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About jodandawg

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  1. This must be done!! Can Vader's ship be added?
  2. RIP Snook

    It will get better with time.
  3. RIP Snook

    I just had to send my oldest cat 19 years old across the Rainbow Bridge.
  4. Your First Sim

    My first was MIG 29
  5. Awesome model. Thanks for the hard work!!!
  6. Two Decades

    Time flies when you're having fun!!!!
  7. USAF Thunderbirds helmet replica

    This might not be the right area for my question however, I'll try. I have a USAF Thunderbirds replica helmet that I am assembling however, I don't have enough time in my day.. Is there anybody out there that can assemble this helmet for me because I already have other projects to do.
  8. Planes on a Stick July 2021 edition

    Been there on an exercise. I remember the aircraft. ALSO, SJ on tail gives it away. Brings back memories.
  9. Planes on a Stick July 2021 edition

    Seymour Johnson
  10. WKCU now concludes our broadcast day

    Brings back old old memories. Thanks.
  11. Looks awesome!! Maybe German markings instead of US. These planes would be great in a What-If campaign mod.
  12. Awesome!!! How about a Red Baron FW 190?
  13. Are there any SF2 Flight Helmet skins that can be downloaded. I would like to change helmet colors, images. etc. Thanks

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