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Status Replies posted by pappychksix

  1. Hey Kevin...tried to upioad a pic and got a notice that only 1.08mb is allowed. Is that corrrect? I deleted 4 pic from previous post i made and every time I did the allowable size got smaller. Is there something I should know?

    Thanks in advance, Pete

  2. Hey Kevin...tried to upioad a pic and got a notice that only 1.08mb is allowed. Is that corrrect? I deleted 4 pic from previous post i made and every time I did the allowable size got smaller. Is there something I should know?

    Thanks in advance, Pete

  3. Hello Raven...how do you get such clarity in your textures? I think they are pretty awesome sir...Pete

    1. pappychksix


      Roger that...I always thought your weapons were beyond AWESOME!!!!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hello sir,

    If you're looking for reference material, try this website. Just type in the airplane you're looking for in the upper right hand corner where it says SEARCH DOCUMENTS.

    Regards, Pappy



    1. pappychksix


      There used to be 10 websites like this..now this is the last. Get what you can before it shuts down too. The 100's of airplane book available here. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Who's Mustang did you post to CA? I was just curious since it has two antenna masts. Thanks in advance, Pete

  6. Who's Mustang did you post to CA? I was just curious since it has two antenna masts. Thanks in advance, Pete

    1. pappychksix


      So this is kind of a hybrid? That sir is pretty awesome. I'd like to have that exact model if possible if you are so inclined. Please let me know. Thanks in advance, Pete

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Got your message about decals...I will remember in the future. If I send you skins WITHOUT serial numbers...can you submit them for these airplanes? Pete

  8. Got your message about decals...I will remember in the future. If I send you skins WITHOUT serial numbers...can you submit them for these airplanes? Pete

  9. This allows only small files...so will send over...one at a time.

    JetProvostT5A 2.7z

  10. Got your message about decals...I will remember in the future. If I send you skins WITHOUT serial numbers...can you submit them for these airplanes? Pete

  11. How hard sir would it be to get this skin sir? I'd really like to have it. Thanx in advance, Pappy


  12. This is beta...needs work. Let me know what you think, Pete

    BTW, please keep it under your hat...


  13. This is beta...needs work. Let me know what you think, Pete

    BTW, please keep it under your hat...


  14. This is beta...needs work. Let me know what you think, Pete

    BTW, please keep it under your hat...


    1. pappychksix


      Me too sir...a long time.  Take care. I'll get you the cannon armed jet as soon as it is in a better state.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. Here are the templates....you can re-do the skins and re-release.


    F-15A Templates.zip



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