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About CaptSopwith

  1. WOFF UE updates

    Hi Baxter, Hope you're doing well! I don't know of any direct locations for the patch - I'm sure Pol could point you in the right direction. One solution I've used for some older games is to fire up the Wayback machine on Internet Archive and see if some downloads work there. PS: Did some digging and found this link: https://web.archive.org/web/20191223171737/https://overflandersfields.com/ Wondering if this is something @sandbagger might be interested in hosting on his site, if he has the space for it?
  2. Good news in the western front.

    Good spotting, Gelete! I hadn't seen this! Really excited to jump into some of these more rare machines. Thanks for giving us the heads up! Cheers!
  3. Another round of sights from the Front - this time from January of 1918. You could feel the cold mist during the flight with the Sopwith Dolphins. Managed to bag a balloon on that mission - which you can see tempting me on the horizon as we were on patrol. Such a gorgeous game. Often when we are ingress, I'll use the J camera and just admire what's going on in the world around me. Hope you enjoy!
  4. Also picked up my copy of OTT and man, what a gorgeous looking sim! Everything about OFF now feels fully polished. The interface looks crisp and sharp. Text is nicely legible. The descriptions on all of the aircraft have been revised and are a pleasure to read. The level of detail on everything just feels fully realized now. It's almost a shame to use the goggle filter as it removes some of the opportunity to admire just how gorgeous it is. Amazing work, Pol and Winder. My appreciation as always. Cheers!
  5. WOFF Interview!

    This is such a treat to listen to! Thanks so much for putting this together Rick - been wanting to hear from OBD for a long time! Enjoyed the interview with a fine cup of coffee. Cheers to you all!
  6. Good evening Gents, Hope you are all enjoying some quality time with OTT! Wanted to toss in something slightly different. I went back and revisited Red Baron 3D this evening - I have several variations installed. Had to share some visuals to see how far we've come. Below is a selection of screenshots from the ancient Beery 2.0 Superpatch, Full Canvas Jacket, and of course, OVS' own Hell's Angels Superpatch. It's still a marvelous game - the old gal is a lovely thing to revisit, some 26 years later! Cheers all! Hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane!
  7. Excellent sampler, Rick! Thank you for sharing! Cheers!
  8. Completely Random Thought...

    I love this idea, Rick! I remember loving Crimson Skies but I also don't remember being able to enjoy it for very long before we moved to Windows XP and the game just stopped functioning. Into the bin it went at some point... The closest we have to the real thing is a project over on the SAS boards, who work on all things IL-2 1946. Check it out! https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=62309.0 Cheers! PS: Loving the flight videos you upload! Great stuff!
  9. Thanks for the recommendation, gents! I appreciate the advice. Looks like the full merged version is the way to go. Looking forward to it! Cheers!
  10. Hi Everyone, Just wandering over from the WOFF boards. I'm getting into more modern jet sims - I've had Falcon since 98 and I've dabbled with DCS (but don't have the time or HD space to full commit right now). I played SF2 Israel back in 2009 and have long since lost my backup. I was wondering how, in 2024, I could get back into the series. What would you recommend - is ThirdWire still technically functioning? Are there any inclusive mods to download to bring the series up to date, so to speak. Would greatly appreciate any guidance you can provide. PS: The idea was sparked when visiting the Museum of Flight in Seattle and, when jumping into their full 360 motion sim rig, noticed they were running Strike Fighters. :)
  11. Some recent scenes from the Alsace sector... March, 1917.
  12. What happens when you select "ten wingmen" under the options drop down menu instead of "random..."
  13. Fantastic post, Raine! I cannot imagine the level of terror that would run through me if I caught sight of Gothas, knowing that I would have to try something, anything, to deal with them from my tiny, fragile, scout.
  14. This has been collecting dust for waaaaay too long. Here are some gorgeous photos I took this morning while on my first mission with 1 RNAS. Enjoy!
  15. Wish List for WOFF BH&H II

    Not sure I've ever posted in the Wish List thread before but two items came to mind... they are a bit gamey but might be enjoyable / useful. These would also apply to WOTR as well. 1) It would be amazing to be able to save a mission mid-flight. Now that I'm older and RL is increasingly chaotic, I've had to abandon more missions than I can count due to needing to take care of something. A mid-sortie save would be incredibly helpful, or barring that, a way to abort a mission. 2) It would be great if we could listen to Matt's beautiful soundtrack mid-flight. I know it's not super realistic and I do enjoy making my flights as challenging as possible, but the atmosphere he adds is too good to pass up. Cheers guys!

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