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Everything posted by WitchyWoman

  1. Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas, I hope we get the DLC soon. I'm ready to buy now. Flying circus 1-3 has been such a huge failure when compared to WOFF and its AI is a joke.
  2. Christmas is coming ......

    I hope its comes soon.
  3. Who Likes Belgian Waffles?

    I used to drink that when I could find it on the west coast but its hard to find. Best brew I ever had, strong and smooth. But then I decided a few years ago that I wanted to stay in a size 5 and so I cut beer out. I do still like blended margaritas, though. LOL
  4. Truly sad and a great loss to the community, Bless him....Rip
  5. VonS you outdid yourself here. It gave new life to this sim and corrected the problems plagued with the AI for years, in my opinion. Thanks!
  6. Is this all zipped up with all the files (aircraft, etc, etc) included somewhere?
  7. Combat Pilot: new WWII Pacific Combat sim

    All I can say is it better have a career/dynamic campaign. I took the survey. At any rate if something does fall through, I am very content with 1946 BAT mod as this theater is well covered in it but I hope this sim does deliver.
  8. Microprose buys the Falcon series

    This is rea;y good news, Can you imagine a new sim out of this engine dedicated to the tornado or F35? The dynamic campaign alone in falcon4/falcon BMS has really never been outdone, makes DCS look like a joke.
  9. Mythical beasts Over the Suez

    From the album WitchyWoman

    A cold morning, inbound for CAS.
  10. Valkyrie VF3

    Now we just need a red skin for Miriya Sterlings jet! She was my fave of course.
  11. MODS release

    The mod sites been down a few days.
  12. Future plans ?

    The game is in bad need of more flyables. At least finishing out the important planes like the stuka,hampden and 110, and maybe even the fairey battle,defiant, 406 or 520, as well as other me109 and hurri and spitfire mk's. I know it takes work and time but it is one reason I have not gotten off the fence.
  13. Wide awake

    I have been saying for years the cold war never ended and that the red scourge was still out there. We are witnessing "Red Dawn 1985" real life. Its ironic that those who taught the germans a lesson in 42 are now learning that lesson themselves and that's as far as I will go without getting political. Has the clock ever been this close to midnight (Iron maiden song rings in my head) Seems it hasn't been updated since this all started but it was already short before all this. (shakes head) It is insane, criminal, and very sad. Bless those behind the lines and those poor people and furry family members in the crossfire.
  14. Ghost of Kyiv

    Soviet doctrines always been that single units cant act alone, often platoons of tanks have to fire on same targets, same with aircraft. Would explain why Ukraine has an advantage, its always been a downfall of Russian tactics.
  15. Ghost of Kyiv

    A mig-29 can easily trash an su-35. Technology doesn't mean squat, its always been the skill of the human in the seat first.
  16. SF2_IDF_V2K_B-17s

  17. I'm in love with Beaufigthers, Thanks for your work, fun to fly.
  18. Ok so I been messing around with Suez Crisis 1956, I started by replacing aircraft with newer models of the vampire, meteor, and even added the missing torpedo loadout to the Wyvern and I was successful in that. So just to mess round I added the Sea Vixen to the campaign to see if it would work, I know it wasn't around at the time but Im just learning how to mod things. The jet does show up on HMS OCEAN which is where I put it and it works in campaign, but it has no loadouts at all in arming. I did add the weapons loads to the SuezN_data.ini here, [AirUnit054] AircraftType=SeaVixen Squadron=892Sq ForceID=1 Nation=RoyalNavy DefaultTexture=Suez StartNumber=0 CarrierBased=TRUE NavalUnitID=2 ShipID=1 BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=12 StartAircraft=12 MaxPilots=12 StartPilots=12 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 Intelligence=20 MissionChance[SWEEP]=40 MissionChance[CAP]=50 MissionChance[INTERCEPT]=60 MissionChance[ESCORT]=40 MissionChance=65 MissionChance[CAS]=30 MissionChance[SEAD]=50 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=40 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=20 MissionChance[RECON]=10 MissionChance[NAVAL_SEARCH]=0 MissionChance[NAVAL_ATTACK]=20 MissionChance[ESCORT_JAMMER]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT_DECOY]=0 MissionChance[CRUISE_MISSILE]=0 MissionChance[EARLY_WARNING]=0 UpgradeType=NEVER Supply[001].WeaponType=UK250LB Supply[001].Quantity=440 Supply[002].WeaponType=UK500LB Supply[002].Quantity=320 Supply[003].WeaponType=UK1000LB Supply[003].Quantity=240 Supply[004].WeaponType=Matra_Typ155 Supply[004].Quantity=640 Supply[005].WeaponType=VixenTank Supply[005].Quantity=320 Supply[006].WeaponType=RedTopIR Supply[006].Quantity=320 Supply[007].WeaponType=FirestreakIR Supply[007].Quantity=320 and Suez.ini here [RoyalNavyUnit015] UnitName=892Sq ForceID=1 UnitID=53 StartDate=10/29/1956 AircraftType=SeaVixen AlternateType=SeaVenom21 DescFile=CampaignI5Start.txt StartText=CampaignI5Start.txt StartScreen=CampaignStart7.jpg CampaignBaseScreen=CampaignStart7.jpg Thanks for any help in advance....Witchy
  19. Please do send me them! ty in advance All I did was a fast IDF decal change to the USAF paint to get it flying in suez, yours are perfect.
  20. 2021.10.29 03-36-24.jpg

    From the album WitchyWoman il-2 BAT

  21. 2021.10.29 03-36-06.jpg

    From the album WitchyWoman il-2 BAT

    Evening mission to hit shipping in the med

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