into this.
      I hope you can still enjoy this pack. Have fun!
      Unpacking and installation:
      !!! IMPORTANT !!!
      !!! I recommend using this pack for a standalone-Vietnam-War MOD-folder, as planes.inis are changed accordingly
      !!! That means, that no exportusers are in userlist.ini
      Backup your A-4B. A-4B_65, A-4C, A-4C_65, A-4E, A-4E_65, A-4E_67 and A-4F planefolders, as .inis will be overwritten
      1. Create a temporary folder, copy all 3 zip-files into that folder and unpack them into this folder (overwrite is ok)
      Info: If you do NOT want to include the changed data.inis to your installation, just go to all planes-folders in the temporary folder (Objects/Aircraft/A-4B, etc.) and delete all ini.files in each planes-folder.
      2. open "Put_Contents_In_Your_MOD_Folder" from the temporary folder and copy the contents you want to your Vietnam-MOD-folder
      3. if asked to overwrite, say 'yes'
      4. Thats it!
      - Thirdwire and TK the game and models
      - FastCargo for the fakepilot
      - Alejandro for Escapac-Seat
      - OldDiego for pilotmodels
      - ravenclaw_007 for AGM-12C+E Bullpup
      - ???? for Walleye_I model
      - ???? for sounds
      - me - template, skins, decals, ini- and 3D-work of tanks, rails and addons, walleye-repaint
      This MOD or parts of it may not be included in any PAYWARE-packs, PAYWARE-mods or "PAY"-related. It is free!
      If you use the MOD or parts of it, you should give proper credits.
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      View File Aggressor Camo Skin for A-4F '74 (fictional)
      Aggressor Camo Skin for A-4F '74 (fictional)
      version 1.0
      by Gerwin 17-7-2018
      Made for The Strike Fighters 2 A-4F '74 model. For use by the player or
      by a new nation which can be called "Aggressor" in the Nations.ini.
      This skin is part of a Skin set, all in the same style, by the same author.
      It can also be applied to the A-4G DLC, which can serve as a sleeker
      fighter version with 4 Sidewinder missile rails.

      Copy the included folder with contents to the folder that contains
      the A-4F '74  files, for example:
      My Documents\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Objects\Aircraft\A-4F_74

      Sample entries for a new nation called "Aggressor":
      Add to Flight\Nations.ini, at an appropriate number XXX:
      DisplayName=Aggressor Red Air Force
      Add to A-4F_74__UserList.ini:

      THANKS TO:
      Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games.
      Camo pattern initially based on A-4F 'Super Fox/ Mongoose' by dtmdragon, for A-4G DLC
      Submitter gerwin Submitted 04/22/2019 Category A-4  
    • By gerwin
      Aggressor Camo Skin for A-4F '74 (fictional)
      version 1.0
      by Gerwin 17-7-2018
      Made for The Strike Fighters 2 A-4F '74 model. For use by the player or
      by a new nation which can be called "Aggressor" in the Nations.ini.
      This skin is part of a Skin set, all in the same style, by the same author.
      It can also be applied to the A-4G DLC, which can serve as a sleeker
      fighter version with 4 Sidewinder missile rails.

      Copy the included folder with contents to the folder that contains
      the A-4F '74  files, for example:
      My Documents\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Objects\Aircraft\A-4F_74

      Sample entries for a new nation called "Aggressor":
      Add to Flight\Nations.ini, at an appropriate number XXX:
      DisplayName=Aggressor Red Air Force
      Add to A-4F_74__UserList.ini:

      THANKS TO:
      Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games.
      Camo pattern initially based on A-4F 'Super Fox/ Mongoose' by dtmdragon, for A-4G DLC

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